We need separate subscription for wow classic!


I don’t want to pay two subs to play WoW.

Plus, I don’t see how having a separate sub would affect anything in either game, except the number of people playing.

If anything, separate subs would be harmful, not helpful.


if he lives in america hes pretty much got the general idea locked down. rip people off for 1/3 of what they can actually get. and blame them because they trusted him. if all else fails? start a war with a country that has nothing to do with the current situation he’s in

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only if it goes $6.99 otherwise meh



You’re now getting two iterations of WoW for the cost of one.

Believe it or not, a lot of people play both BfA and classic.

There is nothing wrong with that.

It is silly to say that there should be two separate subscriptions.


not even.
too much for nothing

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keep in mind that blizz offered classic free with retail sub because they honestly believed that classic would be a flop. now that they relalized the error in their ways they should want to make classic totally indepedant from retail by adding its own sub. maybe less than the price of retail but it still… i hate having to pay extra for something that i dont want/use (i.e. retail game time)

Except you aren’t paying extra. You are paying one fee that gives you access to both games.


No. Just no.

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that’s one of the cooler parts about classic I think… it’s wrapped up in the wow package.

Interested in seeing where you saw or heard this…and don’t even go to the “You think you do, but you don’t.” crap.

This idea is just bad.

Could always make a trial account and play to 20 for free as many times as you want.

I play both retail and classic, I am enjoying both - I am getting 2 games for the price of 1…

Idk how this isn’t easy to understand. /shrug


classic is free if you have a sub on retail 10 millions wow players aggreed TO THAT PRECISELY . not because you want to pay more is going to make things change. no one will pay for classic AND retail. it owuld kill blizzard instantly jus so you can get your petty delusions a shot and also dont use semantic to justify your junk ok?


If the only way to play Classic is the same sub that is used for retail, how are you paying extra for something you don’t want/use?

The sub cost has never once increased, so even if they separated the subs, there’s no guarantee Classic’s would cost any less. You’d likely be paying the same amount for less access.


This. You are not paying to play classic, you are paying to pay WoW and you are picking a classic server.


Thats like saying I pay for netflix but since I dont watch all their shows it should be cheaper. /facepalm unbelievable


And your claim that “retail” people are coming and trolling Classic (which is also “retail”) is just something you have made up in your head.


I was blind-sided but should not have been by the majority of these responses. Some real think-tanks in here.

The suggestion is that retail and classic should both be independent and cheaper. For some reason, a couple people decided that paying the current price for retail + classic for each was the proposal under debate? If there were independent subscription plans, each wouldn’t cost what the subscription for both costs. I hope the presumably young brains confused by this thread understand that, and what is being offered here might seem reasonable in that light.

Thats literally the point hes making choose one we dont want retail vacationers on classic

And this is why a few of you need to stay in your basement.


why its 2 for 1 how freakking stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money for once in your pathetic life?