We want Emerald Dream back!

I miss Emerald Dream.

It’s been quite some time.


warmode really did kill world pvp. you shouldnt be able to opt out of world pvp, its not an official genre so the only way it happens is if people are unfortunately forced to engage in it. it shouldn’t be an option unless it is officially recognized and facilitated as an actual type of gameplay

I think that for too many having Warmode on is not fun is the problem. In BFA you had assaults, in Legion you had the Towers that made for fun WPvP gameplay. We lack that with only weekly Against All Odds quests in Shadowlands.

We could try to recreate it, but that would take active guilds and leadership. It would take a couple of weeks to a month or two to recruit enough fresh faces or old ones back and get them geared enough. Then guilds could put 10k gold bounties on a tower once a week, or declare and assault on a spot in a zone. Even after trying all that and putting gold or crafted gear etc on the line you face the starved masses coming out 40+ vs that guild of 10. It would have to be coordinated and kept quiet enough in a community to keep things reasonable. You don’t have to schedule 10 vs 10, but keep it better then 5 vs 40.

If you want WM on just for the casual ganking of people doing daily’s or trying to do the ZM quests then I don’t know how you could encourage someone running around in ilvl150-230 gear to turn on WM to face ilvl 272 people just to get one shotted.

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Then the guy that’s undergeared at that point should request aid from his/her guild/faction to group up and clear out the gankers. Therefore, creating more world pvp, and perhaps spark off a rivalry or some bounties on said gankers. Creating RP.

Maybe Llu can make some faction specific channels in the community discord where we can post bounty request and confirmation of kills and revive the bounty system.

Or… as you say, just cowardly stay in WM OFF, avoid ALL conflict, and deny potential creation of PvP based RP.

I feel like this is a fair question and I hope I’ll get real answers.

When we say we miss old Emerald Dream WPvP. What EXACTLY is it about old emerald Dream WPvP that we miss?

Sit back for a second, zoom out, think about it. Think about the last WPvP experience you had that you absolutely loved and are missing. Please, I’d like to know.

We’re missing a strong sense of community and cross faction interaction. We used to maintain strong rivalries and always had a chance to engage with those rivalries in the world. Nowadays, there is little to no interaction through the forums/Twitter, and while that is not the only thing that sustained WPvP and made it great, it played a huge role. The biggest problem is the proclivity of EDers to play in WM off, I don’t understand this phenomenon and it’s on Blizzard to solve it at the end of the day, but I’d like to see more effort from guild leaders to force their members into it as I have done. Essentially, ED World PvP was great because the whole server was involved and it meant something.

The World PvP Comes To Us

  • Basedgodbm
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Most players nowadays are folks that joined in Legion. They dont really know what WPVP can be. All theyve known is community Zergs.
That being said, Warmode is just inconvenient. If you want to kill rares or do anything, you either have to get your guild on together at the same time to do it in Warmode and plan it out, or join LFG. Where all the groups have it off… Then, to turn it back on you have to go all the way back to Org or SW. Most just leave it off at that point. Ive found.

I’ve tried this a few times over the past 4 years or so.
You usually get way too many of one faction, and the other faction, typically Alliance, just cant compete with numbers. OR complaints about gear disparity and then leaving for that too. Or guilds that would come in, wipe the other group one time, then leave because they “won” and never give the other side a chance to build up or retaliate…

Plus just trying to coordinate folks is a nightmare, because most folks are set to their own schedule and unwilling to deviate from it to make things work. So you have to have all the stars align by some miracle.

TBH just feels like most people just want to complain about it not ever happening, but never want to do anything to make it happen. Maybe to save face? Iunno.

Have actually discussed this, and have just been trying to gather more alliance players before I created it. Because I would like for it to be bounties for Alliance to collect to start out, to encourage them to go out/have a reason to flag more.

But again, we’ve tried this in the past and it just ended up with lots of people on a bounty list, and folks being unable to collect, or not interested in trying to collect.

At the start of SL when things werent AS dead, we had warzone weeks. Where we would pick a zone, and the player to get the most killing blows within a certain time period each day, would win a prize. It went well for the first few days, but then just died, and turned in to just me and Adrenaline ganking people landing at flight paths lol.

Keeping momentum is the hardest thing.

As Based said tho, and ive said like a million times, we need more leadership and less whining. Folks like actively pestering people to go out, and also going out themselves.


This is it

I don’t see any Horde leadership contributing or even attempting at all outside of Lluagor. Warcraft Mafia and The Guard on ally have been in ZM daily for weeks now and there is little to no horde at all. Every now and then there will be a small brawl of 5-6 people. Maybe maaaybe, twice a week if we’re lucky.

