We need some activity for GUILDS

Usually, I only look for guilds for raid or pvp … I feel something is missing for guilds …

We had a class hall and a garrison, we should have a garrison / house for guilds. One that was in a separate instance and … maybe … can be attacked.

In the past I played ragnarok and had this thing called WoE. Many guilds attacking a castle (there were some on certain maps) so at the end of this war, stay with the conquered castle, enjoying the loots and dungeons that were in each castle.

WoW needs this. Any activity that is not a raid or closed pvp, that is in the open world and makes an interaction with other guilds, even if it is instantiated, but with cool rewards.

Perhaps a version of this “WoE” on garrisons that reach a certain level, have a personal dungeon based on location, and these garrisons have defenses (that need some farm to stay strong), as well as after a certain level, they can be attacked (obviously, with prior notice for proper defense) …

I think it would be an extra activity for the guilds, because something is missing in this aspect in the game, apart from pvp and raid, the clan is very “dispersed” - looking for guilds just to enter a raid of a maximum of 20 people is not something that completes the guild. Many people can stay out of activities because of these 20/20. Something “bigger” would be interesting.


What the shadowlands is a clan? You talking about orcs ?

Guilds I think.

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yes, guilds. Guilds = clans, right ?

Not guilds being called clans. Lmfao

Clan is a very old school way of saying guild from the days of battle.net of yore.


ok i will change that ¬¬

I think you’re confused about which game you are playing. WoW has “guilds”. Smelly dwarves and orcs have “clans”.

Makes me remember the Counter-Strike days. We didn’t have guilds, we had clans.

The year is 2005 you’re playing halo 2 with the clan. Life sucks because you have school in 3 hours and haven’t slept.


done, god…ffs…

Wasn’t there a bunch of stuff you could do in Northrend gathering those for some murgles?

Oh wait, that was clams.

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Me still calling them “super groups” from when I played CO: :eye: :lips: :eye:

Hello, elder. How was your 10% discount at [input restaurant]?

You still can play Ragnarok! It’s on mobile now and they still do WoE. Now they also have something called War of the Crystal. Guilds that have a castle get to do a battleground against other guilds.

I’m not even an adult yet. My dad got me into MMO’s through Champions Online.

yeah, i know and i play it. It’s very cool but i like WoW too , so…i’m trying to give some cool ideas for blizzard, trying to bring some new things for the game… (and yes i know they aren’t going to read this…)

It’s funny when I first started playing Ragnarok Mobile it was just for nostalgia purposes, and the game has major problems, but for a mobile game they have a lot of great ideas about keeping players engaged, making activities feel rewarding, and helping people work together.

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I find it kind of amusing how fixated people became on the fact the OP had used the term “clans” instead of “guilds” when we all knew what he actually meant in the first place.

That being said, I agree something is missing from guild life. As of right now, there’s no difference between guild life and pug life aside from the social factor. This is largely in part with Blizzard removing guild functionality through gutting the rules and permissions aspects of it, removing the ability to specify who can do what by rank, and removing the ability of guilds to run their own raids / make decisions involving loot.

Because of this, guild life feels like it’s no different than pug life. There’s no real separation. Blizzard has made guilds feel like an addon to the game rather than a social aspect people should look for, which I personally disagree with and feel like is a bad move.

Although I don’t know if I agree with the OP’s suggestion on how to make guilds more attractive, I do agree that there is something missing from guild life which should be addressed. So sure. Plus one from me.


Any mainline content like what you described with WoE that could be made for guilds could be just as easily run by randoms. Artificially gating it to specifically Guilds is stupid (gating Mythic Raiding to guilds by use of archaic lockout systems is dumb too, btw).

Guilds are a social construct. They’re great for finding like-minded people to run content and chat with in a more tight-knit environment than, well, Trade Chat and Group Finder. Stop trying to make them into something more than that.