Don’t be a negative Nancy
Now this doesn’t help at all.
WM is hardly ‘Happy fun Sparkletime free bonus’ to the Alliance on a majority of the servers, on the contrary, they’re suffering greatly and diminishing since the Horde tend to absolutely dominate everywhere else from high end content and PvP to most realms, Moon Guard being those few rare exceptions.
Judging by the way I see how the Horde act in the general forums, story forums and Horde-dominated servers, I don’t have a drop of sympathy for this ‘convert Alliance for equal server waaah please play Horde’ shtick and outside of your cute cuddly puppy forum personas, I doubt any of you would appreciate Alliance trying to leech your members even if the pendulum had swung in your favor. Just about every thread has some kind of “please roll Horde” message embedded if someone looks like they’re up for grabs, quitting for awhile, etc.
A smaller number of WrA players can improve any circus.
Bring back Cogshanks so I can know how many of you are WrA/Alliance mains and altposting.
yo maybe instead of taking a crap on WrA Horde players, maybe you should convince them to try out MG Horde instead. Can’t complain about not having enough people while simultaneously ragging on all these people who are the exact people you’re trying to get onto MG Horde.
MG Horde: “lol screw MG alliance, screw wra”
Also MG Horde: “why does no one want to play with us?”
As to the former, this likely stems from about a half-decade of MG Alliance players telling any prospective RPers looking at Moon Guard that MG Horde is dead and bad and that they should go to WRA instead. Either fix yourself or, if you “did nothing wrong”, realize that other people on your faction need to fix themselves and that a light ribbing by a “dead faction” is not really the problem.
As to the latter, this comes merely from my personal experience as a player and represents only my opinion. Server pride is a thing, and my pride stems from MG being the server with the second most neo-fascist guilds, instead of the one with the most.
Ah, I see you found that guild.
Anyway, griefers will always be. I got my share of them leveling up, too.
I play both factions, but my main is Horde because that’s where my friends and my raid group is. My Alliance DK is my only other 120, is guildless, and I just play her to experience the Alliance storyline. I’m also most attached to this character compared to my other characters, A or H.
That said, if my friends and raid group decided for whatever reason “let’s mass transfer to Alliance,” I wouldn’t hesitate to do just that. I also don’t think it’s fair to expect the GM’s of prominent Horde RP guilds to shoulder the burden of saving the Horde RP community. If they want to do that of their own volition, then that’s their prerogative. But IMO they should only feel obliged to serve their guild members.
But yeah, I won’t send anyone WrA’s way. I started out on WrA Horde and I transferred to Moon Guard and haven’t looked back for good reason.
Imagine having an entire guild full of these people and thinking it’s normal.
Ignore, Report, Move On, really all we can do at this point.
Buuuuuuut it isn’t all Alliance with the creeps; I get unsolicited whispers from Horde players (using Ally proxies to do so) who ask me to do some very creepy, disturbing cross-faction RP all the time (less so after bfa launch). Ignore, Report, Move On, and Ticket if needed. All we can do.
Yeah. I guess human male paladins are a meme. I just felt awful using a hard farmed fresh talbuk steak, just to have a paladin wait for me to use it THEN kill the cat midtame. TWICE. I avoid pvp so I don’t become a katamari ball of angry alliance hungry hungry for honor.
Imagine simultaneously talking crap about MG Alliance because of a guild of griefers while simultaneously begging entire Alliance guilds to switch Horde in the “Looking for Alliance to re-roll Horde” you all are bumping every 24 hours.
You have misinterpreted what I have said. I already presented my reasoning why I speak the way I do about the Alliance. That post was specifically quoting and addressing an Alliance poster, not the entire Alliance. If you don’t like reading, I’ll provide you with the relevant section:
Hardly, I’m just a bit puzzled at what I see as hypocrisy. When you made a value judgement of the Alliance, you claimed it was your personal opinion. Great, awesome, we all have them. Yet when Alliance posters apparently said things you don’t like as Horde, that’s somehow something all Alliance posters need to realize and accept. Somehow, the whole “it’s just my personal opinion” doesn’t apply when Alliance voices you don’t like speak up.
if you “did nothing wrong”, realize that other people on your faction need to fix themselves and that a light ribbing by a “dead faction” is not really the problem.
Seems a lot like ‘shut up and be a good ally to us’ more than anything.
As a person who came from ED, the numbers don’t mean everything. Emerald Dream’s RP community had a large amount of fading at around this time last year- most of the Alliance roleplay community transferred off, as well as about half of the already-small Horde community. The server is balanced, but it’s not populated with roleplayers- most of what’s left there are people who came for ED’s wpvp, as it used to be RP-PvP before BfA.
Honestly, I was only pointing out that the fact a lot of Alliance are kinda griefy towards Horde is one reason folks might not stick around. Having people SO DEDICATED to not letting Horde do things in Darkshore that you heal vital NPCs for their quests is crappy. And it’s kinda routine at this point. Seriously. Groups of human male paladins and survival hunters camped a spirit beast spawn point for days solely for the purpose of murdering Horde hunters. It’s not great.
Holiday stuff in Alliance zones? Almost always someone parked there. Had a druid come after my level 30 alt in Ashenvale. The druid was 120.
And honestly, I’ve met some very kind and awesome Alliance, too.
The current LOL HORDE IS EVIL but NO THEY ARE NOT disparate narrative doesn’t help. My character would never be down with Sylv’s plans.
Also I’m pretty sure there’s still a 75k bounty on my head, so if any of you Alliance get bored… hit me up. We could finance Alliance alts.
It is my personal opinion that MG Alliance should adopt my personal opinion as correct.
Yeah, it is. Alliance players on the forums (generally) have a poor record when they speak about these kinds of things, so how about we try the method where they don’t tell new players to run for the hills or “just roll Alliance lel” and see how that goes?
Welp, at least you’re honest about it.
I have seen the Horde have an absolutely abysmal record everywhere else, so you’ll have to excuse us if many of us aren’t going to sit there and collectively check our privilege so you can wage a crusade to turn one of the few bastions of Alliance dominance in the game into an equal or Horde dominated one. Or the fact that under all that cute, cuddly “Join us please we have cookies :D” persona, that you guys adhere to a “Shut up and and support us” mentality as per your own admission.