The Guard has made a few trips to Org recently. Not a single horde hanging around out front dueling or messing around. Our first day attacking got a very very small response. We went back the next day or maybe the day after and did get a MUCH better response. But it wasn’t any guild or particular group just a bunch of randoms which is perfectly fine. It was a pretty big response which is what we are looking for they drove us back and we utilized some strategic maneuvers to make the great escape after several battles going back and forth.

That being said, there was no retaliation. No one came back and hit the alliance cities at all. We would LOVE for some horde guilds to attack Stormwind. As that is our city that we protect and serve. Perhaps some attacks on Ironforge would trigger a response from Clan Battlehammer. /Shrug, who knows.

Guild leader/representative summit

If we where to plan a guild leadership // guild representative summit from both factions. Would folks actually attend?

We can preplan a discussion agenda to revive not only WPvP, but just flat out server wide RP in general. Some examples would be something along the lines of ;

  • Guild leaders urging or standardizing their members to play with WM on. Perhaps in certain time slots? Would also expect guilds as a community to respect and set the boundary between WPvP and intentional griefing.
  • X-amount of attacks on major cities per week
  • Perhaps a straw pole for preferred timeslots “Warzone” and a 2nd pole for best week/weekend day for Warzone.
  • Some baseline ground rules for WPvP, such as city attacks, time given for a response team and multiple chances to make a push as both the aggressor and defender before executing any type of escape strategy. Not a 1 hitter quitter.

These are just some WPvP examples discussed among fellow faction members and guildmates recently. Guild leaders and representatives would need to bring their own request or suggestions to the summit if it where to take place and everyone attend with an open mind to help build the server back as a whole.

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Invade Orgrimmar, force WPvP to happen the old fashion way.

We did. Multiple times. I just said it. We got no counter attack. Just a defense. This is why we need a summit of leaders. To establish when the best timeslot is for both factions to be active.

I’m glad there’s a couple alli guilds running around ATM, but that hasn’t been the case the past year or so.

Can’t blame horde for stopping trying, I don’t even really try to go out lately, spend a few nights running around by yourself not seeing anything for hours you quit trying. Just got to make them aware now there’s folks looking to fight.

New patch next week should help with bringing folks back too. Hopefully.

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I really like the idea of it being guild based. Honestly I do not see it working out otherwise because without support from a guild WPVP doesn’t grow to be anything for a single person running around. Its just the occasional corpse run or log if camped. Its not a cowardice thing, its just a what’s the point thing if you do not have anyone else to call on.

Guilds can reward having WM on or even require it as part of membership. The onus is on the guild to defend and help gear their lowbies at that point but thats part of building comradery. That could grow to guilds offering WM on support and groups for killing rares or daily quests for set periods of time. Most people are in ZM. Besides claiming a city or zone to defend could a guild claim a time slot to patrol or run groups there ?

How many guilds are there who run WM on and are RP that are recruiting right now ? Would it be helpful to have a thread on this forum as a recruitment tool for them ? Would it be worth cross posting and advertising in game ? Are you trying to grow said guilds or is it easier to reach out to guilds already doing RBG and try to get them involved in RP and WPvP ?


How much do you need for bounties to be worth it ? Are you talking hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of gold ?

This is some very good input here. The bounties would be up to the person posting said bounty. I don’t think there ever was a set price in the past. But if you want someone to hunt down your target or nemesis immediately, you’ll want to put a worthy price tag on the head to draw attention.

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I’m more looking to know how much to donate to a bounty pool. I’m thinking Alliance Guild Leaders can then choose who to put a bounty on and roll it over if not collected depending on who in WPvP Horde guilds is online. Technically more like a challenge or reward vs bounty.

If you and Vampt both hit me up on Disc, or ping me on the ED disc, we’ll talk about how we could set this up on there, and ill make whatever channels are needed etc.

I remember when we held a protest against war mode.


Holly ports in: We were protesting against losing the World Defense channel.
Division VII

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you know when the media takes snapshots of something to warp it into something else entirely? yea thats this video where we would either be afk, doing some kind of RP event, or in most cases where we had already wiped them several times before they got the one good clip of them overwhelming us.

good job tho nobody in the guard was offended by the video, it was like a “weird flex” type of feel when it came out.

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You’re missing the point of that video or did you not watch the begining of the video where it links old forum posts.
It has nothing to do with who beat who in WPVP it was about getting rid of certain individuals that came to ED with bad intentions.

EDIT watch from the beginning apparently I linked it at a weird spot. Im not PC savy OKAY :stuck_out_tongue: