Basically title, options are fat chicken which I do like, but not all the time. What about old glyph of stars? Formless moonkin for transmog purposes? Anything? Would love to be my nelf without A HUGE COAT OF BLUE PAINT WOOO
Inb4 formless feral
not a spellcaster and claws hurdur, wouldn’t work without it
If no one else supports “we” means me and my other personas.
I’d really like, at the very least… an orange alternative. However, if I were to make a wish upon a star
, I’d take the MoP Glyph of Stars back happily… What would be even better IMO is one similar to the Glyph of Shadow, again with Blue and Orange versions. I think these could be very easily made… as they would be re-skins of an existing appearance 
theres a toy for sod which gives boomkins this glyph. Its bluer since it went live but when it was up on ptr it just made the char somewhat like a ghost. Id much prefer just looking at my char as normal but that would work since its not changing the color of the mog. But id gladly take that instead.
Personally, Id love to have a buff like “Moonkin Affinity” or something that gives the same benefits. We PvPers can track that if we really wanna know if they’re sheepable or not and most of the time they aren’t anyways so who cares.
Orange blob is welcome, but I wouldn’t use it myself.
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I just can’t see why our moonkin form cant look like that of Malfurion Stormrage with the wings on the arms claw feet like design.
This works too. Some default antlers? Few colors to the wings. That would do the trick too. But I think it’s just easier to set the transparency and the tint, than add new models and whatever.
This kind of effect is what I wanted for an alternative to Glyph of Stars. I can’t put the link directly, if somebody with more privileges would be kind to do so:
I agree.
Imo they should never remove cosmetic stuff from the game (although that is a whole different debate); If they do spell updates, they should put in a glyph that lets you use the old version, if you want. The same thing happened to shadowpriest when it went from a really cool looking, dark black to a smoky version (pros and cons to both, IMO).
I like the old glyph of stars better - it was alot more color neutral. Although, I do believe balance druids should be able to use a glyph to appear in their normal humanoid form if they want, while in moonkin form.
Druid devs, bless us with the gift of mogging. The old glyph of stars shall guide your way. Glyph of shimmering stars?
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Why are people asking for different colors when this is what we should be asking for. Aim higher.
Because the key here is options
Some will prefer the Moonkin customizations; others, will want different colors, hues or strengths of Astral form, and others would prefer just to add antlers or so on their character. I say, the more, the better 
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I think giving moonkin the option to choose one of the travel forms as an alternate caster form would be great. I don’t even care if it gets cast animations. Raptor cat blowing things up, or the butterfly, perfection.
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I always want more options. I wish I could be in caster form without being a blue ghost. It’s one of the things that keeps me from maining my druid these days. But, I do like the new cosmetics for my moonkin. I just want to be a caster without being a bird beaked giant chicken sometimes.
I’ve noticed that blue and green transmogs will… make you very blue with Astral. However, using warmer colors, or even black and red like I am, will help offset it as if just a little bit. There’s ALSO the option under the settings, search “Self highlight”, and set to “Outline”. That will make your character appear less blue, but it only shows this way on your screen. It’s a rather new built-in setting for raid accessibility, such as finding your character in Amirdrassil was all green lol
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While I appreciate you mentioning this, it just highlights the desperation we have 
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Yes, but just to ourselves 
This is the right time to add more options though
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I also miss the original Glyph of Stars. It made you translucent with a graphic effect of small stars falling around the druid. The blue shader they added to make it stand out more tints Fangsong here to be less verdant than he should be.
Xmas wish for a quick hue fix. Pls, k, thx, lol
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