We need to talk about how we talk about stories

Yeah, it’s an origin story about Alliance stuff that they took away from the Alliance. The Forsaken themselves are poached from the Alliance. The entire conceptual basis for undead is stealing people. That’s their schtick and it’s what makes them more psychologically troubling to face when compared to other forces.

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If we’re going to point fingers of who has become a symbol of what IRL, I remind everyone that “kek” is what Alliance players see when a Horde player types /say lol and what Alliance players can type so a Horde player can see “lol”.

Anywho Forsaken and Maldraxxus needs to be tied together, same as Night Elves and Ardenweald, and I am increasingly worried Blizzard will refuse to do so.

You mean this line? “Mistrusted by the other members of the Horde, the Forsaken must now prove their loyalty to the cause; and redeem themselves for their supposed treachery … As one of the Forsaken you must use your cunning and viciousness to slay any who would pose a threat to Sylvanas’ rule. Be they Human, Undead, or Otherwise”.

This gives them a reason why they have to play nice, and put on heirs … but never gives them a motive to really integrate or become more symbiotic with the rest of the Horde. Hell, if anything, the Post Cata Scourge-Lite Forsaken are even more antagonistic and doing their own thing than their Vanilla-WotLK era iteration. Especially with the Horde. Which is again why you largely see them operating pretty independently from the other Horde races, outsides of scattered individuals like Tehd.


I don’t pretend to represent night elf fans, but the whole “night warriors go to ardenweald” is a little troubling to me. The High-Priestess of Elune goes off to be a critter in Ardenweald to serve the Winter Queen? Does that sound right?

Thrall helped them get back undercity. They are part of the Horde. What motive do you want???

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It does if we just get confirmation “Actually the Elune promised land is Ardenweald, and Winter Queen is Elune’s daughter, and she takes after her mother so they have basically the same face, so you are sorta looking at Elune haha”

Droite has a puzzling mental block when it comes to Forsaken and Forsaken-adjacent topics.


I guess that’s fair enough. Although I wouldn’t have imagined Night Elf paradise being in the shadowlands.

Have the Horde start supplying the bodies to replenish the Forsaken population. Forsaken get a reason to like the Horde, Alliance gets to stop having its characters and NPC’s poached

Alliance can totally have Derek Proudmoore back. Calia has to stay neutral though. Not a huge fan of poaching the night elves, but not a huge fan of Night Elves having Dark Rangers… but I guess they can have those back too.

Yes, my lack of filling absences of content with content convenient for my personal headcannon is such a blight. Just as Sylvanas was never given a sufficient reason to care for her people beyond her need to use them, the Forsaken were never really given a proper motive to truly really move beyond their Alliance of Convenience. Least of all while Sylvie was turning them into her Bulwark. Integration isn’t exactly symbiotic with them being a meatshield and tool for her. The Horde being suspicious of them is not really a reason to do anything but play nice for a while.

Why? She’s Alliance.

Was she coming in from orbit?

I gave you a reason why- Thrall helped them get the undercity back. I asked what motive you would want, you gave no answer.

So what? He did what he was supposed to do in his functional role, and somehow that is supposed to have them have a change of heart? That was their Alliance of Convenience operating as they expect it. That is not exactly sufficient motive for them to start integrating further with their “Convenient Allies”. Least of all with how deeply untrusting most of them were … until Sylvanas was shoehorned into the Horde drivers seat. Then they were all “plot-convenienced” to shut the hell up.

Honestly, I had a whole post written up here and I deleted it just because I realized the essence of what I wanted to say is this:

I greatly dislike your attempts to divide the Forsaken away from the Horde.

I don’t need to do that. They did that themselves for years. I want them to finally become more symbiotic with at least the other Horde races. I could care less if they remain hyper antagonistic to the Alliance races or not, but without question their “Alliance of Convenience” needs to absolutely die. It just needs to be an Alliance. Especially now with how utterly dependent they are on the Horde in their current state.

And Cata Scourge-Lite Forsaken were absolutely not moving on from that relationship with the Horde. Least of all during the Garrosh period. When the entire Horde itself was splitting to pieces.

Their presence in the Horde was always phenomenally stupid even if you discount the fact that their entire existence is predicated on trolling the Alliance.

Mellow is trying to tell you why your interpretation is wrong. You basically replied to him with word salad.

The Forsaken are part of the Horde. Why do you have to complicate this?

Because its grown beyond frustrating to have this group thats “just using us” (and everyone friggen knew it) … that the rest of the Horde wasn’t ever allowed to act upon. Because game mechanics required them to remain passive. You get to the end of MoP where nearly every single Horde leader recognizes Sylvanas as an issue that needs to be dealt with … to none of them ever acting on that. And being forced to just sit on their hands as the woman they all mistrusted was made Warchief.

Its time for them to move on from their Alliance of Convenience once and for all. If nothing else because they bring nothing of sufficient value left to make them convenient for the Horde in their broken state. Its time for them to actually become part of the Horde, rather than edgily just using the Faction.

He could have decided that Sylvanas was full of crap, blamed her for everything, killed her, and garrisoned Undercity with even more soldiers.

Just like Thrall knew Thunder Bluff would burn, and Bolvar knew Sylvanas would take the helm of domination for herself. They knew nothing.

He isn’t complicating it, he’s observing that the problems the Forsaken have created for the Horde far outweigh the benefits the Horde has received from their membership.

The Forsaken are a loose cannon constantly pursuing their own agenda and antagonizing all their neighbors, particularly the Alliance. Their former capital is barely habitable for other members of the Horde. They have few if any arable land or useable resources. Their numbers are few and they bring relatively little to the table for the Horde aside from the plague (which causes extreme collateral damage.) What resources the Forsaken did possess were wasted on pointless and needlessly antagonistic land grabs in southern Lordaeron that ended up getting rolled by the Alliance anyway as soon as the Alliance decided enough was enough.

And to top it off they used the resources and security provided to them by the Horde to break the afterlife and send everyone to Hell.

The only thing that the Horde got in return for all this was a foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms that frankly, at the time the Forsaken were admitted into the Horde they shouldn’t have wanted and certainly didn’t need. Thrall was Warchief at the time and should have known better than anyone how allying with the undead in the Eastern Kingdoms in order to solidify their hold on Alliance lands when not even a year had passed since the Scourge invasion would go down with the Alliance but he did it anyway.

The Forsaken are a mess. Their presence in the Horde makes the Horde a mess, and by proxy it makes the Alliance a mess. The Forsaken being in the Horde required that the collective IQ of everyone on Azeroth drop by 50 points minimum in order to make it work. Everyone is dumber for their presence.