So basically, you’re posting on a Horde alt and your whole argument is, “IT’S NOT FAIR HORDE IS BIGGER ELSEWHERE.”
So basically, you’re posting on a Horde alt and your whole argument is, “IT’S NOT FAIR HORDE IS BIGGER ELSEWHERE.”
Funny the whole “POST ON YOUR MAIN BRUH” tough guy routine doesn’t apply when the OP is also a level 20 Alliance allied race. Seems to be the problem is less so about the method, and more so about your disagreement.
Guess MG Horde only take you seriously if you post on your main so they’ll have room to harass you for daring to disagree.
If this is the hill you wish to die on to show why only MG Alliance get to exist, go for it, my dude.
Oh, I see, you just want to get your 10% buff and not get owned. This has nothing to do with RP and RP-PvP, which is why your position now makes sense.
It is unfortunate that we were talking past each other like that.
If I can stomach to level this character, it won’t be through questing, I’m past that after more than a decade, and I can’t take the Horde story seriously without rolling my eyes. I’ll just stick to resource gathering and queues.
Besides, I thought Alliance was dominating everything and you poor Horde were dying. What’s wrong, now suddenly you guys are badasses? Unless you mean my main, in which case I don’t play enough on them in this expansion, let alone in WM.
Thanks for for confirming that MG Horde are immature enough to actively claim they’re going to target, camp, and harass you, though. Does absolutely wonders for you guys, showing your true colors. If the reality on the ground was different, nothing I said would even matter.
For those with questions and want to talk further, feel free to message me on Discord! Gaytheil#8019
I think you are reading too much into what I posted. If you think we’re badasses, I will gladly allow you to continue that belief. If you think that is what I’m claiming, then I do not believe you read my words in the way they were intended. Yes, MG Alliance generally dominates the server, and sheer numbers make it difficult to compete in Warmode.
However, the issue I am addressing (and I believe is the general purpose of this thread) is RP and RP-PvP, not casual World PvP and leveling bonuses. The population issue far predates the existence of Warmode, so I do not believe the two are closely related even if one may exacerbate the issues with the other.
You are replying to me, but there is nothing about my statement that “actively claims” that. I was merely realizing that your concerns were with the game as a whole and not with RP/RP-PvP. And yes, you would get owned on other servers probably, which is why you are here. That’s what happens with faction imbalances, and which is why Horde players on MG get owned by Alliance.
Under your interpretation of “getting owned”, the “last bastion” of Alliance on Moon Guard has been targeting, camping, and harassing MG Horde players for years now, but just hasn’t explicitly admitted it. If the end goal is to avoid any kind of “harassment” under this definition, then the best method would be to balance out the factions.
I think you are reading too much into what I posted. If you think we’re badasses, I will gladly allow you to continue that belief. If you think that is what I’m claiming, then I do not believe you read my words in the way they were intended. Yes, MG Alliance generally dominates the server, and sheer numbers make it difficult to compete in Warmode.
However, the issue I am addressing (and I believe is the general purpose of this thread) is RP and RP-PvP, not casual World PvP and leveling bonuses.
I don’t like it when words are put into my mouth, so I won’t do the same with you. If that’s not what you meant, then great, my misinterpretation, I was wrong. I just can’t help but raise a brow when me being on a level 20 is egregious, yet posting on an Alliance alt to advocate sabotaging us under the guise of ‘server betterment’ is all fine and dandy. Badass is hardly what I’d use to categorize you lot, however, though the sarcasm seems to have been lost.
You are replying to me, but there is nothing about my statement that “actively claims” that. I was merely realizing that your concerns were with the game as a whole and not with RP/RP-PvP. And yes, you would get owned on other servers probably, which is why you are here. That’s what happens with faction imbalances, and which is why Horde players on MG get owned by Alliance.
Under your interpretation of “getting owned”, the “last bastion” of Alliance on Moon Guard has been targeting, camping, and harassing MG Horde players for years now, but just hasn’t explicitly admitted it.
