We need to talk about how we talk about stories

It was totally out of character when the action didn’t actually gain her anything. She managed to enter Shadowlands with no allies of her own that aren’t ultimately under the Jailer. She has no units under her, and no real power in her allegiance.
We’re basically shown that the ‘secretive, manipulative’ power player is secretly completely garbage at her role in the narrative.

As for abandoning the forsaken earlier, why was she the only person who could stand up to Garrosh? Where in the hells was Nathanos, the guy who snarked to a woman empowered by a god.
That entire scene is so strange simply because the commanding officer of the Forsaken is Lydon.

Do those even exist?

There are some, though they probably subdivide into specific kingdom fans more then just generic ‘human fans’

Yes. I’m one of them and I object to all these scenarios for boosting the Forsaken by screwing over humanity in Lordaeron even harder than they’ve already been screwed. Certainly outrageous and bald-faced lies like “The Alliance has no right to be in Lordaeron” need to be challenged.

Because two kingdoms over five zones isn’t enough for one playable race.

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There barely is a humanity in Lordaeron, it’s literally just the Argent Crusade (which lost a lot by being the first group at the Broken Shore) and whatever Scarlet remnants reformed for the Return of the Reveangence.

As of Cataclysm, the Forsaken had claimed control of the heartlands of 5 out of 7 human kingdoms. The inhabitants of all these human kingdoms were mobs that Horde farmed for quests.

There was plenty of humanity in Lordaeron. The ones that didn’t flee to Stormwind ended up getting murdered by the Forsaken though, and now a bunch of Horde players repeatedly waltz into threads looking at the blighted, corpse-ridden wasteland they created and saying “well if humans had a right to be here where are they?”

A group of fully dead people is not a group you can screw over with future developments.

EDIT: But you know what, to be completely fair to you, what are the core lands you think the Forsaken should be entitled to?

Cool, so all the Alliance needs to do to reassert its claim is kill all the Forsaken, and then when Forsaken fans complain on the forums respond with “well they’re all dead now so what can ya do lmao”

Cataclysm ended with the Forsaken in control of three zones, contesting two additional ones.

Alterac is uncontrolled/contested
Arathi was contested
Gilneas was in the hands of the Gilneans at the end of Silverpine questing.

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Alterac was folded into Hillsbrad which was made Forsaken territory
The Horde killed and raised Galen Trollbane and wiped out a ton of the league of Arathor. The next we saw they controlled Stromgarde Keep.
Gilneas is a freaking mess and you know it.

Then BfA happens, the Alliance actually starts to reclaim territory that the Forsaken invaded and people have the gall to act as though it’s the Forsaken who are being unjustly attacked by having their colonial empire pushed back.

Until it wasn’t for the Fangs of the Father quests, then was blighted and uninhabitable at the end of MoP, then was in Gilnean hands again in BfA.

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Turning that around, all the Horde needs to do is kill all the Alliance and there won’t be any issues moving forward…

I’ll believe that Alterac is part of Forsaken territory when I see an actual Forsaken presence there. We know where Arathi eventually ended up, and while I agree that Gilneas was a mess, it’s a mistake to assert that the Forsaken control it.

None of these make it reasonable for one playable race to have eight zones as its exclusive domain as it banishes another one to Northrend or the moon or wherever you had in mind.


If you want my full, honest opinion, I think that through their actions in Vanilla and Cataclysm, the Forsaken have abdicated their right to sovereignty and they should be put under military occupation by the Alliance until they can be rehabilitated into society, like how Germany and Japan were occupied following WWII.

What I think the most acceptable and realistic gameplay option is that the Alliance grants them parts of Tirisfal on the condition that they are supervised by Calia.

I mean, that’s basically the argument when you say “well all those people were killed by the Forsaken so I guess only the Forsaken retain land rights.” It’s a naked statement that all that matters is power, at which point I would remind you that it’s the Alliance that holds all the power in Lordaeron right now so you might want to be careful with these assertions.

Yeah, the Alliance took them back. But my point is that you sit there and say it wouldn’t be fair for humanity to control most of its old human kingdoms but you had no objection whatsoever to a scenario where 5 out of 7 human kingdoms controlled by the Horde.

Why is it fair for the Horde to control all that historical Alliance land but not for the Alliance to? If the sole basis here is because of zone boundaries then whatever, this is the story forum and the notion that stories need to adhere to strictly delineated zones of gameplay control is stupid and has no place in this discussion.

This man plays a Dwarf and he really said this.


Regarding the bolded part - hard disagree. The story exists to prop up the gameplay, period. Hence gameplay matters.

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Go find a gameplay forum then.

If you don’t understand the story’s role in the game, you really have no place in this discussion.

So to put a cap on it - no. You do not get to tell an entire playable race to pound sand over a fantasy involving one having full control of an entire continent.


Oh please. You can’t have a story where something as arbitrary as “everyone needs to have an equal amount of zones in the lore” is a sacrosanct rule. You don’t have a story at that point, you have a pathetic facade for a glorified theme park.

Real people do not act in accordance to such arbitrary notions, good characters shouldn’t either, and nor should an actual logical narrative progression.

You want a gameplay solution? Cataclysm isn’t going anywhere, the Horde are going to have those questing zones forever. Future phasing or books showing narrative progression doesn’t break gameplay at all.