We want RDF

Vanilla Classic doesn’t have RDF, go there.

See, I can do it too.


So why was RDF Bad? It is easy to claim something is bad without putting any detail to why it was bad?

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Blizzard, bring back RDF for WOTLK Classic. It will be a better experience with it. It might even help you with these ridiculous server problems you have.



But if there’s so many people who hated RDF, you shouldn’t have had an issue making a group.

You’re straw-manning and picking points to invalidate a fallacy you keep stating


RDF isn’t going to stop these ret paladins from needing on tank loot or… the best one I’ve seen, a hunter rolling need one a two hand strength axe.

At least folks aren’t asking for something outlandish like personal loot. :smile:

Oh, please, if Blizzard ever gets to MoP Classic or WoD/Legion Classics, I hope they do not continue on with personal loot.

Personal Loot is stupid

Personal loot protects me from folks rolling need on things that aren’t for their role. It saves everyone from hunters! :rofl:


I actually prefered Need Before Greed. Though yeah, it didn’t fully stop people from needing on stuff they didn’t need, but it limited them to what they could need on.

Did someone say [RDF]?

Oh my, not [RDF]!

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even the devs acknowledge in interviews that cata was the cause of the subscriber decline.


thats got to be sarcasm, none of that is true. right now the so called vibrant world is filled with people camped out in town waiting to get a group through the current LFG system. because trying to do anything else isnt impossible but 75% of the time means you miss your invite, miss seeing a question about your gear, or just flat out get dropped from the list by the lfg mechanic.

now if people had rdf, they would be out and about in the world questing and farming while waiting for the que to pop. this is why i KNOW you are being sarcastic.


There will be no TBC servers. They’re all going wrath. I doubt there will be forever wrath either going forward.

Best comment ever, haha

No we don’t. Rdf is automated garbage. No hand holding in classic.

and no one is going to go to the dungeons, how vibrant and alive was outland? Thats right it wasn’t, everyone got the rep they needed, and hung out in shat inbetween raids, this will be the norm again in Wrath.

Dungeon Finder, along with Raid Finder exist in Retail. You want it? You got it!

I hear Vanilla Classic is RDF-free, you can just go play there. Right?


I hear Wrath Classic is RDF-free.

In their survey for Cataclysm, they asked about LFR in CLASSIC - your entire point is moot.