We need to balance our factions and how to do so

Nice job ignoring suggestions after asking for them mate.


This is the most perfect representation of passive-aggression I’ve ever seen.

Good job. You’ve accomplished nothing, and apologized to nobody.

Just know, those who thought about rolling horde. This is how you’ll be addressed on these forums if you ever decide it just wasn’t working out for you. You no longer exist. You are are part of the problem and have not tried hard enough. You didn’t put in enough energy. You treated your main as your alt. You weren’t dedicated enough. You weren’t good enough for the Horde.



WrA AS A WHOLE has been pushing for a more “Family Friendly” Mindset. While this is ok for some this means people who wish to rp characters with darker themes are left out in the cold.

I had no issue finding long term rp friends.

On my ally mains Rp guild them, a few ally Rp guilds, and SEVERAL horde rp guilds had a MASSIVE RPVP event in Ghostlands.

No it is because you are being a jerk about it.

This person also said MG horde was not her cup of tea yet you don’t see anyone being upset at her.

Inb4 saying anything that doesn’t involve positive re-enforcement is considered “being a jerk” in 2019. I’d like you to point out my jerk-isms, since you seem so very adamant that I am one. I have tried multiple times to get involved in this conversation only to be passive-aggressively brushed off and thrown into some box for why? Because I had a negative experience and I shared it to allow another person in this thread to realize they weren’t alone.

Such a mean thing to do.

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Again, thanks Aenn. It is good of you to stick up for us. I’m sorry you’re getting attacked. This topic really does seem to stir up a lot of passion in people. But it’s good that we’re talking about it. Getting stuff out in the open and addressing issues helps to create change.

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That was me! Ebon Covenant.

There is nothing I want more in this world than to make a DK guild that can stand the test of time, but alas. Death knights are just not a very popular class.

You may very well be!

This just in: Having a conversation equates to being attacked. Could try joining us instead of making random passive-aggressive comments every ten posts or so.

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Not going to ask for your permission as to what posts I can like or dislike.

Thanks :slight_smile:


I don’t think youre alone in the problems you’ve brought up. A lot of GMs and event planners have trouble with participation. My best suggestion is to have repetitive events. Ones that people know will be on regularly, and if they can’t come to one, maybe they can make the next one.

The other good thing about repeating events is that people know what to expect. Then it’s not such an effort or worry in not knowing what you’re in for.

Sometimes you might only get a couple of people coming to an event. Don’t cancel it and think it’s a failure. Make the most of what you have. Take screenshots and let people know what they missed. I guarantee you will have more people for the next one.

Discords and communities need events to keep them active. You have to give people something to look forward to, to talk about.

Thanks for opening up about the struggles you’ve had. We’re all in this together, just trying to keep RP alive in Moon Guard.

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What Flywheel said …I am sorry I snapped at you like that. I admit I am still a newbie to MG horde so maybe I have not seen all of it yet but I hope that what I have seen so far I continue to see.

but as Flywheel said.

I’m sorry, but I disagree. Horde was getting smaller. It wasn’t maintaining status quo. People were being told to go elsewhere. You have to continually inject new blood to keep a server alive and compensate for all the people who decide to quit WoW.

Just like when you’re running a guild. There isn’t a point you can say “okay, we can stop recruiting now”. People do not stay in one place permanently. Some do, but not everyone. Like someone said above, crowds draw more people. The bigger faction will get bigger and the smaller faction will get smaller.

Unless people step in to intervene. We have made a difference. One person is not powerless. The more people you can get rallying behind that idea, the bigger the changes that can be made.

It’s okay if you don’t ever want to play Horde again. But there are others that might want to give it a try. Why not let them form their own opinions?


As someone who has run multiple guilds, I have said this many times, but not in the context you’re suggesting. Guilds aren’t quite as comparable to communities, since they’re significantly smaller and a lot more uh… close-knit than something like a discord community, I guess you could say. Some guilds never stop their recruitment and end up with hundreds of people. Some guilds- smaller ones, usually- DO stop recruitment periodically to let the new folks get acquainted before introducing someone else to the story-line.

But, that’s a bit of a digression.

