We Rogues are on Strike

imagine not knowing if a rogue is going to open on you or not with spy

you know what? keep it. you need it. judging by your response you need all the help you can get in pvp.

and you die in a cheap shot? Seriously? that’s a you issue. Cheap shot is a four second stun that means we cant use damage openers. Thats what, one SS and an eviscerate?

Cant vanish with FF or any dot for that matter. im surprised you dont know how that works. If you arent using FF on rogues…

Yeah im not even going to keep breaking this down. You need Spy. I’m in full support of you using it.

Best of luck on your journey to improve in pvp

I don’t use Spy, buddy. /pat

Also does nothing to detect Rogues already in Stealth.

you should, i’m honestly in full support after reading your posts.

That was established earlier buddy. You can scroll up. We know how spy works