Alas, you have no evidence to go by that my concerns don’t fall into the realm of RP / RP-PvP. If anything, you were the one who brought up leveling, suggesting I want MG to stay blue out of fear of not getting “owned”, so that right there is a can of worms you opened, I simply responded to that claim.
I simply don’t buy into this “balanced server is a happy server” mentality. On a void elf alt I had forgotten I had activated WM months ago last I played. I couldn’t even fly to Duskwood from Stormwind cause an undead rogue was camping the flightpath in the city. I simply went into the Stockades, unflagged, and went on my merry way to continue leveling with no issue. I’m sure you also have stories, but PvP happened, regardless of the numbers.
I’ve seen how Alliance are treated in servers they’re a minority, it’s pathetic, and the Horde are none too bothered by this status quo and quite happy to dominate due to the fact that most of the high end players have switched to team red. The Horde fanbase is also far more fanatical and devoted to their pixel faction, to the point where Alliance pride is all but non existent. So once again, I’m not going to shed any tears for the MG Horde, especially when you all are intolerant of anyone even disagreeing with you. You can call that “harassment” if you will, I only trotted out the term since my main somehow became a subject of fascination. If I have to choose between an Alliance dominated server as opposed to a ‘balanced’ or “Horde dominated” one, I’ll go for the former, god knows they’re rare.
Better you than me. Sorry. One thread to beg Alliance to roll Horde is enough, nobody’s bothering you there.
Fact is, Horde MG sucks. Plain and simple. No one plays it because no one likes it. It has just as many jerks as Alliance, except a smaller population so you run into them more often. No one wants to do anything other than surface level interactions because it’s basically a bunch of high school clique crap going on.
If it was a nice place to be, people would play it.
If people wanted to play Horde on MG, it would balance itself out naturally. Clearly people don’t.
You guys can keep trying to get people to play like you have been for years but nothing is going to change. People are going to play what they wanna play, where they wanna play it, and no one is making ANY convincing argument to join Horde other than “we want more people on Horde, and I don’t want to turn off Warmode to avoid getting ganked by Alliance.”
If people want to jump into Horde RP, why deal with a small population here when they can jump right in elsewhere. Likewise, if they want to play Alliance, why jump in elsewhere when they can join MG?
MG Horde offers nothing that other realms don’t offer, and generally in higher quantities and likely better quality too.
I also don’t have evidence that you do have concerns which address the thread topic (RP/RP-PvP), so now I’m left to rely on basically circumstantial evidence which suggests your issue is with gameplay generally which includes leveling, PvP, raiding, etc. Due to the instanced nature of PvE, I honestly guessed that your issues were at points where the two factions meet: PvP and leveling. I would greatly appreciate some kind of list of your concerns, as it would be much easier to address those rather than to read meaning into your text.
That’s good, it would be inconsistent with how I understood your definition of “harassment”. I also understand that many people become concerned with in-game harassment due to what is posted on forums, but those people can be reported along with documented evidence of their harassment. The benefit of Cogshanks came not from tracking people in game, but from tracking people’s posting history on the forums. An alt provides good cover for people who want to take a variety of completely inconsistent arguments, so having receipts is always useful. Alas, those days are over.
I’m sorry your experience with Horde on other servers has been so negative, and I’m glad that you found a place where the negativity flows in the other direction.
You seem like someone who thinks capitalism works well.
This is going left… can we make right again?
Man, I’m glad that’s the best argument you have. You’ve got nothing to bring to the table mate.
If I was Alliance, I would be embarrassed of you. In fact, even as Horde, I still am because you are a part of Moon Guard. Here we are trying to create a positive roleplaying experience, and all you have to bring is negativity.
Not once has any Horde poster (that I am aware of) ever come out and blatantly said that “MG Alliance sucks” as a whole, entire faction, as you just did. Most of us can acknowledge that every server and every faction has active, engaging, interesting people, but they also have people who aren’t so great. Moon Guard Alliance has many fine people. I don’t doubt it for a moment. I played Aliiance for years.
