We need to progress to mop

Burst of Speed
best ability that ever existed for Rogues <3
however it wasn’t removed because of pvp, there was bots who spam Queue LFD 2x naked druids to join s tank & healer then afk at dung entrance while the other 3x rogue bots stealth just to kill last boss, it takes 2~3min for the whole run, bots repeat same route for every single dungeon/heroic dungeon…million gold per day from just vendor’ing.

Yes I want mop. Also Mop > wrath


i think pandaland was fine compared to what we got afterwards

I took a long break during Cata because I hated what happened to the old world. Came back for MoP, logged in for 20 minutes, logged back out and haven’t logged back in since. My class got gutted (feral dps), talents were gone, stupid panda’s everywhere, farming simulator, the list goes on. I did hear from friends that it had the best PvP in the game, but the class and pve changes were too drastic for me. I might give cata a try this time around, but I’ll probably stop at MoP again.

I think druids only got symbiosis in mop, feral was almost untouched

I seriously do not understand people’s extreme negative reaction to Pandaren.

Everytime I see someone rant about how MOP was bad, they always bring up the Pandaren like that’s suppose to be a point, and like the existence of a race they do not have to play somehow completely ruins the entire expansion for them.

Especially the people that make it clear they literally put zero effort into actually exploring the expansion at all and just left at first sight.

Seems childish to me, MOP was not a bad expansion… pity it had to work with the broken tools Cataclysm gave it though.


I think the reason people like wrath so much is because of how accesible the content was compared to any other expansion, however I think removing LFR and turning it into normal (having 3 difficulties instead of 2) would make the game way more accessible allowing casual players to clear the content and enjoy it as well.

I really enjoyed MoP, but I don’t want Classic to just go through every expansion again.

The Classic project needs to think for itself and come up with something new that fits the ideals of Classic.

You heard wrong about cata. Mop was great for pve and pvp. Cata was a snoozefest.

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sure just do it after mop

I fell into this stupid train of thought, and all I can say is I regret it greatly. Really wish I put as much effort into MoP at the time as I did trashing it because “muh panda”.

Assassination was not good in arena; there were like 2 or 3 assassination rogues on the ladder back then with all but 1 combat rogue being sub because sub is actually decent in arena.

Throw build was trash, it was a meme build that no one who was not AFK feared…

deadly poison and venomous wound damage in PvP was massively nerfed by PvP resilience; VS pve geared players im sure it was effective but VS PvP gear its weak and easily out healed by any healer and partly outhealed by most class self healing.

There was no free road to glad in MoP; way too many people on the ladder for that to be a thing; frankly rogue was not even truly a powerful class in MoP; it was the weakest melee, not by massive amounts but all the other melee were factually stronger in Rated pvp.

The one place rogue did shine in Rated PvP was RBG, they were god tier FC’s with burst of speed and CR.

Feral was incredible in MoP; not sure why anyone would be upset by it since it was so strong… then again changes can be ikky for sure.

I don’t remember feral being that bad in mop, kinda underplayed but still decent enough to stand out

it was insane fun; literally every class was glad viable… what a time to play, i miss it


Yeah Mop was definitely the peak of wow

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well…i managed 2700 being assa full Mythic pve geared by stacking mastery, criting Envenomfor 400k dmg on full ress players, that was was huge before the last patch nerf & pre-stats squeeze. i don’t think that anyone was even aware of this except the people i’ve encountered.

Mop has alot of abuses under certain conditions. same goes for combat BF with the glitch of extra hits, the wow progress was removing those raids which certain boss’s in Mythic SoO died within few seconds.

Possibly with SOO gear, but if anyone knew you didnt have resilience you were a gonner.

5.4 had some bad changes to a few things; the best two patches were 5.2 and 5.3 with 5.3 being the best balanced of them all.

The biggest offender in 5.4 was WW being utterly ridiculous. They way way way over buffed it to the point if comical broke.

sorry if im a bit skeptical about that claim; Resil geared players were like 75% DR in 5.4. Biggest crits I ever saw were like 280k RSK’s from WW and obviously some larger crits from locks CB…

but most of that stuff was 5.4, so maybe if Blizzard does MoP they would be wise to use 5.3 to avoid some of the more questionable stuff.

that’s true, winning by a surprise was the key, meeting same team twice means 100% Lose.

did the same in wotlk being combat hard capped crit + Armor pen in full hc icc gear, having 2x slow weapon and 1 killing spree was enough to kill gladiator holy pala in full res in 2sec if they didn’t bubble. but once they spot me they surely avoid the instant death.

except that, getting over 100% mastery was the key role for the insane number, i’m not sure if it was intended or env get bugged if u have +200%

same with the combat BF glotch, i have a video for doing +1million dps when everyone was set at 10~20k after the stat squeeze, blizzard never failed to release patchs with insane abusive glitches.

very well could indeed have been a bug; there was a bug I think it was in wrath where paladins were killing people instantly with seal of vengeance or something like that.