Druids still aren’t able to be human and I’m just really hoping we get human druids in the future
Good news play a kul tiran human or a worgen druid
They said they are working that way. Small steps at a time.
People are complaining that they won’t be able to use the dracthyr visage form in combat, as if worgens haven’t had similar restrictions that made even less sense. If Blizzard ends up making the changes they want then they’d better also make the worgen human form usable in combat. One of my druids is a worgen druid and I actually like how he looks but would also like options
I would actually prefer that. Those accents are a-maz-ing!
Sounds like that’s the plan. Eventually. But yeah, unfortunately it’s just worgens and kul tirans for now. Not to say they’re bad. I have one of each. Just “unfortunately” they’re not the exact thing you’re after.
…but why human druids? Isn’t the fantasy of druids mostly an elf theme?
edit: probably not the right question I should ask.
They’ve expanded the scope of the fantasy beyond elves long ago. First with the gilnean harvest witches and more recently with the kul tirans’ drust heritage.
Yeah, I don’t feel like I’m asking the right question.
A request for a human druid felt… out of place.
No, I want a mechagnome druid because Transformers!
Normally I disagree with OP on 99.8% of the things she posts, but for this one I agree. If Gilneans could be ‘harvest witches’ and we have druids from the Cenarion Circle saying they accept students of any race or faction as long as they’re willing to learn their ways, then there’s no lore reason why ‘normal’ humans CAN’T be druids, especially since they’ve been allies with the Night Elves for plenty enough years for anyone curious enough to want to learn from them. There’s no lore saying humans can’t learn druidic magic. At this point it’s just Blizzard being too lazy to create race-themed druid forms.
You are the last person that should be putting the word “we” into your thread titles.
Good news is they already exist.
Specifically, Transformers: Beast Wars.
No, we want panda druids
I do not.
Look, it may seem awesome for you to imagine turning into a bear. But from my point of view, well… bears freak me out enough already. Like gorillas do sometimes with humans.
I see another Pandaren turning into a bear, I don’t see “awesome drood”. No, I see and think “Why the HELL did that lunatic just suddenly drop to his hands and feet, and why the (%*& is he totally naked?” It distracts me from killing things that need to be killed.
Nope. Not for me.
1000000000000x this
posting in an avelia thread
Well according to Blizzard, it’s going to happen eventually. When exactly, is anyone’s guess however. We’ve probably got a minimum of 2-3 years before we see any more classes proliferated though.
I’m honestly surprised they didn’t include Monks with the Rogue, Mage, Priest proliferation though. The Monk specific animations exist for every race, even the ones that can’t be Monks currently. And the only races that can’t be Monks come down to Worgen, Lightforged, and Goblins unless I missed one.
The other classes all require some level of work to proliferate. Void Elves and Nightborne are the only races that can use the Demon Hunter animations, and even then, especially in the case of Void Elves, Blizz may want to make their visuals a different color at the very least (to imply they use Void rather than Fel). Paladin, Shaman, and especially Druid, all require art time to some degree so I doubt we’d see those before 11.0 at the earliest.
Posting in an Aviela thread.