We Rogues are on Strike

I mean, if you want to go on strike then go right on ahead. More power to ya.

The problem is that nobody cares about your strike because nobody cares about rogues. I’m not even trying to troll either, I play on PvE. Rogues just really aren’t that valuable to groups.


Thanks, Next.


I know how the addon works. It shouldn’t stop you from stealthing, sneaking up behind them, and using an opener.
I’ve dueled enough people to figure out a strategy. Your turn :slight_smile:


Posting in a Hikus repeat topic thread just cause /reasons.


It was rhetorical.

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PvE or not the point remains the same. People don’t care about rogues. They’re not needed. I’ve played a rogue, it’s a fun class and I have nothing against it. But that’s the hard truth. Again, I’m not against your strike. I’m just saying your class won’t be missed.

I can’t recall any time in recent memory where I’ve heard “man we could really use a rogue right now.” Maybe if there’s a locked chest?


It’s not rhetorical where there ARE actually other reasons.

You’re a Rogue just go camp a flight path, easy mode for you.

I intentionally flavor my topics with a kinda humorous phrasing.
Or at least try to.
This is a type of responses I value and like, even if they are against the point I’m making.

Maybe go back to the plan?


Know this: I’ll do whatever I want and you can sky-cry all you want about it.

LOL. The cute lass has a point.

…but OFC?

Kidney Strike after taking a Cheap Shot by addon :stuck_out_tongue:

Non-rogue classes on PvP realms support this strike!

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Why would rogues going on strike effect any of us… hell if there was zero rogues my chances of being ganked drop to 10%


you get ganked by other classes more. Ganked by rogue leaves a stronger impression just because it’s unexpected.

If there were zero rogues, I’d still get ganked by the roaming raids of Horde filled with mostly Mages and Warlocks using their Felhunter to spot me in stealth.

Honestly, if Rogues all went on strikes, the only thing that would change is that I don’t get cheap shotted 3 seconds into the fight I was going to lose anyway.

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I’m a PVP maniac guys.
You can gank me million of times I won’t mind, as I wouldn’t mind being killed in Counterstrike.
What bugs me is the nerfing from out of game software.

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Know this: It’s Sunday and Hikus is educating people about the Spy addon.