"We support all those that stand against Racism"

Yeah you’re horrible grammar isn’t helping your case either.

the best jojo

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oof size large

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I never put it that way?
Now you’re just taking it out of context that had nothing to do with what I said. I listed the things that makes the recent events on par with acts of terrorism?

I look forward to seeing you day one of shadowlands regardless of whether or not Blizzard does anything about this.

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You called me a troll for voicing real concerns about a violent radical movement that rioted for 80 days straight.

Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


they won’t because they also hate white people.


Well actually, no the majority of the protest ARE Violent or straight up physical harassment. HOWEVER, in the U.S that is okay because they are burning the cancerous part of the city and those people who own the buildings and homes have insurance, so they will be taken care of.

IN fact, the majority of the “arrested” protested were just all release without prejudice. However, they are doing needed work.

Its funny to me when the people who are the least marginalized in society become the most easily triggered.


Now you are just straight lying.

Literally anyone can scroll up and read your post you know that right? You said that this is proof that blizzard supports literal terrorism. Those were your exact words.

Some need to live in bad hoods. Gives perspective. When playing some ball on the courts trash talk will fly. Race is gonna come up.

When you are white playing with black and Puerto Rican acquaintances if you can’t take some white ball busting comments…that game is off to a bad start. They are in your head then. All i asked for and wanted was good original white boy busts. At least put some effort into it kind of mindset there.

Also it was basketball…and not a subtle movement to overthrow rich white people.

I think you accidentally replied to the wrong person. I do not condone the things BLM and antifa has been doing recently.

You’re assuming correctly! They’ve already calculated that 93% of BLM protests are peaceful (which is nothing to scoff at since they’re going on literally every day–their sample size was almost 8000!). This even includes protests that simply topple a slave owner’s statue as violent, btw. And how many of that 7% were incited by police? I gotta double check the article. It also says that any violence was usually confined to specific blocks of city. Burning down cities? Nope!

That’s factually incorrect!


They do, many blizzard employees have tweeted in support of a violent radical terrorist movement.

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You’re also confused, I never said that.

diversity = hiring based on skin color, not qualifications.
California is trying to now repeal a discrimination law that lets you hire solely based on skin color, gender etc.
Diversity is our strength remember.


Yes I’m sure that the studio that is predominantly made up of white people virulently hates white people.

You caught them good job. When are you going to make your thread about quitting the game? Just asking so I can prepare myself for the immense feeling of loss and devastation.


My bad, it was thereden. Didnt mean to reply that to you.

All I hear is “they’re taking our jerbs!!”


All these poor, marginalized white guys. You have it so hard.