I’m certainly not dissuading people from joining the Horde, but as that post that was quoted some time ago in relation to calling me a jerk, there’s no need to lie about the state of affairs or deny how things are. “The server is dying.” “People have bad experiences”. Yes, they do. Bad things happen to them. And those need to be addressed, not swept under the rug. Here’s a thought on how to do that.

What’s the best deterrent to a bad experience? Creating a positive one. Coming into every thread and telling people “that’s not what we’re like” only downplays their experience and degrades them. It suggests that there is no respect for what happened to them, and no concern. That’s how hostility is born, and why these threads turn into monumental dumpster fires instead of something constructive.

Why not try something like this: “I’m sorry you’ve had that experience! It’s no fun when things like that happen. Would you like to come play with us sometime?” Lemme tell ya something from personal experience; if someone had put a hand out to me with genuine concern, I would’ve stuck around. That’s not the reaction I got. I was given shoulder shrugs and “weird, they’re usually really nice people.” Excuses were made for them, and I was pushed out.

People don’t remember all the good things you’ve done for the server. They ARE going to remember that one time you were a jerk to them, and told them that their experiences didn’t matter, and that they just haven’t tried hard enough to be a part of the Horde.


On that same vein but not entirely, one of the big complaints I see often as well is that people just don’t feel welcome or wanted. They come to the server thinking people might want to play with them, and then have a hard time getting into any stories, guilds, or the like.

It’s asking a lot from individuals to be willing to tear down their personal friend walls to invite strangers in, but that’s one of the most effective methods of recruitment that I know of- don’t just tell them about the Horde, show them the Horde, and include them in your own personal story. People come back when they have something to come back to.


Thank you, that gives us some feedback to work with. You’re right, people do need to be encouraged, and sometimes even taken by the hand.

I do it as often as I can, but I’m just one person. I think we can all try to be more inclusive.

Having said that, if you did ever want to give your death knight guild another try on Horde, we would support you. I was just having a conversation with my buddies that we would love to see some new, interesting, and more diverse guilds on Horde side.

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Just an addition to that for others since it wouldn’t be realistic to assume that everyone would react positively to a positive interaction- if the extended hand gets bitten after a positive alternative is offered, then it’s completely fair game to retract the hand and move on.

As for me, my favorite characters are belfs and after that experience I had there’s no way in hecc that I’ll return to that specific community after how I was treated. Unfortunately they make up the majority of the Horde, so there’s really no safe space to start over. It’s … well. Part of the reason why I enjoy the Alliance a little more, honestly. Bad people are easier to avoid.

… my mind does occasionally flirt with the idea of an orc death knight, though.

Nah, nah. Won’t get anyone’s hopes up. I’m lucky if I get to log in once a week these days. College is literally destroying my soul. Computer science is no joke. ;_;

But yeah, the inclusivity thing is like… super super hard to pull off without a lot of support. Inviting people into your personal story makes less time for others and eventually leads to having to schedule RP time with people just to make sure everyone’s being included. It’s not something I’d recommend as a long-term solution unless you had a small army behind you.

edit: I feel like i accidentally made a pun.

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:eyes: You dont need a soul for that.


Sing me the song of your people, brother.

Alright I retract my being a jerk and apologize now. Continue on my dude.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


If y’all need a villain/antagonist for some of your guild events, let me know! Faction war seems as good a time as any for such!

Also, how many goblin guilds are there rolling around on MG-H? They’re my secret weakness~.

From what I heard Flywheel’s Guild Flashbang Exports is the biggest gobbie guild on MG.

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I’ve never been able to play Horde 'cause I just don’t connect with the races, but I rolled a couple of Horde alts because of Flywheel’s thread, have joined the Kor’kron Legion on one alt and enjoy them, and I just spent a couple of hours doing random walk-up RP in the Wyvern’s Tail on another alt and enjoyed it just as much as the walk-up RP I do in Stormwind. The bar was well populated, the RPers were enjoying themselves, I was enjoying myself. Wasn’t an advertised event, wasn’t planned, just random walk-up RP at the Wyvern’s Tail on a random Thursday.

Or is it Wyvern’s Tale? It ought to be Wyvern’s Tale.

Anyway. I had fun!