We Rogues are on Strike

Well I died 2 times to 6 rogues . Spy didn’t detect them because they were waiting on the road to UBRS . Spy is only good at detecting rogues who see you then go into stealth . Usually you can hear someone going into stealth anyways .

Guess we’ll have to be killed by cowards some other way lol

110% on this.

People complain about rogues despite them being outclassed by virtually every other class on paper, and apparently we deserve the flak because we have “stuns and stealth”

Okay. Well our stuns are nowhere near other players stuns. Warlocks literally have a 20 second auto kiting stun. That isnt cleared with a FAP.

That leaves stealth, which is completely ruined by the SPY addon.

Honestly? I think people who think rogues are OP right now and use addons like spy are just poor at PvP and need every edge they can get. You’re using outside software to get an edge you wouldn’t otherwise have, or get this, DESERVE in PvP.

To the Rogue telling other people to be better, and he uses SPY…


This is the problem with people on the other side of this argument. You think you are actually good, or “better”, for using software to be better for you.

What an actual joke

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Dont act like you’re one of us.

You should never lose to a rogue, considering Blizzard gave you the ability to heal, tank and shift out of effects incessantly. Along with FF.

Spy in no way is half the pain in your rear is it is a rogues. Period. You getting caught out of stealth just means youre going to turn into a literal pussy and run for some kiting if not for dear life.

Edgelord droods man…

So rogues should essentially live in stealth no matter where they go because people use addons? I mean you’re suggesting we take a substantial movement debuff “before ever reaching an area”

So we dont use flightpaths? we have to leave Capital cities in stealth and walk to zones?

I don’t think a lot of other classes actually have to change their behavior because of how negatively impactful addons against them are.

See why this might feel kind of absurd to Rogues?

I really don’t see the issue.

This use to happen back in classic. I remember a guildie talking about being in BRM and the combat log (or an addon) would tell him:

“Yammingtons gains stealth”
“Yammingtons gains sprint”

For those who do not know, Yammingtons was a notorious ganker from alliance on Frostmourne in Vanilla. We played on horde.

Knowing when she (I believe Yammingtons was a female irl) had stealth didnt stop her from being the best rogue on the server.

I don’t defend the mod. I’m just saying what you could do about it. If you’d rather wait for Blizzard to disable the mod though (if they even do so), that’s your choice.

You literally just did defend the mod, by pointing out a work around. At no point did you renounce the mod.

There’s nothing wrong with the mod. It’s the API working as intended.

Why come to wow classic if you need addons to hold your hand?

I honestly never understood that.

Please point out where I said, “I approve of this Spy mod. I hope it stays here forever. There is nothing wrong with it.” You may have some trouble finding that post. Again, I pointed out ways for you to deal with the problem (other than crying to Blizzard to stop it, which they might not ever do). That is not the same as defending it.

The mod is bad, but most rogues are not going to let it stop them.

There have been addons in WoW since Vanilla shipped. It’s completely authentic. What are you talking about?

Addons were available in Vanilla. Extremely powerful ones.


"Think people totally ignore this faction. Easy solution is to stealth before even reaching an area, rather than waiting until after you see someone there. It might take a little longer to reach them, but you’re ensuring they didn’t see you, in any way, before you see them. Even without the mod, they can visibly see you if you wait, or on track.

Btw, there’s an item called a spyglass. It literally lets you see far beyond your normal range, meaning they can’t see you back. I use this to find ore veins… don’t see why it can’t be used to check areas for players."

This would be a defense. I get you’re a little slow, but go ahead and try to follow me.

Notice how you work to minimalize the impact of the addon? see how you paint it in a more forgiving light? How at no point you say ANYTHING critical of it? only serve to make it seem LESS harmful and is relative to other mechanics?

At no point did you outright state “i do not support this addon” in that statement either.

LMFAO. You’re a joke.

If you guys genuinely cared about “#nochanges” then why do you allow server populations to be what they are?

#noChanges isnt a defense when changes are implemented. You’re either a purist or you aren’t.

Not sure what you’re going on about.

I don’t like the larger servers, so I’m not allowing anything. (Especially since I have no control over server size.)

Simply pointing out #NoChanges is a load of Malarkey.

You don’t have control over whether or not spy is removed either so kind of moot really, not sure what you’re going on about.

Quoting you, as the same applies to you.

Christ you’re cringeworthy.

is this you trying to save face after looking silly?


LOL! You’re leaving?

Wonderful news.

Can I have your stuff?