We Rogues are on Strike

Don’t worry other than picking lock boxes there’s nothing important you do a warrior can’t.

This is just my second post about Spy. Don’t think that I’m writing all posts about Spy. lol

you dont need buffs for 5 mans lol, and rogues are good in raids

You’re level 38.


Can i have your stuff?

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Don’t even need them for that! :wink:

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I’m actually level 40, but yeah, there’s a little delay.
And as a level 38-40, I’ve killed dozens of players already.
While leveling, I’ve taken “detours” to kill other players around my level.

So why does your comment have any relevance? WPVP is not an exclusive club reserved for level 60s.

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Spy is a given. Always has been. Deal with it.

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Its in-game software.

Its the combat log.

that simple.

This is your millionth post about this (your second THREAD, yes, but you’ve b een whinging in every other Spy post there is) and you still cant get that through your skull.

Add-ons run in-game on the in-game Add-on API. The ability to do what Spy does has been in the game since day 1. Since before day 1, honestly.

Just dont be bad.

Things Spy does not do:

reveal you if you are already in stealth.
reveal your exact location
cause you to be unable to stealth
cause your stealth to be less effective

what it does:
parse the event in the combat log (You entering stealth) that any player could already see.

you can replicate what Spy does with a second combat log and a Macro. Get over it.


Are you a parroting zombie? No one said anything about quiting. I love Classic and I clearly said strike and level another class.

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Please strike… we could use a lot less rogues in game.

Also, it nerfs hunter tracking, but you don;t see us complaining about it.

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Sure, but it’s much more prevalent at level 60.

So was Classic LFG. Remind me what happened there.

I will not let the irony of players who need this crutch saying this go.

How are you going to open your boxes?
Keys are very expensive.

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Think you just answered your own question.

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does anyone care if rogues go on strike?


No I didn’t.
You’re going to be paying 4 to 5g for keys, and get a loot for 80s most of the times.

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I think we need to start a rogues guild

Sir, this is Classic.

I’m a rogue and have zero problem with Spy.

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But you did answer it. Price isn’t the point. You asked how you’re going to open your lockboxes. You don’t need a rogue to open anything.

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