We should wipe out the Zandalari

Coming in with no flying Zuldazar was a chore to navigate.

With flying it’s just a great looking city that is reasonably easy and fast to get around.

A fail with pathfinder, as is everything, but a great city regardless. “fLyInG iS a DiSaStEr fOr ZoNe dEsIGn” and yet with flying from the jump this city would have been immensely more well received.

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Zul’D is amazing. Try and take it.


careful guys! I heard it’s just a big pyramid scheme!


I’ve spent plenty of time in Zul…

With a flying mount.


We did just get it back and still have 0 flight paths for the Alliance out there… So there is that.

I mean it’s pretty obvious what the actual problem with Zuldazar was.

Zulduzar isn’t even the best city in BFA. Horrendous hub city that was clearly designed as a raid first and a convenient center for player activity second.

It has excellent art direction. Most raids do.

I feel like most of the cities feel organic and real to their general designs.

I think the only two that I found not so in that regard are Undercity and Oribos so far. (also kinda Dalaran falls into this.)

In the Battle of Dazar’alor, the Alliance tried to get out of there as fast as they could before the Horde could catch up and force them to keep the city.

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Montego Bay 2.0