We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

I don’t have time on this account.

I can never tell if you’re just a very dedicated troll, or an incredibly socially awkward sensitive person.

Kudos if you’re a troll. I just feel bad for you if its the latter.


I’m sorry but why would they have ever thought the downvoting would ever be used in a different way? It’s also pretty inconsistent because people still upvote things they like. Chances are if this post is upvoted it will be because they agreed with me. Not because it’s a “helpful post”. Maybe in certain sections it could be that way but not GD.

That said, ignoring people would not cause an echo chamber anymore than ignoring people in game enables an echo chamber. There is nothing wrong with ignoring someone imo. The only people that shouldn’t be able to do this would be mods obviously.


I have had that happen to me as well on two accounts. I see Caevan is someone who never logged off this forum though. There is a rogue that claims they are still posting without a sub too.

What does the colour of my skin have to do with any of this?

The forum is solely intended for discussion about the game, the game isn’t solely intended for discussion about the game.

I didn’t log out, either. Just got up one day and tried to post and it wouldn’t let me. Like I said I was previously able to keep posting for over a month after mine ran out, so at the very least they’re working on it or something.

I actually just did to double check, I don’t like being called out for being wrong on something that I could easily be putting my foot in my mouth over.

I run two accounts so I always blamed it on that because they do at times seem to confuse this forum and/or bnet.

I would love to see a forum feature introduced that lets you see a posters alts.

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Care to tell me what general channel in game is for then? And let’s face it, Trade is also an extension of it even if it’s not intended to be. You can ignore people and they will not appear in either of those in game.

I would rather they just went to only allowing a single character period on here or just a bnet id like they use on the other Blizzard games. This posting on multiple characters is a stupid way to set up this forum.


Hey, that’s me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

In terms of the OP, I’m kind of on the fence for this thing. I can see both sides of the argument. While I agree that just straight ignoring people just causes echo chambers, sometimes it’s good to be able to do that. I’m not sure it has a negative on the forums either considering the old forums allowed people to ignore others and they were fine for the most part.

As for what the green said in terms of abuse of the flag system, I agree 100%.

Honestly wish I could just block you. You’re a report baby and I’m pretty sure you’re the reason I ate a 24 hour ban earlier this week. All you do is parrot the same talking points in every thread “the elitist wall is crumbling” nonstop.


Yes that is you.

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There used to be an addon thing that did that years ago. It would show what server the alts were on too.

They’re limited by this forum package they bought from somewhere…forgot the name. They can’t change things on their own.

We don’t have an ignore feature but we can Mute people. I don’t see why me ignoring someone makes any difference to anyone else. You can’t see my settings anymore than I can see yours.

The Dislike flag system was dumb/annoying and it’s good that’s gone. I don’t particularly care if you like, dislike, agree, disagree with anything I write - I just write, mostly answers to questions and my personal opinion. It’s not a popularity contest on these forums and it shouldn’t be used as some warped social media crap.

I agree with this sentiment. I think a lot of people just find it weird that we have a like button but not a dislike button.

Make a Banner, hang up it above your monitor with the above sediment. Or, just do not feed the trolls. Or maybe just a little, for fun… sometimes, like a petting zoo.

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I mute people on these forums. It is as good as ignoring them. Even if they respond in a topic that I did, I never see it.

I am sure some people have muted me as well.