We Rogues are on Strike

yes, to the LFG channel

Your #nochanges was never in Vanilla.
Could you please stop using #nochanges.
The forums are part of the game.
The forums are a community of Classic.
With that said when the forums started in Vanilla no one used #nochanges.

Than you.
But I think you are right about the cheating.

I’m sure everyone’s gonna be real sad about not seeing you rogues around.

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Just because you cheat and support cheating, does not make your support for it any more valid.

The argument and facts are Spy has never nerfed you. Find where people cried like this on retail over the addon. I’ll wait. There is none. A bunch of pvp failures are using an addon as an excuse for why they’re bad.

Spy dies not nerf rogues. That’s indisputable fact.


It’s not cheating. You not liking means little. cry more, manchild. if Spy is cheating every single addon you use is cheating. Therefore, you cheat and you love cheating.

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How does spy not nerf rogues when it gets rid of the primary advantage as a stealth class… the ability to surprise your foes?

Because you don’t know where the rogue is or what they are doing. Are they about to attack? Trying to slip past and go on their way? Spy doesn’t tell you this.

so you are saying its just a mind game. Seems like you could be tortured by this, taking your attention away trying to find this “ghost”. Seems like the add on would be a distraction the way you talk about it.

Dunno about anyone else, but I’d be happy as if rogues went on strike. I have never levelled a rogue because of my dislike of the class.

It doesn’t actually get rid of stealth. It just makes it something you need to consider when playing. As I understand it, if you activate stealth around another player who has Spy, they can detect you are nearby. I don’t believe they know exactly where you are, just that you are in range. However if you are, say, sitting in stealth next to a flight point or a spot where the enemy frequently moves past, they won’t know you are there and you can do your roguey thing happily.

A number of classes in the game have essential abilities that are countered by things like Free Action Potion. Yet players seem to cope with that ok. Perhaps just adapt?


It can be if you let it.

this was your argument, not mine.

good riddance

adorable druid.

You have to remember, this game was built in the beginning on the idea of class roles, similar to D&D. The rogue was not always evil. There where alignments with the classes. The rogue as portray are underhanded and cowerdly, but really they are just playing their class. This is world of warcraft, and its alliance vs horde. There should be no room for care bear coddling. This add on breaks the rogue class, as well as others, but certainly is detrimental to surprise attacks. The art of surprise is key to the stealth class. Many of the newer generation does not understand this and treat the game like its an extention of the players own self, and so people take things personally. The game however is not meant to be personal. you should not be afraid of pixels. You should try to overcome the enemy by playing the game, not by having additional programs to help you overcome the enemy. Now I am talking pure pvp, not pve, I understand DBM and such.

Agreed, it does not get rid of our ability of stealth, never said it did. but a HUGE componet of stealth is to use it without the enemy knowing we’re nearby. The add on does give a proximity which is a massive issue, because at the point mages, hunters, whoever can start aoeing around themselves if you’re that close to you in a situation they otherwise wouldn’t know you were there.

Alot of abilities are countered by things agreed, but the problem with your argument is those are all IN GAME. This add on is external to the game. It’s a cheat. period.

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You speak very well and I agree that for many the dislike of rogues is more personal than based just on tastes with regard to a choice of class. Druids can also sneak and they don’t seem to generate the same degree of dislike in people. And rogues, being leather wearers, will be at a disadvantage against classes that wear heavier armour and have greater health pools. I do get that and while my dislike may have a personal slant, in many cases you can only make choices based on your own tastes and likes (or dislikes).

I’ve never used the add on personally because if I play on a pvp server, that sense of threat from unknown sources is part of what makes pvp interesting to me. And I do understand that people who play rogues are frustrated by it.

Who knows, if enough people put in complaints to Blizzard and makes posts like this, it may be seen as detrimental to a class playstyle and they may block it. Me personally, I wouldn’t care if they did. I try to see both sides or arguments when I can.

Can I assume this add on wasn’t available in Vanilla?


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this add on was not by name available. There was an add on called paranoia that was. But it was not introduced until just before bc was released. I think it was only in the testing phases really. There was like 400 downloads and that was mainly by blizzard testing the add on.

Well, in that case there would be grounds for claiming that it wasn’t a part of Vanilla and if they want to keep Classic close to Vanilla (especially where class playability is concerned) then blocking it would have logical grounds. Yes, there are other add ons that weren’t in use back then but they are mostly a part of the background of the game and (as far as I know) don’t affect any class adversely.


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Thank you for the civil conversation. Its pretty rare here.