We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

Honestly Byucknah, I do agree to some extent, but disagree to some extent as well.

Yes, there is some who will just use it to ingore people they don’t like, but then there is some who will use it to ignore common forum trolls. I honestly would like to see it back, but made it so you’re not completely muting the user out, (not like the thread mute).

But then it seems what the OP is also talking about is also being done the same way with using the “flag” feature on the forums when someone flag’s the thread. People don’t seem to understand though if they don’t like a thread, they can mute the thread and they won’t see it ever again, but instead, people just mass flag the threads as well until the thread gets tempory locked.



Sure buddy.

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Report them.

When someone breaks the forum CoC you have the tool to report them and help get them off the forum. It’s easier now than it’s ever been to get suspended on the forum, the mods aren’t playing with people anymore.

I am well aware of this firsthand.

I know that there is always the option to flag the trolls, but the forums aren’t always moderated 24/7, and sometimes, it can take quite a fair while before any forum moderators do take any action.


So something like an “auto hide post” type of deal, where you can still see their posts in a thread but they are just hidden by default, akin to what mass flagging does, and if they quote/reply to you then you do not get notified?

Honestly, I suppose that would be a pretty fair way to handle an ignore feature… unless I assumed wrong on what you were implying haha.

Ugh, yeah… flag abuse is absurd with these new forums. Its way way way out of hand… If I was a CM I would drop the hammer HARD on people abusing the system. No slaps on the wrist, 6 month hammer drop minimum.


No, you’ll still get notified if they’re post is hidden. As I was saying, make it so that they’re not getting completely muted out. Because one thing we did not have on the old forums is the notification system. if we were getting replied from someone who was on ignored, we had no way of knowing because we didn’t have any notifications, even with replies by those who were not being ignored.



It doesn’t matter if it takes 30 mins or 2 days, the suspension will be coming if they broke the forum CoC.

Hmm, honestly I feel that is fair. If a system was handled like that I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad. I feel like there is certainly a fair compromise with an ignore feature.

Everyone loves a clean forum. Nobody likes to wait quite a fair while for action to be taken on those who troll on the forums.

There is always a way to compromise anything, I guess.

This would fix the abuse of the flagging system with a quickness, which would also speed up the process of cleaning out the trolls and trash on the forum since the mods wouldn’t be swamped with nonsense reports.


There are some people who flaunt that they abuse the system and they need to be put in their smug place, in my opinion. This is just my opinion though, but with some things on these forums Blizzard is far too lenient.

Slip ups, yeah… sure, mistakes happen… but some people who blatantly cause problems, who brag about abusing the flag system, ect should be hit harder and that is my personal 2 copper as a forum frequenter.



Bring in the Banhammers of his mighty Judgement!


Just because you can’t figure out why the threads were flagged doesn’t mean they were ‘spam’ flagged or broke no forum CoC. I have seen very very few threads flagged that I can’t see why they are being flagged.

I really would like to be able to put comments when flagging at times because I don’t even think to the moderators it may be clear.

For example, one person making 5 threads on the same topic using different characters. You can flag as spam or inappropriate but most times the moderators just ignore duplicate threads on existing issues unless it starts taking over the forum.

Creating Duplicate Threads
This category includes:

Creating threads about existing topics
Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity


Actually it’s more likely that the developers of the forums are still working on it. Blizz didn’t set these up, they were coded by a different company. Not much they can do about it either way.


They did say the ‘ignore’ feature was something they intended to put in didn’t they.


Discourse, the forum software we’re using, does, in fact, have an ignore-user feature that can be used. It’s not implemented on our forum. I just looked this up for fun after you made that comment, btw.

Yeah, a long time ago. They did finally manage to fix the bug that lets us post without an active sub. I tried to make a comment the other day, it must have been right after my sub ran out, and it said it removed my comment because I didn’t have one. I wasn’t able to post at all after that.

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This isn’t true, to be honest. If you post before your time runs out then you can continue to post without an active sub. This is still a thing.

I just mute the thread, now. :neutral_face:

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No you can’t? It literally just happened to me this week. I posted after my time ran out and it removed my post and my ability to post at all. That wasn’t the case previously. I was able to keep participating for over a month with no sub at all.

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