We need to balance our factions and how to do so

Apparently not. Posting from this toon because I’ve been posting without a sub for months.

My sub or lack thereof doesn’t make my point any less relevant.

Well then WoW is not working as intended.

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Can we go back on topic please? I’m a bit disappointed that it just took me going to sleep for the thread to start derailing again…

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Very well …personally I think the best way for horde to increase its RP is to get more walk up RP. What I found (and this is true no matter what faction to play) if ya want walk up rp YOU have to be the one willing to walk up. Basically ya have to get over any shyness and be wiling to approch.

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I see a lot of “walk-ups adored!” in profiles in-game, but rarely do I see any of them doing the walking-up.


Honestly, I kinda wish they’d do away with factions. I have so many friends on both sides of the fence, but not enough time/energy to gear up both factions. :frowning:

I mean, geez. We worked together for years to punch Space Satan in his Space Danglybits, hanging out in class halls. And it would be nice to be able to communicate with each other near rare spawns. Queues would be faster, life would be AMAZING.

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If one person ever decided the fate of 5,000 other players, we’d be in trouble.

One guy does not a server or a faction make. I’d think you of all people would know that, given how quick you are to shoot down “negative” players and their anecdotal evidence.


Easy easy she was not saying that Moon Guard was bad she was just saying that one guy sowed Moon Guard in a bad image.

Give Flywheel a break she has done a lot to try to increase horde RP I would have been upset at that one guy too.

Right, right, and I’m “part of the problem”.

Doing things for people doesn’t give you free reign to be a jerk to whomever you disagree with, FYI.


Got to love the faction pride on the server at least, Roleplaying isn’t dead yet!


Honestly? I would feel more at home on Horde if it felt more inviting. It honestly feels like I’m an outcast when on my Horde characters, and the fact that my characters disagree with Sylvanas doesn’t help. In all, the storyline the Horde is getting makes me want to avoid it, along with not really feeling welcome.

I’ve tried doing walk-ups on my mage, and either got ignored, or told that it was a private RP. Now, I’m an extremely shy person, so just walking up is pretty hard for me to do.

I’ve also had a few issues with guilds. They either seem to strict, or race specific (Which isn’t a bad thing at all), but when your after just a laid back, story driven experience, it seems to be hard to find, atleast for me.

Both sides have jerks, kind players, and people who will be your pal for life, so pointing the finger at either side is just wrong.


Unless your name is Renieycha or you are their alt it was not directed at you AT ALL.

Do you realize that you quoted me and not them?

I quoted you because you were upset that Flywheel made a comment you thought was attacking you …I was just pointing out Flywheel’s comment that you quoted was directed at Renieycha not you.

Random walk-up RP outside the Wyvern’s Tail as we speak. More people inside the tavern.

The place is humming!


People will flock to where there is most people, I can’t blame them! But, it’d be nice to have more players on the Horde side but I do agree with some points pertaining to the state of the game. We have players in our guild who only log on to raid or do keys, it’s just not fun to many people and we don’t have many rpers so we’re out of the scene mostly (at least to my knowledge) which in turn makes more tumbleweeds roll across Orgrimmar.

I can’t really say there’s a fix to the population without it being influenced by an opinion, but there are some cool guilds around on the Horde - Shadows of the Loa, Flashbang, Sunsworn, Etc. If you’re looking for rp, but the rp is for sure more guild based from what I gathered in my experience. Hope this helps!


I prefer horde side here to wra personally. However, when someone wants advice on where to roll, I try to listen to what they’re personally looking for and send them to wherever makes the most sense for them. I’ve seen where people who would really like a smaller, more event/guild driven rp are told to go to WrA. And I’ve seen people who are really not going to find what they want on MG told to try it anyway.

I think people just need to have a more realistic idea of what horde is and isn’t. If you tell everyone that it’s dead and hard to get into, then the people who would otherwise have a great time are scared off. And if you to tell everyone that there’s tons of rp at all hours, that person is going to have a bad time and discourage others from rolling here.

I think the loudest voices sometimes take over and try to make it black and white instead of taking time to consider what’s really in the best interest of the individual looking for a home.

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Just to uh, get this back on track mayhap…

Speaking personally, I was a WRA player and recently had a choice between trying to make a net new guild on either WRA-H, or MG-H.

The reason that I chose MG-H - knowing that the population is much smaller and that forming the guild would prove much more challenging - is because the size of MG’s small Horde RP community gives players a really unique opportunity. It’s an opportunity to join a RP community that is still small, still growing and thirsting for new Rpers, RP guilds and RP events. There’s a potential here for people who join to really make their own mark on this community.

In my opinion I would describe it as feeling akin to the difference between living in large city (MG-A & WRA-H), and living in a small town or village (MG-H). Both places are appealing to different people in different ways, and that’s absolutely fine.

To all the Blues who have given MG Horde side a go, even if you’ve found it ultimately not to your tastes and moved back home, respect to you for trying us out!


Back on track…

WITH KNIVES :dagger: