We want RDF

Says the debate lord andy.

anything else? or half tired low effort insults you seem fond of?

Go back to complaining about trash posts after having committed many of them.

Are you the pot or the kettle in this situation?

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I’m the guy calling you boring and a hypocrite.

Complaining is what pallies do.

Hell, it got them buffed in Wrath. Maybe if enough pallies asked for RDF
. :thinking:

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Pally’s are always the biggest debate lords on this forum. It’s strange.

Clearly not boring enough.

Sorry was busy calling my debate team and letting them know this dude on the forum was going to fund our program for the next 10 years.

what debate? there isn’t one happening here.

To be fair, pally’s have been the doormat of classic until wrath
 this is our glory time and as such we have gotten a lil more confidence in arguing and debating.

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RDF will make it so no class is a “doormat”

People will just instant Q their way through preraid. It will be harmonious.

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What I want are less forum post about RDF and ret paladins but I won’t hold my breath

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That is why it good to have this one. It has been going for 6 months. You definitely don’t need new ones. That is why I never create posts. Don’t want to break the OG rule.

“Always check to see if there is a thread that is open before creating a new one”

Thanks for the look out

The good discussion on RDF has actually caused the servers to slow.

RDF brings us together


The best thread about the best topic ever!!!


Short for Really Dang FUN!

Much more fun than bot rants. That topic makes y’all antsy in your pantsy.

We all agree that WE WANT RDF

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