And then swipe Zuldazar as the new Alliance hub.
Seriously it’s still the best city you’ve ever made, plz gib Blizzard.
And then swipe Zuldazar as the new Alliance hub.
Seriously it’s still the best city you’ve ever made, plz gib Blizzard.
Male nelf priest? Is this some kind of cheap internet knock-off? This isn’t how you post faction cringe!
It was the worst city ever made. They can keep it.
Why would I want a pyramid with washed out colors & a 30 second flight between the two regular points of interest? Zuldazar had a lot of potential conceptually but they fumbled it.
The new city has a similar design. Mostly because Zandalar had a titan theme too.
…you mean the city where you don’t even port into the portal room? The city where you have to fly from the docks to the other side of that ziggurat to get to the portal room?
Nah… I’m good!
Horde players would hand it over willingly.
To my dearest fellow Night Elves (and the rest of you commenting on this thread),
This is why Alliance should take it over! Imagine if our masterful city planners, engineers, and mages took it over. We could have trams around the central pyramid before autumn! Portals that actually connect to the portal room!
checks if there is any real estate available on the turtle in case I need to go neutral
They have no trees. Or barely any, despite being surrounded by them. I’d rather dedicate our efforts to rebuilding what we’ve lost. Our ancestral homes. Putting in some new housing in Bel’Ameth wouldn’t hurt either.
Leave the Zandalari to their land and their culture. I am, like Tyrande, tiiiiiiiiired. Just leave me to sip spiced ginger wine from my new balcony in Belanaar overlooking the docs until the next catastrophe.
Blizzard should rework Alliance capital cities so they are as inconvenient as Zuldazar.
Ironforge is and always has been the best city.
Its the WORST horde city in the game, if you ask me.
Id rather go to undercity.
Alliance can have Zuldazar as far as Im concerned.
Even oribos isnt as annoying
It was horrible enough but evidently someone challenged Ion that he couldnt make it worse and he handed them his beer, lol.
Why in gods name did the move the portal drop to the end of the docks in the first place?
Its just one more reason for me to avoid BFA content.
yeah, they should really revert the portal move. if people want to get to the end of the docks can’t they take a boat i think? i can’t remember. yeah they can at echo isles.
see, you had me in the first half, but then you went and ruined it.
All of Pandaria should be destroyed for you having compared Zuldazar to Oribos! A travesty I say!
But seriously Zuldazar is gorgeous. Great zone, great music, absolutely beautiful and lively. Yes it was utterly inconvenient prior to flying, but again, Alliance can engineer better!
They did it to make the lowbies who are put there by default ride over the ziggurat 20 times every play session on their slow mounts.
All of those goblin engineers and none of y’all could invent ziplines?
I see. I guess that is at least logical…if not annoying for some of us.
They should have put another portal to the docks somewhere if it was that big a deal.
Zuldazar SUCKS bad enough as it is without the portal thing being just one more reason to hate it.