We Rogues are on Strike

Except it’s not a cheat. You just don’t like that it makes it slightly harder for you to gank.

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I see another person basing the need for cheating off of emotion.

It’s not rocket science to understand that the unexpected comment was referring to people being ganked before using spy, and they started using it because of that.

Strikes only work if you’re needed somehow. Nobody needs a rogue.

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I have a question, can people using the Spy addon target a rogue that is stealth when they would normally not be targetable if they did not have the addon?

Seriously. I haven’t used the addon. That would be the only reason I’d call it a bad addon.

Who cares how fast they replied? Good lord what is up with people now-a-days.

I wanna be a rogue scab but I can’t find the picket line without addons.

I care, because i was like WTF is going, is the forum broken? I just clicked Post and someone’s already typing an answer.

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Only a given for those who don’t understand that the combat log has been this way for 15 years. Everyone else understands that we’ve always been able to see “Soandso enters stealth” even without an addon.

No. It just tell you that a rogue is nearby, but doesn’t tell you where. The rogue could be right next to you, or he could be 50y away.

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Oh no, what would we ever do without rogues!

So basically, a non issue. If I was a rogue. I’d play with people I think have the addon to watch them squirm.

Ridiculous, how does it nerf you? Can they see you? does it un-stealth you? Does it draw a giant arrow on screen saying oh look, rogue to your left?
So they know you are in the area, so what>
Newsflash, we already know from chat, or we assume you are in certain areas.
This is the nothing burger of all nothing burgers.

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People spammed the forums on their alts cause streamer daddies said so. Causing 5x the people to download it in a matter of a week. When the addon was available since beta. Lol. Oh yea. That one really worked out.
Oh yea and the author removed the stupid auto group fill feature that only an idiot would use anyways. Oh and 2-3 more group finding addons have been gaining popularity since. Yea tell me again how spamming the forums works out.
I used ClassicLFG to fill a Mara run yesterday. Works flawless.

Get over it

they broke the networking functionality of it. It works, but it does not spam the channels.

Spy is fine. My main is a rogue. It is fine.

OK, all the Fury Warriors will replace you. It’s not like Rogues are so far ahead in DPS anyone would really notice the loss.

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Does this mean the undead rogue raids are going to stop camping every major alliance flight point?

If so, strike away.


They broke it’s communication to other users of the addon. Which would create a network within the community. This ws blizz’s stated concern.
You still set a message with a timed interval and it posts it to the channel.