We Rogues are on Strike

Then that 4 or 5g for a key is worth the investment. It’s like the lottery. Chances are you won’t win anything BUT there is a small chance you could get something nice from it.

wait a minute, almost all addons provide an advantage. you trying to say a raid group using deadly boss mods doesnt have an advantage over one who doesnt. youre argument is null

Yeah, you tell 'em Hikus! And those jerks won’t have a single lockbox opened up for them until they change their tune!

WPVP never has and never will be fair.

It offers nothing to a rogue against all other classes.
It offers an advantage to all classes against rogues.
Thus, it nerfs rogues.


Clearly you did not read my post in full.

false, it does the same thing for rogues as it does other classes. youre acting like it pulls you out of stealth.

Implying that either downloading or using an addon that flashes information on the screen for you requires intelligence.

And yet I still manage to gank Horde all the time. :thinking:

Correct, but you do not need a 3rd party app to make it more unfair.

it does.
A caster sees the message and starts AOE
A warrior gets in commat mode
etc etc

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youre right i didnt, but there are tons of other addons that provide an advantage in pvp. even being able to move your unit frames around could be an advantage. how about those dps addons that tell you when you should click certain spells. every addon provides an advantage or else its useless

can you list the "ton of other add ons that provide advantage in pvp? I’m waiting.

so i see that there maybe a rogue in some huge radius and im just gonna stand there and AOE? come on, stop crying and go level

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Except SPY in its current form would also effect Battlegrounds, and could be especially game-breaking when used to circumvent rogues in WSG flag rooms. WPvP may not be fair, but most instanced content is supposed to provide a mostly level playing field… the stupid bridge in AV notwithstanding.

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Implying that using an addon that keeps me informed makes me a coward, that’s what makes him an idiot.

He thinks he knows everything.

I didn’t call you a coward. I’ve already made my opinion on PvP addons clear in other posts, I see no need to elaborate further here.

Why are you using it then? Aesthetics? GTFO.

I would be fine with disabling it in BGs. In the open world though? Leave it alone.