We Rogues are on Strike

Would you be able to play without it? Or do you need it.

does anyone care if rogues go on strike?

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Irony: i dont use it.

You’re still bad.

If i feel i need it (because there are lots of gankers), i just use a second combat log window. Like you’ve been able to do since litearlly the original Alpha.

Do you even play Classic?

Price IS the point. It will make things more difficult. Thus, Rogue strike works.

price of what? i vendor my lock boxes

I will never use spy addon. Whats the point of not being surprized? I even leave group if i am dueling a fellow grouped rogue so i cannot see them.


Do I need Spy? Of course not.

Do I use it because it’s available and I play on a PVP server? Of course. Why deny myself an advantage if I don’t have to? WPVP is all about exploiting every possible advantage over your opponent.


I like you /snuggle

I do not know if you are serious or joking, but your statement is great. You call it an advantage and exploiting.

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Nah, even if you think it’s the point, it really isn’t. Just because you want to go on strike over an addon doesn’t mean all rogues do. There are plenty of rogue mains, or alts, or friends, or guildies that have rogues that will happily open a lockbox for a small donation or for free.

That said, I still don’t “need” you to do anything because there are always other options. :grinning:

Or we’ll just vendor the lock boxes…

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Sure, vendor a box for 2s when it could have an item that’s sold for 100g

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Yes, it is an advantage over people who don’t use it. If you chose to not use it, that’s your problem.

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if youre able to organize this strike and make it happen ill give you 1000g

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They vendor for 20s or so as I recall, yeah i’m really not hurting out losing a couple gold a week max from lock boxes

“People smarter than me are cowards” - Idiot

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All i need are free action pots. Being a holy paladin in plate. Also free sexual favors to warriors and i have no need for stupid addons.

Yes, I agree, but that in itself is the problem. Add ons are not supposed to provide advantage. They are supposed to be aesthetic and utility. Especially in pvp. Now for raids and such where it does not affect player vs player, but player vs environment.