We needs new players

Yea, guess I should give him his due there. :clap:

Love the plan

Looks like you woke up and chose retarded

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Right , Just stop you guys BG premade

you all killed all the new players who wanted to play PVP


We need less fotm abusers so there’s actually variety.

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Except instead of dying it’s seeing record profits but sure

Technically you can play pvp and pve for free, just without perks, do trial and you can lvl to 20, you can pvp, and you can dungeon, and you can quest and do pve lore, so i mean they technically give you the option to try the game before paying for it, i dont think taking it put of the game and make it free would make people want to play more, cause as guy said wow been around for 20 years, Not everyone a pvper, im not, i hate pvp cause so many people use addons and sweats too hard for it, makes it not fun. NOW if ima be truthful, wow was meant for lore/story, so ofc itll cater to pve more. It is a rpg game. And alot of people rp in wow. NOW my opinion is that reason we dont gain many players, or loose, its not just blizz, as much as people want to blame them and activison, but the player base itself, its toxic and disrespectful to new players, or players that are trying to learn to play

Ok what did you arena players do with panda? lol sorry, he wandered out of the battlegrounds forums because 
well, no one likes him over there. But if you send him back we will put him on a leash. Sorry for the confusion


Yeah sorry Arena forum. Can we get our Panda back ?

Soul forgot to lock the gate and he got out


He’s kinda like those gremlins
.dont feed after midnight

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This thread seems to suggests no one likes him over here either. He basically got bullied out of his own thread.


Yeah we are just are just over here to collect his remains


I appreciate the effort here, but

This has got to be the worst set of ideas i’ve ever seen in my life. Swing and a miss.

Arena participation is always low at the end of seasons. Participation is healthy when the season starts, and tapers off end of season, like every game mode in retail does. This is essentially by design at this point, considering how thinly Blizzard splits it’s player bases with multiple game modes released throughout a retail season.

The existence of Solo Q is also always going to appear to hurt overall participation numbers because most players will choose to Q solo. Solo is also generally bad for the overall long term health of the game regardless of the appearance of it’s short term benefits.

And as long as Shuffle continues to be a way easier way to knock out achievements compared to ladder, it will continue to feel dead.


bro hes dead. you guys killed him


Rofl I bet this guy was hoping this thread would just go away.

Nope :sweat_smile: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :sleepy: :money_mouth_face: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :stuck_out_tongue: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_peeking_eye: :shushing_face: :melting_face: :upside_down_face:

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Wow pvp does need new players though.

I’ll agree with that part anyway

:flushed: :see_no_evil:

if you look at his posts its astronomical. something like 4k a week. lol and he came over here and now hes missing

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Actually, it is. You listed 1 example per expansion, for a few different expansions, but there were also tons changes because of the 3-4 different raids released those expansions as well. 1 change or feature for PvP compared to 20 or 30 in relation to PvE is actually really telling on what the balance around.

If you read any of the blue posts where they explain the balances/changes with the Developer notes, expecially prevalent in the more recent expansions, you would see the reasoning is mainly for PvE, and that has happened across multiple expansions. If you wanted to quantify the changes and their reasonings, you could, and you would find a lot more in the PvE column in comparison to the PvP column, all of which you can dig up online if you are so inclined. I do believe WoWpedia or sites like it has patch notes that date way back, actually. It is actually so focused on PvE balancing that they just made a PvP aura so they just tweak the aura and actually have to do very little to keep up with PvP in comparison to what they have to do for PvE.

Not trying to crap on your parade or anything like that, but just as the saying goes, the exceptions don’t make the rule. Same goes for league. Its a MOBA and has a completely different structure to it in comparison to WoW, so i don’t see how that is a fair comparion to an MMORPG, which has a cometely different structure to it, even from a long term to short term progression point.

Sure, some people really enjoy PvP, and that is awesome. WoW has a ton of stuff going on for everyone, and that is the best part about it. However, you can only focus on and do 1 thing really well in comparison to others, as you only have so many resources you can allocate/time in the day, and something has to fall to the wayside to make room for what you do want to focus more on. For WoW, that happens to be PvE.

I hope you find what you need to be satisfied in WoW PvP, but trying to change what WoW is won’t get you there. Some people just don’t have an interest in PvP, and trying to force people to PvP as some people complain they are forced to do PvE is not fixing the problem, just changing it’s focus. If anything, that would be a fast way to kill the population off and effectively kill the game. More people just enjoy PvE, nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is. If PvE went away, the players woud just find a different game. Having less players won’t help you find new players, now will it? If you want new players for PvP, you need to change how PvP works. If not, it doesn’t make sense to complain how things don’t change when you don’t do anything to change it. That is literally the definition of insanity according to Einstein.

Ah yes small indy company Blizzard Entertainment does not have the resources to manage more than 1 game. How silly of me to think the multi billion dollar company would be able to handle having 2 separate teams for their cash cow game.

I am completely fine with current wow for the most part. But being fine with it does not mean it’s perfect and that there aren’t massive improvements that can be made if Blizzard put more than 0 effort into it.

Are you misreading something? How would this change the pve experience in any way? For pve players this game is going to be completely the same. They can still do everything they like, even play pvp if they feel like it. It’s just creating a streamline way for players who specifically want to play pvp can get into the game. If anything it could even increase the amount of pve players since after playing pvp the player might fall in love with the game and want to try more aspects of it other than pvp.

In what way? Also how is this not a change? Wow arena has never had good accessibility for new players. You have to go through so many hoops compared to any competitive pvp game that it’s impossible to get into. Unless you are super dedicated to it.
The way the game works and plays is fine, the biggest problem is the accessibility for new players. And if we had more new players blizzard would be more inclined to put more attention in pvp. That is the reasoning for my argument.