We really need less intrusive glyph of stars alternative

I must be the only one bothered by the translucency lol. Why it has to be ghostly? Just a bunch of starry effects would suffice.


I was -again- scouring over the internet and found this: https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1193080-crystallized-starlight.jpg from another thread some time ago that mentioned glyph of stars in season of discovery. Even in that they didnā€™t include the BLUEE!!! form, rather more calmer version of it. Can we just? Please? For retail.

What I really want for Balance is something akin to the Glyph of Stars but with solar coloration (would be so much easier to see in a raid environment when zoomed out) or green w/leaves.

I have never liked crit chicken form because it feels slower. I know that itā€™s not actually slower, but the movement and size of it makes it feel slower. I canā€™t stand that sensation that Iā€™m walking instead of running when Iā€™m a fat chicken, so I never used it.

I main Resto, and they took away moonkin form so itā€™s kind of a moot point for me this expansion. Still. I have opinions about diverse options for boomy forms, and I have always used Glyph of Stars to stay away from the waddling bird situation.

Having solar/lunar/nature color options for the glyph of stars form would be nice.

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I like both ideas, would be fantastic.

However, I can see with my soul eyes carrying 500 different glyphs in my bags to match the overlay color with my current transmog. Thats why I favour colorless effect with some thematic stuff like leaves, the tiny stars falling etc. Still an improvement for sure.

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100%ā€¦which is why it needs to be in the Barbershop like all the other form appearances. You have to obtain the glyph to add it to barbershop and then done. I say this as a scribe in the game, too, so itā€™s in my best interest for people to have to buy them. ha ha

But Iā€™m also a druid, so I think obtaining the appearance once and then having it as a barber option forever after would be best.

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Sneaky. To be fair, Iā€™d buy the old glyph of stars for 7 million gold, just would love to have the effect available.

I meanā€¦I havenā€™t checked recently, but I have always used Glyph of Stars. And I have made many of them over the years for people I play with.

Can I not just send you one? Honestly, theyā€™re super cheap to make.

I still use it when Iā€™m in Balance, and I did not notice any major difference while leveling.

I meant the old effect one! :sweat_smile: I shouldve been bit more clearer. They changed it during uhh WoD(?) to be the stark blue effect from transparent and slightly ghostly, but the old one didnt add any colors, just faded some.

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Adding some info:

When looking at the recent changes to dracthyr, we can see a surplus of people playing the race. Interesting note is that, to my EU eyes, people are favouring the visage greatly over the draconic form. Prettiness, customization and freedom sells. ā†’ less intrusive glyph of stars. Make transmogs matter.

Limitations only make sense, when theyā€™re hard-coded into the theme, such as it would be weird for ask formless feral. That wouldnā€™t just work.

I support this motion as I have since MoP.

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Chiming in with my worthless support vote :slight_smile:
I personally am not a fan of the chicken option, I just cant. I most likely wouldnt play boomkin if no glyph of stars.
So, more options would be welcome.


Okay, so Iā€™ve been thinking about this today as I do my housework, and I was considering all of the wicker forms we all got excited about when KT first arrived on the scene:

Why isnā€™t our boomkin form more like the Spriggans from Skyrim? I mean you can just google the fan art for spriggans and the modded variations that have been placed in the game to see kinda what Iā€™m visualizing.

Druids change forms, so I get the idea that weā€™d physically change when becoming the avatar of natureā€™s wrath. Bear = tank. Cat = melee DPS. So they want an animal for Balance, too. I get that, but a big tree is the healer form, traditionally speaking. Why not a spriggan for the caster DPS? Itā€™s basically just an angrier tree.

It would fit, and it would make me forgive them for the fat plague chicken instead of an actual wicker man form for Balance from the KT. Seriously, that deflated my balloon when I saw that plague chicken instead of the scary af wicker walkers that weā€™d been fighting all expansion to that point.

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I wanna point one funny thing out. I was scrolling and I watched one M+ video about EC hero talent on moonkin in stonevault. The utuber was using gleeful glamour to hide the blue layer and appeared normal. One solution more it seems!

Also, funny is that he got A LOT of comments ā€œhow do you stay in human form?ā€ Why he got them? There is a lot of peeps wanting to get rid of this stuff. Donā€™t wanna post link cause no ads, but video was released 1 month ago from 5letter name utuber.

Itā€™s funny that the Gleerful Glamour also overlaps bear and cat forms. Itā€™s quite nice for a changeā€¦ IIRC the only form it doesnā€™t affect is the travel form.

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And seems like only with them. I saw someone using gleeful glamour to change to different race, but if you use your own, the BLUE overlay persists. For crying out loud.

To be honest, I wouldnā€™t even mind if some glyph only had client side effect and remained blue to other players. Just, ugh.

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Iā€™d love to see something more akin to Malfurionā€™s ā€œBalanceā€ form, that could be barber shop edited so you can have as much or as little of the Lazer Chicken as you desired.

Incarnation: Chosen of Elune should go 100% full on BattlegobblegobbleLazerpew however.


I love this idea too, but I canā€™t see it happening. Way too much work to be asked for. If general discussion is right and, for example, one of the reasons why paladin/shaman classes havenā€™t expanded to the other races is due to needing to make new totems/mount for said race, a suggestion like yours almost falls to the same category. Thatā€™s why my initial request was quite small in the hopes of it actually happening. The blue layer removal is quick work. I love your idea though.

Also, if you view this thread and agree with it, leave a comment. The dracthyrā€™s permanent visage thread lasted quite long and after 2 years they actually made it so. Not saying it happened because of that singular thread, but everything helps I reckon.

I -HATE- this argument. For a number of reasons, the first of which is that they literally pay people to do things like this.

The second being, who asked them to make a barber shop customization for the Moonkin? Nobody. Somebody just went and did it and somebody in management said ā€œHey, thatā€™s neat. Add it.ā€

Third, new totems/mounts for the races being too much effort is just an argument that somebody made years ago and somehow it became the mantra everybody chants whenever anything is mentioned about new race/class combos. They can put out entire expansions but they canā€™t slap a glow effect onto an armored up version of the Kul-Tiran Racial Mount? They can create 73 different Wasp varieties for hunter pets every expansion, but they canā€™t make 3 horses?

Blizzard has an army of people all working on stuff. ā€œHey, Bob, can you get me 20 to 30 hybrid Balance form ideas sketched up for the 3-D artists to get to work on?ā€ ā€œReally? YEAH!ā€


I hate it myself too, but over the years Iā€™ve just accepted it, who knows why.

True. I hope someone would just mention it there :smiley: But youā€™re right.