We need to balance our factions and how to do so

I heard that the Wyvern’s Tail was rocking tonight, even more than yesterday!

Unfortunately, I was stuck in a meeting.

But I’m super-thrilled to hear that people are coming over and having a good time.


Honestly, I’ll admit I may be part of the problem. I’m not really RPing as much as I used to, but I’ve been kinda sick RL and am hoping I don’t have MS. But I am happy to help fly lowbies around or with gold and stuff. I met a friendly undead hunter awhile ago who was a cool guy.

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Nope. You are one of the good guys, Rainfish.
Hunter pride!

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When I rolled my NB I lagely did so on MG because while BFA’s current storyline barely interests me as an Alliance main, it also barely has any real interest to me rolling a horde character. I however love cross-faction interaction, and its so much easier to get that done when both parties are already on Moon Guard and I can just show up rather than trying to get someone to pull me onto MG from WRA.

Thanks to the efforts of some of the long-time hordies on this server I’ve seen a fair amount of people around the Tail! Walk up rp might not be as diverse as it is in Stormwind but its not nearly as dead as some may think till you get to the 3-6am area. Then it starts to die off some, at least in my experience thus far.

MG-H has been a welcoming environment for me as a new horde rper and that, if anything, is one of the key components in keeping people who come horde side, is making them feel like they are welcome to be here.


I’ll be tranfering this Paladin to Horde overe here on Thursday. Looking forward to it! Even got her backstory written up.


That’s awesome news, Heavenshield! More Hordies are always welcome. Come along to the Wyvern’s Tail in Orgrimmar and get a taste of what we have to offer!


The days of Aegis vs C.O.B.R.A are long gone…but what made this server a monolith of rp-pvp that was beneficial to both horde and alliance.

Many from that era have moved on from horde due to sheer attrition, and alliance have enjoyed a mainstay and foundation provides from those years that have endured and created multiple generations of this rp mythos.

Horde needs Mentors. It needs personal development; it needs conflict that questions motives, and it needs an open embrace of in character acknowledgement that has a nuanced touch of community that quite frankly is counter intuitive if you never were exposed to it.

I went to WRA, on a level 1 troll alt in orgrimmar, and got a random battle hardened level 120 glad geared female mag’har orc, to ESCORT me in character to the zeplin to undercity; on the pretense of gathering an herb to help his get acknowledged by his mentor back in Senjin.

Totally random, full character development that started in orgrimmar, and ended in silverpine.

Mg used to be like this horde side. This is what you need, and it takes a change in the culture. Since alliance has sheer numbers, 1% of thousands equals out to dozens and dozens of examples; meaning Horde has its work cut out for them.

But you all are more than capable.


I made it a couple of days early =D. After I’m finished getting to 120, I look forward to getting into RP.


We need as much help as we can get. Thank you everyone who has been willing to take action, and not just sit back and tell us what needs to be done.

Still, at least it shows you care about the problem.

Our new Horde recruits are champions. They know that we’re not the biggest RP Horde server around, but they’re willing to help to try and make things better.

Keep in mind that Horde hasn’t magically changed overnight. If you log in at some weird off-peak hour like 8am, RP is still going to be pretty scarce.

We are absolutely loving the support though, and if you’ve had a good experience on Horde since our ‘revolution’, please share it to inspire and motivate others!


I must admit, Flywheel and Flashbang Exports is the only reason I rolled Horde on Moonguard. I do not regret it for a moment.

Standing around waiting for RP to appear will not move Horde-side RP anywhere. Be proactive like the Unknown’s example.

My first tavern RP was with Fly leading me into the tavern to sell whatever we happened to have in our bags. Herbs and some prison moonshine. Was awesome. In moments, we had a crowd RP’ing around us.


I don’t go to the tavern as much as I should, but in those rare times, I always seem to make a scene! Having a willing accomplice like Eddy Potlatch only added fuel to the fire. In moments, we had set an innocent troll (actually one of our allies) into a cloud of blight grenade (I heard his skin is all rotting off as a result, whoops), and then we tried to swindle a blood elf into buying some wilted leaves and suspicious liquor, but he honestly just looked overjoyed to have someone to talk to!

It’s easy to make RP if you’re not afraid to go out on a limb, do something a bit crazy. I can totally see Eddy carrying on these important goblin traditions! high five

If you are a bit shy, and you could never see yourself leaping out to give someone a hug (I did that once and got zapped by a hidden electromagnetic pulse) - don’t stress about it. Just be brave, and do what you feel comfortable with. If you want to join a group, but not sure if they’ll welcome you, just stand nearby. Maybe drop a ‘keeping to yourself’ emote like “Susan put her bag down in the corner with a heavy sigh.” It helps people to engage you and know you’re ready and willing to RP.

MOST of us don’t bite!


Being new to RP, I read the forums of the different RP servers and Flywheel was the main reason I decided to roll a horde character and join Flashbang Exports.

After I rolled a goblin, the first RP experience I had was with an Orc named Koosch about my dutiful gruntling and him paying me 1,000 gold for him. I loved the interaction.

Another random character talked to me and gave me gear and welcomed me to the server.

A huge thank you though to Ezlik for our outings in the Barrens. This guild has really made me step out of my comfort zone for the better.

For anyone that has wanted to try RP, was afraid that they didn’t know the lore, thought they couldn’t RP because they were shy, Moonguard has made all the difference for me. Friendly people, and not because I got free gear, but because playing their characters made WOW fun again. So, thank you to everyone on the Horde side for being amazing!