"We support all those that stand against Racism"

Words can have multiple meanings doe?

And yet if it was about BLM it might last longer?

I thought they burned down cities xddddddd

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me when I don’t know words and make assumptions based off people not overblowing protests and recognizing that many (most) of the escalations are not because of the original protestors.

also this.

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If these riots were done by right-wing Trump supporters, Rachel Maddow would never shut up about it.

But give them a catchy slogan and suddenly it’s totally normal and cool for them to loot and burn and assault.


Can’t we just install a “I want a vacation” button and then there’d be no need for the threads. Just push the button.


a lot of weird ppl here, huh…

so , some authors are racist and the OP is the wrong one … ?

weird as hell folks…


Five now?! Whoa, they are multiplying. Are you sure its not fake accusations? Whatever the case, Blizz have made their stance know. Anti-white rhetoric’s is okay, bring it up again and you will get a vacation, if you haven’t already.

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Still considering refunding my SL purchases because of Blizzard’s endorsement of racist authors. The double standard is sickening.


So sickening you’re only considering it?


What does that have to do with blizzard supposedly supporting terrorism as you put it?

See that’s why I said take off your tin foil hat. You sound unhinged.


They are

me when all the other racism and sexism and homophobia perpetuated by the gaming community is chill but then a contracted worker called trump voters ugly or something.


However, the chances of you falling into another mainstream game that also have racist author is very high in today’s climate. So you quit wow, where else would you go? Will you not play games?

I’ve got pretty thick skin and have stuck with my WoW sub through other silly controversies. Blizzard still has time to condemn and cancel the authors in question, though, so it’s not like I need to smash that refund button immediately.

Exactly. I’m not even from your country and I can even tell that while there are peaceful protests (i’m assuming it’s the majority of the protests that are peaceful), there are definitely gonna be bad apples AND OR people who want to take advantage of the situation and loot n burn down crap. It doesn’t take a genius to analyze and to not stereotype the entire movement.

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Bro if you are going to troll then you need to at least put a little bit of effort into it. You’re being so obvious right now that literally no one is going to take you seriously.


Fair enough.

Are you okay?

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What is trolling about calling out violent radical ideological movements? Why do you support that and lie about the gravity of the situation? many people have been killed and injured, and lost their businesses. innocent people.



Oh boy part 7