We Rogues are on Strike

You know what. I change my mind. Let’s keep the mod. If it upsets childish angry trolls like this; it must be a good thing. In fact, let’s increase its range so it actually works outside the person’s visual range and points in the direction that the rogue is at. Let’ll be Spy v2!

There, you happy now? You succeeded in switching me to the opponent’s side (why anyone would want to do that is beyond me). Congratulations. My original post was meant to help rogues (which I’m going to delete). Now I hope rogues like you rot. You’re doing a good job at burning whatever empathy people would have had for your cause.

Haha i wouldnt call you a childish angry troll.

But if the greaves fit…

Technical compromises to a profoundly changed technical and logistical landscape do not invalidate #nochanges in any way. It doesn’t mean what you are strawmanning it to mean. You aren’t playing on a 800MHz CPU with a CRT monitor, a GeForce 2, 256MB of RAM, and dial-up or ADSL either. Is that therefore not authentic? It’s a puerile argument.

But honestly, we have articulated, and reiterated this one point so many times it’s clear those bringing it up constantly aren’t concerned with truth, haven’t done even the bare level of due diligence research, and are just pushing their skewed opinion irregardless of anything else because they’re angry with the game.

It is the internet, and on top of that WoW forums, so I get it. But still.

And this is a complete false hood. All it does is make it slightly harder to catch someone completely unawares. A) you still can do that, you just have to stealth farther away from them B) even if they’re aware you are somewhere in the area that does not mean you aren’t still stealthed and a good rogue should be able to deal with someone who is aware they are there as well. It sounds like mostly the people complaining about this addon are bad rogues who don’t know how to do that.

oof a lil grandiloquent and pompous, and wrong.

#nochanges isn’t about making wow classic work on modern hardware, and that in no way was adressed here.

You’re conflating a few minor technical aspects of launching the game with profound shortcuts and changes such as server populations. you completely missed the point. Talk about a strawman.

I asked why you felt an addon needs to hold your hand anyways. lmfao.


so in your mind the difference between a good rogue and a bad rogue is one who “stealths a little farther away”…

I think we found who the bad rogues really are. and they are retail druids.

Server populations are a direct result of the massively increased number of players. That’s a technical issue - it creates lots of them, actually. Vastly increased server populations are just one.

You suggested increased server populations somehow invalidated #nochanges, and it was in some way inauthentic to use AddOns. You’re just backpedalling now. You’re an angry little Rogue though, who wants to be able to gank with impunity. It’s all very consistent.

See point B.

even if they’re aware you are somewhere in the area that does not mean you aren’t still stealthed and a good rogue should be able to deal with someone who is aware they are there as well. It sounds like mostly the people complaining about this addon are bad rogues who don’t know how to do that.

“Point A was shredded to pieces, allow me to fall back on the other point i made”

Sure. Except that’s not really the point of stealth AT ALL, is it genius? to have people KNOW you’re there? Jesus christ…

Again, if you think the only difference between good rogues and bad rogues is to add ten yards and wait for Arcane explosion to stop spamming, i can see why you are a retail player.

/shrug I gave you two perfectly valid ways to deal with spy that completely shred your statement that Spy makes stealth worthless.

I’ll admit it makes you work harder to get that gank but they hardly make stealth worthless assuming you aren’t a terrible rogue. If you can’t figure out how to stealth slightly farther away from a target or get trhe drop on someone even when they know you’re somewhere around that is a you problem not a Spy problem.

I shredded you and im moving on lmao

I’m sorry but your arguments intelligent enough for me to keep responding to. I’m still laughing about you not understanding the concept of stealth.

That’s fine, if you want to blame an add on instead of actually getting better that’s your choice. Ironically it means you’ll still be a terrible rogue even without Spy.

Hold on guys, stop replying, this is bait.

He made this same forum post several weeks ago. No need to feed the troll anymore.

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No one is blaming an add on for anything. I’m pointing out it’s bad players who need to use them.

Ironic how bad players who need their hands held with addons because they cant be bothered to listen for stealth or check their combat logs, are the one calling other people bad.

I unlike you use NO addons to prop myself up.

but again, see as how laughably i disemboweled your previous arguments im not shocked to see you pulling ad hominems out in… well desperation to get a +1

this discussion is done, I’m not sure why you’re still trying to save face.

Go back to Retail

Go back to private servers.

You didn’t.

And I’m just slapping down the upstart kid, who’s mom really should have tucked him into bed by now.

It’s okay that you’re in over your head, kid.

Stop arguing with that dumb troll you guys. Just report and move on. Let the mods worry about it.

Already done.

Reported every one of his posts.

Thanks. He maxed out my reports.

One of us meaning… someone who can stealth?

Allow me to introduce you to… Prowl. I am “one of you.”

Can’t heal in Bear Form.
Die in a Cheap Shot if not in Bear Form.
Can’t shift out of stuns, disorients, incapacitates, or charms, which every good Rogue will have access to.

I have to be in Bear Form in the opener to have any hope of beating a Rogue, and that’s assuming they don’t Blind before Kidney Shot fades, in which case my chance of survive is zero. I don’t have the luxury of knowing when a rogue will attack, so I’m not always sitting in Bear Form.

I could get the opener, except Rogues have better stealth, better stealth detection, Cheap Shot doesn’t require them to be behind whereas Pounce does.

My best PvP build is a hybrid of Balance and Resto with Feral Charge, so sitting in Bear Form won’t ever actually kill anyone like it would if I were Feral.

But sure, I should never lose to a Rogue. Hahaha.

Actually, it’s MUCH easier for Rogues because they have Vanish, Sprint, Preparation, Blind, Sap, Cheap Shot that doesn’t require being behind, Kidney Shot, Evasion, Gouge, Kick, Distract, and much higher damage output.

Edgy level 14 troll alts, man…

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