"We support all those that stand against Racism"

are americans okay? HAHAHA do u need help sir


Burning down cities and murdering people for your political beliefs is terrorism by definition.


Always fun to see the same posters in every thread trying to derail or be aggressive towards other people lol

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no reason? Imagine letting slide 5 blizz employees being racist/mentally ill af as something to not care about. It’s beyond alarming how this has gotten attention and even more alarming how blizz hasn’t said anything. These ppl should be fired. PERIOD.


Some of you people are genuinely nuts. Holy crap. Take off your tinfoil hat please.

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sigh… probably the correct term would be Bigotry. Racism is just an opinion.

That was a photoshop.

Blizzard should condemn the actions of these writers.

Blizzard will not condemn the actions of these writers.

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I have the morbid interest to see if he wins…will he take the results. He’s been going its rigged, its rigged, ITS RIGGED!!!

Okay you won dude…did you win a rigged election?


Yeah okay. Sure.


Even if it is, blizzard employees still tweeted in support of terrorists. Not a good look.

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yes, entire cities have been razed.

“Black lives matter” =/= “we hate white people”… is everyone high or.


I always see this discussion and there’s always this “this is racist” “this is not racist”.

If you check the dictionary definition of the word “racist”, it’s synonymous to prejudice. So technically yes, you can be racist towards white people in this context.

But the people who made the dictionary said this too (I took this from the merriam webster page of the word racism) “Dictionaries are often treated as the final arbiter in arguments over a word’s meaning, but they are not always well suited for settling disputes.”. And the word “racist” has been used against minority groups, so that’s also why for some people, with this definition, you can’t be racist against whites because they’re not a minority group.

So in conclusion, it depends on who you ask and how they define the word “racist”. Prejudice is definitely one of the right words to say, and you definitely can be prejudiced towards white people, and being prejudiced towards anyone is bad/wrong.


It’s only rigged if he loses. :wink:

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There’s plenty of video evidence. But you can continue in your delusions if you want. you support terrorism too clearly.


I wonder what republican fantasy land is like.


There’s plenty of videos of it. Rioting, looting, arson, vandalizing, raiding quiet neighborhoods late at night, disrupting public events that have nothing to do with politics (birthday parties, dining, and public speaking), violence not being reported by media.


Some black person got them to literally CHANGE THE DEFINTION of the word racism to fit their anti white agenda.

Talk about rewriting history. Talk about scary.


Of entire cities being razed.

Ah, perfect timing to whip out my linguist chops.

“Changing a definition” means very little as language in general is fluid and definitions change all the time. This is because the dictionary is descriptive, meaning it simply defines words by how people use them en masse, rather than how they should use them. That would be prescriptive. The definition changed because it began taking on that meaning–i.e. that definition became part of the vernacular.


I love the sound of their outraged, impotent screams.

There’s nothing you can do but entertain us, gentlemen. Your efforts are in vain.

Of terrorism, looting, burning, attackiong innocent people. Yes there is. The area size of burnt out streets matters not. But go ahead keep moving goal posts, we know you’re a terrorist sympathiser just the same.