We want RP-PvP servers at launch!

People have made it clear on Reddit, Barrens Chat, MMO Champion and these forums that they wish to have RP-PvP servers open at launch for them to play on. I am one of these people. 750 people have already signed the petition by Jean Beurskens and hasn’t even started to lose speed yet. We’ve seen how much you care about the project, Classic Team, and we want you to know that this is what we want!

Thanks to everyone involved in rebuilding Azeroth!


I don’t even want pvp servers let alone rp ones. Not a fan of the toxic gankfest that pvp servers are.


I’m not a role player, but I am in full support of RP-PVP. We need to expand options, unlike what some want which is to narrow them.


Just because they exist doesn’t mean you have to play on them. I won’t be playing on the PvP servers, but I fully support them. I won’t be RPing, but I support those servers existence too.

I stand by those who want RP-PvP Servers, as well. What everyone does for fun is their own business. Some people like to get into character and PvP. Maybe it’s enjoyable to them to PvP that way because it makes the world more immersive and “at war”/“dangerous”?


I’d love to sign! Would you mind to link this petition?


Blizzard: “We know! But we’re not ready to release the list of servers and their types yet, and we don’t want to encourage spam of other requests by giving a tiny blue note somewhere on this topic.”


We do? Im not sure that’s true.

Give it a google search! You know how stringent the mods are about links!






Yeah of all the decisions that have been made/info that has come out so far, this one by far was the most surprising and disappointing to me. It never even occured to me that there wouldn’t be RP-PvP server options, because why wouldn’t there be? It makes me feel like they are expecting such a minimal population overall that they wouldn’t be able to sustain healthy sizes on even a handful of servers if they split the group to much.


Actually, if you put it in ` quotes, you can provide the link without making it ‘linkable’ allowing others to copy and paste as they see fit.



I really enjoyed RP-PVP servers, even though I wasn’t a hardcore RP’er.

Seemed a lot more lighthearted and interesting. Surely Bliz can offer one or two servers for this, even if the likelihood of use will not be as high as straight PVP servers. Let’s hope.

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I know. I’m being dumb.

Has Blizzard specifically said RP-PVP servers aren’t going to happen, or are people just assuming that’ll be the case since they haven’t been announced?

Not sure if I missed some statement somewhere, but since they were in Vanilla, I don’t see why they wouldn’t have some in Classic. Even if they weren’t in Vanilla, that seems like a pretty clear option to have available as a server type.

I don’t see any reason to believe they won’t be in Classic, surely I’ve missed something?

In so many words, Ion stated that rppvp was too niche and they have no plans for rppvp servers at launch. That after him and Lore looking at each other to see if the other knew what a rppvp server was.

Something about seeing what demand for them at release and maybe in the future or something, which defies all sense and logic.

edit: Oh, and that was after stating that communities and server health were of the utmost importance.

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They did actually.

This is a huge disappointment to people who would 100% play on the server if it was spun up.

RP-PVP, the way WoW wast meant to be played Ol’ Son!


Huh, that seems odd. I can see not having any announcements to make until they’re ready to talk about population caps, number of servers, server balance, sharding, etc. To straight up shut that option down seems bizarre though haha.

Guess I have a Q&A to find again, thanks all.

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I got the feeling it had more to do with Ion’s instincts than any measured assessment of demand. I don’t think it will stand when it’s actually time to spin up realms.

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Honestly to watch it, I got the strong feeling that Ion and Lore were so caught off guard about something they personally have zero experience with, that they just blurted out what they actually thought: they did not play on them so they must be “niche” and not worth having. I doubt any actual discussions on the subject happened prior to that Q&A.

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This is literally the only way I’d play on a PvP server, and I used to play on one back when they were a thing. RP people deserve the PvP option that was there from the beginning!