Plz give us RDF Blizzard!
Give us a shadowlands level group making tool or give us RDF. Thats the only two options and I know they dont got a shot to pull it off in this last month or so. So just give us RDF.
This is a big true!
oh that sweet sweet exaggeration, the greatest tool of the wow forum goer.
i dont think… ive EVER waited more than 3-5 minutes to form a group when I was the tank making the group… maybe if its like… 4 in the morning. sure.
I’m going to level up a fresh prot paladin wrath. I’m not going to do this. I’m going to be dungeon grinding so I’ll have all the dungeon gear I need before I’m done with a dungeon.
Heroic will be a different story but I’m going to add any dps/healers that are strong while leveling to my friend’s list and hopefully I can do heroics with them.
I’f the majority was the anti-RFD, by your logic we should have RFD. majority/minority doesn’t matter, its the actual question you should be focusing on and not the amount of people “trying” to. Does having RFD hurt anyone playing? Does having RFD make people stop playing? Does having RFD make people run dungeons less? the answer is NO. Good business plan blizzard lol, make changes to stop people from playing your game lol
RDF only makes more people play for longer. With less time wasted. It only makes sense to put in RDF.
Unless I’m playing at prime time it actually does take at least 10 minutes to form a group regardless of the role I’m playing.
Walking to a dungeon does take 10 minutes if not more for lower dungeons when people don’t have mounts and have to actually walk there.
It’s not an exaggeration, stop looking for fights. I said ‘it can take’ not ‘it always takes’ meaning it happens frequently enough where I often don’t even do dungeons unless it’s prime time.
i mean, if you are on a low-pop server i can see 10 minutes happening if you are a tank.
other than that i just can’t fathom it.
is everyone your grouping with a completely lazy bum?
lets say… you are a tank. you start the group. LFM heal / dps XYZ dungeon. you get your first guy. you both head to the dungeon first while you keep looking. by the time the group is ready to go. you 2 are at the dungeon ready to summon.
WHO WAITS to get to the dungeon until after the group is formed?? thats just laziness.
the only scenario i can see is if you are levelling. and have to travel across the continent.
otherwise. what your saying is unrealistic.
i cant even remember the last time it took me 20 minutes from start to finish, REGARDLESS of server time, when doing a dungeon if i was the tank to form a group and get started.
again… maybe you play on a low-med server where this might happen more often.
I guess that makes sense, the servers people play on directly impacts their experience with dungeons groups and it may differ from other servers.
I believe the other factor here is I mostly play horde and I’m assuming you mostly play alliance. Generally, alliance has been more PvE friendly so that may or may not contribute to me not having favorable experiences forming dungeons as horde.
From my experience, with pre TBC dungeons, people rarely start walking to the dungeon as soon as they get invited because a lot of times the group falls out for lack of people wanting to do the dungeon.
Nothing worse than walking to a dungeon to get there and not being able to find a 4th or 5th person so the group disbands and then you wasted time walking to the dungeon when you could’ve been questing and gaining xp.
Because of that, most people don’t walk to the dungeon when they get invited, preferring to wait for a full group so they don’t waste time.
For TBC dungeons most people still wait and for the same reason. Occasionally I do find 1 other person who is willing to come with me to the meeting stone but it only happens one out of every 2-3 groups I make.
Sometimes I group up with people who are questing, and they have a few mobs left to kill. Most will finish the quest before heading to the dungeon or would just wait for a summon.
The only time I didn’t struggle forming dungeon groups was back in phase 1 of TBC, and now with the xp buff its brought out many many levelers making it easier again but I still have to dungeon primarily during prime time if I want to make a group faster than 10 minutes.
Yeah RDF is really needed to keep the community strong after the surge.
dual spec wasn’t in the game at release, but we will have it at launch.
This reminds me so much of how Blizzard in vanilla originally intended Boat Rides to be 6+ hour journeys, where players would just hang out on deck and socialize the whole time. As though we all just had 6 hours to spare.
In much the same way without RDF Blizzard has this unrealistic fantasy in mind that players are going to socialize in the hours leading up to a 12 minute dungeon. These devs don’t understand their customers or reality. When they go outside they hover 3 inches above the lawn because they’ve never once touched grass in their entire lives.
10 gold it’s that lfg guy
Oh hey, ANOTHER post about RDF. We needed this! /s
Until Blizz comes to their senses and does what’s best for the game and the players by not removing dungeon finder, clearly we do need this.
We get a good tool? Nope. So why not just add in RDF to make up for it. Its easy.
Exactly… if we had a good tool I would be open as hell to giving it a try. But I think anyone that can pull it off is working on Dragonflight and we are stuck with team D that is worried about just getting the game across the finish line so they can sell some season pass and then ghost the game.
something like that
more than likely