We need to balance our factions and how to do so

Totally hear the sentiment. I love the crap outa my belfs and was sorely disappointed that I ended up having to pay for the race change to bring them over to Alliance. Had my options not been so limited, and had I not had such an abysmally bad experience in the last guild I tried, things may have been different.

Unfortunately, threads like these invite opinions, intentionally or not, good and bad. The Alliance doesn’t care, and neither does the Horde, frankly. Only a few frequent posters (that don’t at all represent the Horde as a whole, by the way) are on the 24/7 defense train.

Far as my experience on the Horde goes, they’re perfectly content with what they have, and if they never saw another new person again, nothing would change. Most of the large and established guilds are following their own canon at this point and don’t necessarily need new blood to keep it going (or a community to validate it).

Long story short, the sentiment is I’m sure appreciated, but isn’t likely to get you anywhere. As was first suggested by Flywheel, actions speak louder than words. Bring your friends with you, and bring their friend’s friends. If you want it, build it yourself, and they will come.


Look, people can read into the words as they wish too. If you’ve had bad experiences on the horde side, I’m sorry. But perpetuating our individual experiences as how it is everywhere is ridiculous. Has my time on horde been all roses and ribbons? No, of course not. Has my time on alliance been all roses and ribbons? Nope. Both sides have had their highs and lows. Both sides have their flaws. Alliance is arguably much easier to get past those flaws due to its large population. If you run into alliance “trolls,” you stand a better chance of getting to the good people sooner compared to horde side.

Us horde players are asking for the help of those alliance players who would like to see red side numbers improve. If that’s not you, then fine, but understand some of us are trying to change things. If you are supportive and want to help then there are 2 ways the alliance can. 1. Roll horde, and actively rp on that alt character, Or 2. Please point those looking for horde rp to some of us who are on horde full time and not suggest other servers. If you’re doing these things already then thank-you. Please share additional ideas if you have them.

If you’re already a horde player and would like to build up our numbers then we need a bit more from you. We need people engaging in walk up rp. We need more advertised and open to the community events as a whole, and not limited to just their guild. We need more people taking time away from their normal clicks and start chatting up strangers. Even ooc whispers to people just to say hi could go along way. If you’re doing these already then thanks for helping. If you have some more ideas please toss them out here.

Anyways, I sincerely apologize for my statement about someone exaggerating. I hate that they have had so many characters on horde and everyone of them went through horrible experiences. Someone putting forth multiple attempts should have been rewarded for those and not pushed away. Anyways.

lays out a tray of cookies


So we’ve established we have:


Alliance to Horde Reroll Support Group
Convocation of Quel’Thalas
Monthly Guild Expo
Unified Horde Discord


Silvermoon City Marketplace
Goblin Lore Expedition
Emberlight Events
Weekly Tavern Nights
Both Orgrimmar (Wednesdays) and Silvermoon City (See Silvermoon Marketplace)
The Lunar Festival

Suggestions I’ve kinda picked up on here:

More open recruitment
Guilds should be more open to the public at large instead of just once a month.
Promote a more Friendly Environment
While we can’t control how others handle and promote themselves, we will always continue trying to promote a friendlier environment.

Please let me know what to add to this list.

War Time Missions
Ty to Alanmus
Supply runs, battles, etc

Cross Faction Events
Ty to Tixi
D20/RP-PvP Events

Now, this doesn’t include those who don’t like the Horde lore story or unsubbed/are taking breaks because BFA is lacking in many places. This is for those still playing actively.

Edit: Forgot to bold something, need to be pretty!


See this is perfect, its sums up what is here and some ideas for change. No blame, No drama, just an outline for help and improvement. I would like to suggest that the united group also add some “War time missions” no matter what context it may fall into (Battles, supply runs…etc). Neutral type or passive events are amazing but getting some in game conflict RP into the play will also help bring more people to the table. after all the alliance are also dirt bags! Camp Taurajo never forget!

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I love this idea! I’ll definitely bring this up!

I don’t RP much anymore but will do casual scenes in walk-ups.

If I can help people find RP niches I will because I am a weird beast on this server. My alts are the Alliance characters, my mains are all Horde and I’ve been here since Wrath.

So Moon Guard Horde is my home while Alliance is foreign to me.

As a Moon Guard Horde I can say we are here! We are here and we want others to be here too!


RP-PvP and/or cross-faction RP. I can’t tell you how much I’m encouraged to play the other side when I see RPers of the other races. Whenever I see gnome RP I have to RP my gnomes. Goblins, have to RP goblins. Think of how much you can draw in new players for Horde with more frequent cross-faction events.

Also I think, personally, the server has an overwhelming emphasis on D20 as opposed to RP-PvP. My most enjoyable moments on the server were the Battle of Theramore, the Ashenvale campaign, etc. because I could actually SEE the enemy I was fighting. And now we can INTERACT with said enemy in the midst of battle! D20 doesn’t do that for me, since I have to go with the text and wait my turn to attack. In RP-PvP, it’s much more action-packed.

I love Horde side so far, though it might be because I am in love with the character concept I chose. And also because Flashbang is the bomb <3

-Zizee Topgear, Flashbang Exports. Forum won’t update…since January. gg


I believe this is because PvP isn’t as predominate Horde side. The last Flames of War showed great numbers horde side with limited PvP days and mostly D20 days - however, they were still with opposite faction which I think helps out a lot.

