We should wipe out the Zandalari

Guess you’ve never visited Gilneas.


If the Alliance tries to do genocide again we’ll throw every murder hobo we have at Stormwind. We could always use more forsaken - I mean it’d solve your food shortage there…

Zuldazar was much less convenient compared to Boralus, but considering how hefty the Kul Tirans are maybe getting the extra steps in is worth it.

Were you not paying attention to all the annoyed hordies during BfA? In boralus we had all our regular facilities in one compact area. Horde had it split between the pyramid and the harbour. It was very annoying.

Boralus is still way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better!

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I agree. I loved Zuldazar and the Horde areas more than the Alliance ones in BFA, with the exception of Drustvar which was witchy coolness. That creepy quest with the little tea-party murder girl is one of my all-time favorites.


I certainly have. In fact, twice I had to swim away from it in order to escape bugged quests. It’s like really bad, but in a neglectedly broken way.


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So you say. But you forget…

We have gnomes

But YOU forget,

We have Goblins AND Vulpera

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See, you’re looking at this from a Horde perspective.

We’ll have a tram from the docks to the pyramids, ziplines from the pyramids back to the docks, and a beach resort all done by Tuesday.

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Under Gazlowe’s new management we’d have all of that and more. Faster - annd with less accidental disintegrations. I know Mekkatorque’s a Union man, but can you really trust someone like Overspark to put safety over progress?

It’d run clean too. No danger of a radiation leak because SOMEONE thought it’d be a good idea to make a box that uses it to cook food.

The only sensible way to cook your meats is with a contained explosion. Everyone knows that.

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I think any Horde player would gladly give it away. Zulduzar absolutely sucked


I liked it…

It was a good example of a city built in mountainous terrain…:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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This is the most wrong statement…

Mechanically, perhaps -

But it was beautiful. Organic. It felt real.

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This is exactly how I feel.

Was it easy to get around? Not a bit.

It was beautiful, thematic, had a good soundtrack, and actually felt, as you said, organic.

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Old cities arent easy to get around - but they were also structured to have everything kinda in like - pockets. I think from a visual point they got it spot on - but I don’t disagree with folks who took issue with amenity placement.

Even in organic cities, things were built around needs. Player needs can be integrated aesthetically but it has to be a purposeful effort.

I think the biggest problem was that they put the Horde embassy in the palace, when that is purposefully not supposed to be easy to access from the rest of the city. In Boralus we were in the Harbor, right next to the market and the auction house. You’ve gotta think with these things.


I’d rather have Boralus.

The music is pretty banging, and i like the proximity to a sandy beach in tropical waters. Maybe Ally can set up a timeshare?

And no, my quantum-predisposed friends - i’m not talking time measured in planck time…

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Tell me you’ve never been to Zuldazar without telling me you’ve never been to Zuldazar…