We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

Oh a dog woman? My dear my apologies we could be friends. Anyway I do wish to say sorry if you found my David Lynch reference a bit tone deaf.

In recompense here’s a bunny rabbit making a bed;

The playful act and the weak, dishonest apology after trying to use the “cat lady” sexist trope on me is really pathetic.

You are a douche, my guy. Reflect.

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And you dear stranger have spent entirely too much time on the internet.

I spent all the live-long day touching grass. Slowly introducing my new puppy to my aged dog. All the while working my way through a jug of Piasno table Italian wine which I don’t have to tell you is just about empty now.

I’m loved and have friends and family who adore me and wouldn’t for one milisecond feel a sense of loss should the internet be destroyed in the first cyber warfare salvo of WW3.

Can you say the same?

I certainly hope so. You seem otherwise nice if a bit needlessly stern.

I was R Word. Twice. Also abused as a child, just once. In fact 15% of everyone, on average, across the world, independent of gender or sexuality, are survivors.

15% of everyone you know has survived assault or abuse. If you do not know anyone in your real life that has been, you are either unfathomably lucky, or considered someone they are unable to confide in.

I play World of Warcraft from fun. I expect a certain degree of darkness from the narrative. I expect murder, I expected death, I expect war. From Warcraft.

I do not expect the game to force the 15% of it’s playerbase that are survivors to be told they have to be complicit in the forced sexual abuse of a prominent woman character while comparing the whole morbid ordeal to cheese jokes and having the character you’re helping be abused show up in the present timeline to simply accept your role in her abuse.

And mind you all of this after Golden, in her Infinite Wisdom, decided to write in War Crimes that Alexstrasza’s canonical opinion is that survivors should always forgive and love their abusers.


Somebody didn’t catch up on the lore.

Tsk tsk Baal. Mad because that lunatic Afrikanner is pillaging your favorite vanity site?

The difference between me and you is that, as I said long ago, the only way to go about enjoying this story is to mock it relentlessly.

But keep trying to campaign on Twitter to be hired as their resident theologian consultant and I do wish you luck with that task.

… But I do think your passion would be better spent literally anywhere else.

I would rather be shot than be hired by Blizzard

It costs me nothing to post tweets and demand better

Oh come now why are you acting like we haven’t met?

No idea how you stumbled upon this conversation old friend but I’d hope by now you’d know to give me the benefit of the doubt.

At any rate for your own wellness I do hope you delete your Twitter account. Bad form to promote the personal blog of an apartheid emerald mine baron.

Men on the internet want to sound like Sephiroth so bad.


Never owned a Playstation actually I’m going more for a Palpatine vibe.

1 out of 10 how’d I do?

I do admire how you’re attempting to shame a self admitted wine drunk lunatic with some sort of Twitter shortspeak I’m sure just kills with all your 7 followers or updooters or whatever it is you use there.

Either way baffled by the hostility. We’ve only just met and you’ve decided abruptly we’re enemies and I’ve to say this is shockingly one sided beef.

So how’d you get into WoW?

Can you fathom the notion that not everyone is as comfortable as you and Baal are, discussing such things?

I do not think people need to suffer through SA and post about it in order to have an opinion about being party to SA in a video game. Some things are plain, without personal experience.

I imagine it is a highly personal thing.

I have not been a victim of SA, but I have had a family situation where I fostered a relative who was a victim of SA (not victimized by someone from my side of the family - victimized by someone in the other half of her family). I became the kids legal guardian - I never thought I would be given that title over someone lol. But it is one of the few things I am proud of. Especially because they grew up successful once they had a stable environment. Maybe if they went off the rails, I wouldn’t be so proud.

I’m of the repeated opinion that I think comparing it to dragon broodmothering from a 1995 RTS is completely offensive.

I’ve yet to hear anyone explain to me why I’m wrong. Just people tell me incorrect details about my own life while quoting stastics to no one in particular.

She’s a sapient being who is written with a fully anthropomorphic spectrum of emotions and intelligent thought. She largely presents herself as a “human” woman, too.

It’s rape. Characters in-universe refer to it as rape. She responds to the assault, even in the quest itself, with a trauma response. How can you not see that people will obviously not be ok with it?


That is what it is, though. You are offended by something being what it is?

It sounds like you are the perpetually offended delicate snowflake you are railing against, if calling something what it is offends you.

Forced breeding, while captive, under duress, is exactly SA. What’s more, Blizzard themselves couch it in those terms.

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It’s a fictional character and at that A DRAGON.

What is wrong with you people? Honest to God it’s adorable you’re the one telling me to touch grass.

I feel like I’ve to go find Jack Thompson and personally apologize. Nevermind he had a solid point video games really did shatter the pysche of an entire generation.

Jesus Christ you really just marched into this conversation with 0 idea what was going on and decided sight unseen who I was and what my point was.

Tap dancing Christ. Seek professional care. And that’s not an insult it’s a recommendation. Should you live in Illinois please get in touch I know several people who can assist.

Edit: Sorry Curse meant to shoot that the other elf. I cannot express enough that I’ve drank an entite jug of Italian table wine over the course of a day.

Fiction isn’t some nebulous force that is disconnected of the human psyche. It’s a product of a person, or a group of persons’ views, ideals, experiences, etc.

There has been hundreds, and thousands, of books and thesis written of the effect of fiction on the human psyche, and vice-versa. The fact that you think this is new to this generation proves that you actually, are not just grass-starved, but book–starved.

Does she present herself as a humanoid woman, yes or no?


I’m chilling a bottle of soju right now. Can’t wait to watch some drag race and drink


I was mid typing a reply like what… but yeah. I have had those nights. Where I post stuff drunk and wake up with a 3 day ban like “what did I say… doh”

Now this man gets it. Want to help me irritate self important social media addicts? It’s actually quite fun.

Look at 'em. They think this is a serious discussion.