We want RDF

I don’t think you understand that what you did is not sarcasm, it was just boring and lame.

lmao these are the things that just make me happy lol. gotta keep this forum light, way too many folks take way too many things seriously

I’m here for the entertainment. And to debunk the trolls.

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Posting in a pointless thread with the other pointless opinions indeed.

No, my intent was clear on my end. your comprehension is lacking.

like this debate that keeps going nowhere?

No you were just boring and lame.

Like a dad joke, but worse.

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So I’m not now? past tense says I was not interesting and enjoyable. If we use the correct tense then indeed I would currently be lame and boring. Similar to this entire thread and debate. Since nobody here has any real power to effect the inclusion or removal of RDF.

You still are.

You comment like a debate lord from some debate club in a middle school that is underfunded.

For a poster who is just ad hominem personified you sure don’t do it well or enjoyably.

Did you have to pull out the dictionary to use that word? When people start trying to be clever you know they are losing.

This is how I talk, I use the words I like to use and know their meanings. There is no reason to be clever in any way on the forums or in this endless RDF debate.

Was this a competition? sorry, I don’t view discussions that way. Regardless you resorted instantly to ad hominem which is often seen as defaulting in a debate due to lack of creative thinking or knowledge.

Seems like they need a better debater to argue for more funds.

What a vicious cycle.

No you just post useless garbage and complain about people doing the same thing.

The word for this is hypocrite.

Look it up.

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lol the only way i see him talk is when others quote frosst, hes a confirmed profile hidin alt troll, probably of blooms lol

I’m the alt of like 5 people on this forum.

It’s crazy how prolific I am.

Where do I find the time?

Reading comprehension strikes again.

in this case? no not really. My post was highlighting the never ending circle of the entire RDF debate, each thread hits on the same points with the same group of posters with the same outcomes. Only continuing to post due to interaction from others. as another poster here said:

Which yes, I could have moved on, but I view this whole RDF discussion as tired, and chose to voice my views on it.

Oh look more garbage posts.

no actual rebuttal strikes again

You should really try and get more funding for your middle school. It’s quite sad the sate it’s in.

Oh he’s clearly a troll’s alt. I too have him ignored.

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We should fund schools more you are correct.
Also that insult is tired and as you like to say “lame”.