We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

To me it’s like multiple things can be true at the same time. Ultimately it’s like as a game writer you rly just gotto be aware like ppl will have different responses to things. Funnily enough I think the Forsaken human farm one depicts this the best. You got the choice to save the humans and get them out of the soil or u got the choice to bash their head in.


No, ya daft Twitter addled dog mom.

That’s a visage used to sell cheesecake to teenage boys. Or 'better relate to mortals however you wanna play this.

I’m sorry what is your malfunction? Why are we pretending a kaiju’s sex pot humanoid form meant to sell subscriptions to specifically 14 year old me is some landmark feminist character?

I was there in Wrath when they invented the idea, and something about the criminal records of the all writing staff where it happened doesn’t exactly scream to me this was meant to be empowering.

For the love of God go volunteer or something. Internet whinging is the bastion of the politically minded apolitical.

Quote me where I claimed Alextrasza is an empowered female character. The argument is very simple:

Some women/victims of SA play World of Warcraft.

Forced breeding is generally considered a form of SA.

Alex, for whatever reason it may be from a meta POV, presents herself as a humanoid woman 90% of the time.

Thus, these people understandably do not want to engage in this quest, because it involves a humanoid being who talks and feels and communicates going “hey this actually sucks really bad.”

She presents herself as a humanoid woman in the quest itself.

Not alcoholism, thankfully.

End of the day, there’s no point arguing about what we know now is being changed. The quest is either being altered or removed. We’ll find out in the next PTR update.

So those who campaigned for this quest to change? Well done. And I’m not being sarcastic when I say that because I was in the ‘this quest must be changed or deleted’ camp.


I’m glad it’s being it’s looked at and hopefully it does indeed get changed. The Amber one needs to be tweeked also, but other than that, I find certain people dismissing other peoples feelings on the whole Alex situation to be quite distasteful. Those who are doing that are coming off as being severaly disconnected from reality and need a reality check in my opinon

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I’m a bit disappointed they seem to be scrapping it because that seems like they’re taking the wrong thing away from the criticism leveled at it. I’m sure some people did have a kneejerk “you can’t portray this topic” reaction but you can and should. The problem was never the topic it was the angle they were approaching it from with our character.

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I just find the quest distasteful simply because of what blizz themselves have been accused of regarding women on the workplace, plus I have friends who survived this sort of trauma.

In the end, like I said, it’s just distasteful, we know what happened to her, there’s zero reason to make us relive it for rewards

The only beneficial part the quest confers is that it canonically makes the Alliance party to the sin. If they’re not going to retcon the Horde’s sin, they absolutely need to make the Alliance as evil as the Horde is.

You can’t go “it’s too evil to do” and just keep one faction in the story having done it.

Jesus wept.

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I support the bronze dragons anyway. I understand the importance of making the timeline true.

The alternative is worse.

Blaming actual SA victims and people who find those quests to be in poor taste because they don’t think a certain quest should be in game and or requesting it be changed is what’s really distasteful.

It’s disgusting mentality to have. And blizz thankfully agrees with those who complained about said quests and are looking into them


I too remember when Josef Stalin said this.


The only thing I’m blaming them for is using their own trauma as justification for this outrage when in literally any other media they aren’t gonna do that. It not only feels disingenuous but the fact they actively dismiss any other war crime committed in the game and elevate their own pain over the pain of others as if it were some pecking order. It’s rather disgusting honestly.

There’s a distinct difference between killing gnoll number 4509 for loot and justifying something like Teldrassil or the bombing of theramore. Most normal people aren’t justifying those or okay with them.

It’s a video game, it’s to be expected that’s there’s going to be some level of violence and or dark themes in game. SA is something that is extremely personal and people do often call it out in other games too and I think people are just getting pissy because we’re no longer letting these companies get away with certain things.

Instead of throwing a fit though, let’s see what actual changes they make. But blizz is listening and that’s a great thing.


Pretty certain this quest is getting the fruit painting treatment and will not see live.

I remember when I was 5. I was sitting on my grandma’s lap, watching a live UN broadcast of Che Guevara, speaking to representatives all over the world, about the ethics in video game journalism and the dangers of the woke mind virus.

A true revolucionario. Made me the person I am today.

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And that’s perfectly fine. Most people aren’t going to shed a tear over it not making it to live

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Adding onto that, comparisons to other forms of media are pointless because part of the intent of games like MMOs is for you to self-insert into your character.