They already said they will be opening all classes for all races so you will be getting them.
No. Humans are boring and don’t deserve a Druid class. Playable KT’s are more like half giants, so they’re barely passable. If I feel the urge to play a human, I log off and pay bills or go grocery shopping.
I could see them doing something really unique for Panda Druids. Animal forms based on different Kung Fu animal stances.
When I think human druid I imagine their cat form as a hairless cat breed lol
An Aviela thread I agree with? I think I might need me a quick lie down because I suddenly feel a bit lightheaded.
An Aviela thread that isn’t a troll thread.
I don’t feel right.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t understand why anyone would want to play a human… it’s a game surrounded by all these fantasy races. Why be a dull human?
Shaman humans would make more sense tbh
because humans fit perfectly in most transmog
What would the forms look like? I think travel forms for humans would be fine as is, and honestly humans would do well using a recolored worgen form, or just straight up lions for their cat form, and using a regular ol’ brown bear for the bear form, but what of moonkin form? Would the regular be acceptable with a unique color? (probably)
Lion/Lioness for cat form (glyphable into different ones if the player doesn’t like them…same like with glyph of stars for those who don’t like their moonkin form), doe/stag for travel form, hawk or raven for flight form. They’d have learned from the night elves and the main differences would be in model tweaks and color palettes of said forms. Or the cat form could be those cats in Hillsbrad.
Imo they should just say they are Kul’Tiran natives who’ve been living in Stormwind, and therefore give them the Drust themed Druid forms. I would handle human shaman the same way, essentially making them both Kul’Tirans that use the normal human model.