We need some activity for GUILDS

Cult of Elune is a an all-druid guild on Stormrage, likely the NA’s largest such guild. We have guild activities, both in and out of game, happening nearly week. Nearly everything we do is available to our Friend of The Cult cross-realm community. Blizzard doesn’t need to offer players another reward; guilds need to step up and serve their members with a little creativity. We have this massive open world… there is much a guild can do with it.

You can find much of what we do on twitter, instragram, discord, and web site. Quick google search on “Cult Of Elune” will show you.

Uh what did blizzard remove? Right now I can change what ranks can guild repair, talk in chat, add and remove from specific bank tabs, promote people, talk in O chat add/remove members. Also i’m assuming you’re just referring to master loot (bring back plz), but our guild still trades and shares loot. It’s just clunkier.

Also to the OP, you can do a lot of those things already in a guild you just need someone in your guild to organize it. But as wow has always set guilds up as mainly the organized social spot, i doubt we’d ever see them evolve it into more of a Guild vs Guild type system. Which is too bad because that would be pretty cool.

Other than the Masterloot thing (which is the last thing they mentioned), they’re talking about how Blizzard rolled a bunch of permissions into a blanket “Officer” status. You used to be able to pick and choose who did what more carefully. Now you can’t give someone SOME higher permissions without giving them everything Blizzard decided an Officer should have.

Ahhh I see. Well i guess now you can just make multiple “Is Officer” ranks that do different things. It’s just clunkier.

Not really. Either a rank has officer status or it doesn’t. Officer status has preset permissions that you can’t change. And you can’t bypass it by assigning those permissions to “lower” ranks IIRC, they’re exclusive to Officer.

WoW could never do some kind of game-organized activity for guilds because all the people who refuse to join one would cry outrage.

There is a long running thread on the topic of guild permissions.


For good reason. People can always put together groups. It doesn’t have to be a Guild.

If WoW had a claim / build up territory system, it might be more suited to be guild-specific, but it doesn’t, and frankly I don’t believe something like that fits the game, so as things are, guild-specific content would be exclusionary for no reason.

If we ever get Housing, I don’t mind if there’s a Guild & Personal version of it like FFXIV has, but that’s about the most I could see WoW doing for Guild-specific content.

but your “clan” (guild , OK GUILD I KNOW IT’S A GUILD) organize that by themselfs, right ?

I was trying to give an idea for blizzard to try to create something new, using the example of WoE, because the game needs a “third” pillar for the main content …

We only have two “main” endgame content, pvp (closed bgs/arenas) and raids/dungeons (m +, normal / heroic / mythic raids) - a third wing would be nice.

The third wing being something for guilds, with large guild wars, a large hall that can be customized by the guild, would be very interesting, in fact it would be important to have MORE than one location of choice for a guild hall. For example, the guild could have its hall in northrend, outland, kalimdor, etc … So there would be different types of invasions, quests, dynamics, visuals, personal dungeons, etc …

Blizzard has everything at hand, I believe this idea would be really interesting.

(and yes, I believe that having a house for the player would be incredibly cool, and should follow the same concept - having more than 100 locations for the player to choose from and possibly having invasions from another player or some interesting activities that the player could participate in - I just do not agree to have everything inside a house, like all professions, similar to what happened with the garrison, but otherwise I believe it would be very cool)

Other people linked the thread I was going to. It’s impossible to separate those “officer” rank permissions. Either someone is an officer with those permissions, or not. It’s completely removed guild functionality involving providing people with specific roles without giving them officer where they can just do everything.

It’s bad juju.

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Our guild does organize its own events. We’ve done things as simple as war parties where a raid full of druids take the war to the Horde (“justice for teldrassil!” ) to more complex events like our All-Druid Summer Olympics. We do take advantage of Timewalking weeks, organize weekly guild-wide mythic+, all-druid raids, etc.

I would love both guild and player housing.

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it looks like a good guild; I believe that not all guilds organize themselves in this way, so it would be good a little help from blizzard, and as a gift you would get more content for a guild like yours that already has many events.