“We want Shield of the Righteous to make you feel strong…”
I will challenge that statement and say that Blizzard has missed that mark by a wide a margin. Something that by default only lasts 4 seconds does not make you “feel” strong. No way to extend it or keep it running other than lucky 15% Divine Purpose procs which I believe should be in the ballpark of 25-30%, why is this so low for something that by default lasts 4 sec. SotR made you feel strong in the Legion expansion because it reduced “all damage” you took, which we could argue was a bit much. It seems as if when this change was made the other tools that made Protection Paladin flow were left behind unaltered.
You wanted to constrain our resource generation but there was no reasoning behind this in regards to other tanks whom at the moment are flooded with resources to “play the tank game”.
Which is a design I agree with because it is fun to press buttons and not feel arbitrarily restrained.
You want us to stand in our Consecration but fight designs have increasingly leaned towards heavy movement & don’t stand in bad. Consecrate being on the global cooldown feels
outdated and needs to be modernized…same with Word of Glory being on the global cooldown.
Hammer of the Righteous needs to be updated as it is almost never picked - Blessed Hammer needs not to spiral out to nether when used (it doesn’t do that in Diablo if memory serves me correct)
Are we a Paladin in Warcraft or a Crusader in Diablo?
It feels as if Protection is this nice puzzle, but at the moment the pieces are being forced to fit instead of fitting as they should. I guess that’s a sentiment with “Paladin” as whole now.
Ye shield of teh righteous dmg and dmg reduction feels weak on both ends. There is A LOT of magic damage this expansion and paladin has very few ways to reduce that. I wish they would change it back to how it was in legion 60% flat damage reduction was super nice. Also moving consecrate would be awesome! For some dungeons I think even my 395 blood DK would be better then my 404 paladin.
I have 0 issues to maintain Shield of the Righteous with 98% of uptime even with AS losing HoPo generation. You might be doing something wrong or picking bad talents. Regarding HotR I do agree it is worse than Blessed Hammer in literally every way. The “choice node” isn’t actually a choice.
Prot Paladin is very strong and have plenty of viable builds in DF. We aren’t as strong as Warriors but we can get things done with no problem.
Speaking of sotr and making you stronger can we maybe make faiths armor not totally garbage. Same with inner light. Faiths armor at the bottom of the tree and it only increases the armor of sotr itself by 10%. So its maybe around 1% less physical damage taken for a talent node that should be way stronger given its location.
So many talents in the general and prot tree are laughably undertuned and total garbage. I think a kid in preschool could balance our talents better than these “devs”.
Problem is in a dungeon like Azure vualt or Temple jade where literally EVERYTHING every boss does is magic damage on like a +20, you have no way to survive what their doing once you run out of sentinnel, final stand, ardent defender, that’s teh problem with paladin they don’t have infinite damage resist like a prot warr.
This is my issue. Wish they’d bring warriors down a peg. I don’t begrudge them their playstyle which is very fun and I’d have unchanged. But in some sense it feels too easy for them. My prot warrior cotank basically showboats fights saying he can take more stacks of whatever because in general he doesn’t even have to use cds to handle tankbusters and mechanics I need to pop stuff for. I’m actually for the way we have to do it. It’s just more fun having to press buttons and manage things rather than just afk (like it was last season) and basically be able to ignore cds and push damage. Just always feels bad to know someone else is doing that AND also doing more of everything than I am be it mitigation, damage, mobility, or even just threat gen.
I think if they actually reverted the avenger’s shield HP gen nerf we would have too much HP and not enough to spend it on. I agree with your assessment. I do still feel that SOTR is pretty meh of a return though for the investment put into it. But that’s more a gripe with how other tanks function than any design flaw. I think the current Prot Paladin design is fine as is and doesn’t really need anything changed about it.
Also 99% Fashionable. Get good get 100 :^)
Edit: My comment on SOTR maintenance is actually considering not even taking Bastion of Light as a talent which I typically only take for raids for damage because there’s nothing better in that tier. The only times one would typically have low uptime on sotr (this is why to take Bastion of light) is at the start of a pull which…you could just open with Eye of Tyr or Ardent anyway given how short they are as cds to begin with and how much we can cdr them. If you actually take Bastion of Light it’s even easier than that. The fun part ofc is managing it all while maintaining your dawn and dusk buffs. For me anyway