We Rogues are on Strike

lets be honest a thread by you on rogues being upset good chunk of people could guess the content same with the other “rogues” that are complaining about spy.

no class is obsolete in raids, someone gets the tier drops

being needed in bwl is a big deal too, a lot people settle for T2 with no intention of doing aq and naxx

AQ40 and Naxx tier drops are shared among classes, so you are wrong on that. The ONLY appeal a Rouge has over a Fury Warrior in AQ40 and Naxx is the case where your MT doesn’t have TF or dual wielding and you are Horde for a higher threat ceiling.

i already commented on AQ and naxx, most people dont even bother with those

comment stands for BWL, which people actually run.

Spy is a terrible add-on but…

Yeah not quitting

The other more relevant point for not banning it is simply, they can’t. The API it uses is used by hundreds of other addons.

Good try chap.

oh no, a melee dps that gives no buffs or utility. only people roll this class to gank lowbies

This is sort of like if the mosquitoes go on strike.

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I am not a rogue, but I agree with the OP

Question, if most people use Spy because they don’t like rogues, what difference will it make if rogues strike? Wouldn’t that just placate the people already using Spy?

go back to retail rogues utility hell in classic they can beat out the warriors when geared.

Nobody would miss you. We don’t even know you’re there most of the time.

what utility exactly?

cc and interrupts as well as the best single target dps making is the best to tear down critical targets. as well as the ability to offtank in a pinch with evasion.

Fury Warrior > Combat Rogue in raids. Arms Warrior > PvP spec Rogue. Ofc a lot of that depends on if both players are equally skilled.
I played a rogue too back in the day (not saying I was a god or anything close but I wasn’t terrible. Rank 10), and if the warrior was just as geared they’d wreck me with huge crits.

Warrior can interrupt as well and also fear. They also have a buff they bring to the group. Obviously a Warrior can offtank in a pinch too. :slight_smile:

I approve this message, not having rogues does nothing but help my gameplay! all of you rogues especially undead rogues go on strike!

only till we get geared assassin > fury once we get our crit up.

in pvp you should not be trying to go toe to toe with warriors your a bad rogue if you do that.

oh yea fear a mob i sure your group is gonna love when that mob runs off and pulls more mobs. rogue cc sap, cheapshot, kidney shot, gouge. also wars get good numbers because they can cleave but rogues can outperform you on single target dps. again rogues are best spent tearing down a target that needs to be put down quickly.

Possibly, I thought we were talking about gear right now. Usually I see in raids easily 3:1 Warrior to rogue because Fury Warriors own on the damage meters.

No kidding :roll_eyes: I was talking about your response to the other person that was also talking about PvP not just utility.

Obviously that is a situational thing. Funny you skipped the interrupt thing and that they can offtank a hell of a lot better than your 15 second evasion.

All the dungeons/raids I’ve been in it’s usually 3+ mobs per pull so yeah, I’m taking the class that does better cleave damage every time.

All in all it’s just a matter of opinion. I’d take a Warrior over a Rogue every time in a Dungeon or a Raid. Usually have a mage or two for CC anyways so don’t need a rogue for anything but that’s just my opinion.

ah so you will be deleting the warr and getting a frost mage then?

He got wacked for 2 weeks but threads like this are still around.