Bigger D20 events like this are definitely possible along the way! I love me some RP-PvP Campaigns for sure!

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Something I can actually say I know something about for once since I’m a Flames of War coordinator.

We made a larger shift to D20 faction fighting because it largely proved popular with both sides for all sorts of reasons. We took notice of it, so we expanded it more.

And RP-PvP just isn’t as in vogue as it used to be, honestly. For MG Horde, it’s very much an issue of being the smaller faction and fewer numbers to draw on for most events. MG Alliance generally also seems to have a larger number of people geared and experienced in PvP, as well. And then there’s the stupid sharding factor of War Mode, the potential for griefing, the inability to reflag without traveling to SW or Org, and having to use non-War Mode flagging meaning you don’t have access to PvP talents.

However, most people just overall find D20 more enjoyable and that it offers more actual RP - especially cross-faction RP. You get to do emotes that can let your writing shine, chat/egg on people in /say and such, and still cut up in OOC chats. With RP-PvP, there’s a lot of standing around and less RP in general, and usually by the time the fighting is over… most folks ready to just call it a night and not RP much after, even if they won. D20 tends to mean more interaction and more storytelling.

There’s also that you don’t really need to factor in ‘skill.’ For most folks that’s a good thing; since for a lot of players, PvP is not their main or even side focus in the game. Everything is just left in the luck of your rolls, and the RNG gods are distant and uncaring of our fates. Usually, that comes off as more fair to most people.


I haven’t been on MG in a while, or WoW in general until a month or so ago so I went looking to the forums to catch up on how my old server has been doing.

I was a bit surprised to find the Horde openly recruiting, now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you fine folks in red haven’t before and I know there are some wonderful guilds, but the problem I’ve always felt was the Horde felt too closed off for most people to jump into. I think that is just the nature of it with how imbalanced the faction has been, group and guilds as a whole tend to stick to theirs, throw in a troll here and there - it will make most people a little more reserved.

I have a main on both sides, and I’ve seen bad on both. I’m not going to go into experiences because I’ve been on the receiving end on both factions. Everyone’s experience will be different and I’ve made it a note to keep an eye on the guilds that try and recruit on the forums anymore, because those are the folks that will generally welcome you with open arms.

Bad experiences happen. I’d say give them another try, but get into contact with someone you’ve seen post on the forums I’m sure they’ll be happy to help you get into the main stream. On the flip side though I wouldn’t write off the Alliance who -have- had a bad experience I’d take what they are saying and see what can be improved. I know alot of people don’t read the forums on MG, but that’s just the nature of the beast with those type of servers.

My suggestion if you have a friend that you know is interested in having a fresh look on thing and has never tried the Horde, see if they’ll try the other side for a whole, then get up with one of the folks offering help.


Serious question: are there any higher-pop realms that actually have a balanced population between Alliance and Horde these days? Like, anything closer than 60/40. Last I checked, Moon Guard was at about 70/30 in favor of Alliance.

It is also weird that Moon Guard bucks the trend with a lower Horde population when most PVE and PVP-focused realms are dominated by Horde. Then again, as an RP realm, MG players tend to be more invested in the storyline instead of the Horde advantage in racials.

And that’s great and hopefully it engages Horde players like myself that feel disenfranchised from the current Horde storyline and looking for something different. Problem is, the Horde storyline is still the major gateway to the RP scene, even with these guilds around. If the main Horde storyline is such a turn-off to players who don’t even want to bother RPing Horde characters, they reasonably shouldn’t be expected to make a deeper dive to find these guilds exist.

The other problem is a problem with WoW in general. It is not a growing game and RP realm pops were already a niche population. In years past, old players who quit or rerolled or otherwise stopped playing could be replaced, numbers-wise, with newer, more enthusiastic players. But since BFA, the game has been steadily losing active players and, by some accounts, outright bleeding them.

I’m really not trying to be a doomsayer, but the numbers don’t lie, either.

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Not really, most US realms favor a faction over the other. Very few have close numbers.


The biggest reason MG Horde doesn’t see substantial growth regardless of how much love and effort people put into it is because it is just a smaller WRA.

There is a big difference between MG and WRA in culture (no and it’s not “lol Goldshire xDDD” or “lul only one side likes lore”) which leads to different people being drawn to both sides based on how they like to RP.

There is no unique draw on MG Horde that WRA lacks. It’s just a smaller WRA in every way.

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If looking purely at the numbers, Emerald Dream is the largest, most balanced RP NA realm. Has 47.7% Horde and 52.3% Alliance and #2 in overall total numbers after MG. So if someone were looking for an RP realm with a relatively balanced population between factions, that’s the choice.


Sorry to people I offended yesterday. I was emotional and some of the things I said were a bit over the top.


It just shows how passionate you are about the cause


MG Horde is our home and we will do whatever it takes to defend it.


Well, you gave us a problem, ideas for a solution to help now?

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A smaller WrA sounds pretty appealing, not going to lie.

A smaller number of WrA players can improve any environment.


For real though, I wish I could devote this much mental effort and energy to caring about such petty nonsense. You guys need to settle down.