It is true that many servers do not have server balance, but I don’t play there, so it’s not my concern. I do play on Moon Guard though, and I want to make my home the best place it can possibly be. Roleplay is dying across all servers. If there is one server that can remaining standing to the bitter end, I want it to be Moon Guard. Server balance will give us longevity; we will last longer if we have at least a sizeable Horde population.
Just bring us up from 25-30% to 40%. That’s all I’m asking.
I’m sorry that you feel the need to make such sweeping generalisations in a thread that you apparently care so little about. You are entitled to your opinion. I just hope you don’t think you represent the entire MG Alliance population with your views.
I gotta get some reading done for a class, but stick around for a few hours and I’ll get around to you mate.
Thank you for your consideration
Can’t say I’ve had any overly positive RP experiences on Horde on MG to be honest.
Should spend more time talking to people on Horde then. It’s a recurring theme in-game, OOC. Just because it’s not on the forums, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Looking at a single realm instead of the trends of the game as a whole lead you into this idea in the first place.
The game is dying across all servers. RP is dying because the game is dying. I wouldn’t put declining RP solely on RPers, but just people’s lack of interest in MMOs/WoW in general these days.
Well, no. Horde might last longer, but if Alliance is 9:1 and realm population is high, MG still survived.
Give people a good reason to swap then, because no one has provided a valid reason why anyone should go Horde on Moon Guard when they can go Horde on other, higher population Horde realms and get right into it with more variety of RP/themes and people to choose from.
Just because it benefits you and other Horde on MG, doesn’t mean it benefits everybody. If I was new to RP, or just looking to go Horde again, why would I pick an inferior option? I’d have to care an awful lot about a realm to pick it and get shafted just to play there. I doubt many people care that much about realm politics and identity, and care more about getting the best experience while they are playing. If WRA or somewhere else is going to provide that best experience, they’re gonna go there. As they evidently do.
I don’t even play anymore, so I think you’re safe.
Fair enough on that. My concerns tend to revolve around the general health of my side of the server, Alliance, just as yours at least seems to be focused on the Horde side of things. Advocating more Alliance to re-roll Horde effectively drains from us, and god knows that as much as Alliance has quantity, it’s not exactly stellar in quality. Not to mention the overabundance of people roleplaying neutral or downright Horde sympathetic characters on Alliance. Furthermore, you seem to be more concerned with cross-faction RP / RP-PvP, alas, that’s a niche I’m not as concerned with, I enjoy both those aspects on the Alliance just fine and don’t need the Horde to be numerous to enjoy that aspect. It may seem selfish, but the only difference between us is that we have the numbers and you guys don’t. Why Moon Guard is different than a vast majority of the servers, I don’t know, but I’m glad I at least have the OPTION of not getting curb stomped in WM the moment I land from a flight path.
That void elf incident happened four days ago, here in Moon Guard. For a dying faction, I see absolutely no shortages on attacks in Stormwind, Darnassus (yes, the time-instanced one), Exodar, or any of our capitals. Furthermore, I know that the RP-PvP events between us have even resulted in Horde victories at times, as the organizers go to great lengths to ensure an equal (or as close to equal as possible) participants from both sides attend. Hence, I simply am not too keen on feeling all that much pity for the Horde, and I sincerely doubt the Horde would tie a hand behind its back the way MG Alliance have, not to even mention the overwhelming majority of Horde-friendly Alliance that keep bumping your threads and offering support.
If the pendulum swings in your favor and I’m here years from now, you can tell me how wrong I am by showing just how compassionate the Horde are to the Alliance minority. Until then, I’m simply stating my disagreement with these Horde missionary threads, I’m not the one you need to convince.
I retract my previous statement.
Sorry, I wasn’t aware paying $16.50 to Blizzard each month was a requirement to have a discussion on the topic.
Lol didn’t say you had to bro, just saying it out of an abundance of caution.
Actually ya still have to be able to play the game to post on the forums.