We need to be table to report hacking

I just had a level 11 shaman with blue gear storm though our dungeon doing 50k a hit and soloing the bosses without us if we stood there. They took no damage this whole time and when questioned about it they said ‘‘haha maybe I’m hacking’’ I left my old account and I’m pretty new to coming back but i remember you used to be able to report people for possible hacking? but it’s just gone?

But if you report someone you only get 2 options, report for their name, or communication. There is no option for anything else.

That seems like a odd oversite to me.

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Right-click, Report for cheating


This actually is a pretty common scaling issue when you have different levels of characters in a dungeon. Lower level characters tend to do more damage. I don’t know if Blizzard considers it a long term issue or not.


What about that makes you think they are hacking? Cause they joked around saying he was? lol…

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It’s this, the lowest levels have like 2 buttons so those buttons do “massive dmg” when scaled


Yes oh wise one, the person who killed a boss in 2 hits and joked about hacking just may be haking.

It’s like seeing someone twitching and saying they ‘‘may’’ be on something. You come to the logical conclusion first.

There was a thread about this sort of thing on Reddit:


You might have a look. It’s apparently not hacking, but a legitimate playstyle.

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Roll a level 10, run a dungeon, and watch how much damage you’re chunking. Then you can report yourself for hacking if you still think it’s hacking.


Okay so this is what they’re doing. I wonder how much gold it cost to make/buy this stuff. Thank you this clears up everything.

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Some replies I read there indicated it just takes time to farm up the gear, though maybe there are enchants and whatnot in addition that would cost a bit, idk. Seems like fun, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Could be a medical issue my dude. Don’t jump to rash conclusions about things you don’t know about.

Even here in your own thread you were proven wrong because it’s easier for you jump to the wrong conclusion rather than do a bit of research on your own.

I know you are not talking to me this way.

I don’t think soloing a boss in 2hits at level 11 is a rash conclusion. If I didn’t have proof of course I’d think thats hacking but they just messed up something when they rebalanced everything. IN all my years playing I’ve never seen this. Let alone while joking about hacking while no one else in the group has seen this or understands.

So get off that high pony of yours as if you can’t tell how strange that is to see or why that confusion is logical. At least your guild name makes sense.

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I sure am! Problem?

Do some research on your own rather than immediately jumping to conclusions and running to the “CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER!!!” button.

Lol… so clever…

Ps. The plural of wolf is “wolves” not “wolfes”

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Probably scaling. I’ve seen level 10s and 11s who turn off xp and are twinks absolutely demolish dungeons, one or two shotting full groups and bosses. It’s not uncommon if you run those leveling dungeons often.


We are table you say?

Everything is table now!

It’s not the table but the chairs you made along the way.


This made me happy.

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1: Cheating isn’t some life changing accusation that needs deeply researched online before hand so I don’t know why your so upset at this.

2: My name is Wolfe but it was taken. Better this than a alt code.

3: You’re a little jerk online who is loud over a keyboard. I bet money you wouldn’t say anything in person. People like you thrive off of being mean in places there isn’t much repercussion and you are protected to people you don’t know for fun to take your mind of your worthless lives and choices you make.

I don’t need or desire such conversation with you. And I’m sure the worst punishment is whatever you already feel in-between your depravity you put people through online who have the misfortune of getting your attention.

So have the day you deserve, Siameren.

Hehe I’m Glad to hear! I likewise wish you and all here a happy thanksgiving day tomorrow. :slight_smile:


These are the same people that cry hacks in games like battlefield, cod, rust ect when you kill them. All I can recommend is turning into a game and play along with them. Not farming for kda anymore farming for reports.

I ran into this too at the low levels. They roll a toon, get it to 10 or so, and then lock Xp. Takes a lot of work to gear up with the best gear, add on the insane dungeon scaling. I just look at as a free ride and requeue again.