We need range Survival Hunters back

That may be but this specific branch of the thread is talking about the tone policing. I said that tone policing never solves anything and you responded with “I’m not trying to though. I’m completely fine with things as is.”, as if I was talking about solving the SV problem. What I’m saying is that tone policing never successfully polices people’s tone.

I’m really not interested in further reiterating the course of the discussion to a stalling smart-alec.

He’s right to be snarky towards someone who is clearly not even invested enough to read the post before commenting.

Abundance? You mean just you. As you have been the only one to take something I said and twisted it into your own context.

This thread does not need a monitor.


You not staying on topic is your own problem. The thread is about SV my comments have been about him and how is going about getting back range SV.

The post I responded to was read. As was the topic. Something you would see is about getting back ranged survival if you had:

I’m not trying to police. I made a comment on a forum. Only one policing here is you.


Obviously so. If you automatically are assuming that people are switching characters just cause you’re “rude” there must be a abundance of people who fall under my statement.

No just one player using their alts to appear as many.:wink:

If you are only able to take the time to base you whole argument off my first two statements then you have no weight to anything said further. If you are not happy with my tone then you do not need to read any further as it will only upset your poor self more.


Once again, one simple glance at achievement points shatters that point.

Only ones upset is y’all. I just made a comment.

Y’all can continue and deserve to suffer without range survival till you learn to act right. :nail_care:t5:

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Like I said, I’m not interested in re-iterating the course of the thread to someone who is obviously here just to derail, troll, and waste time (pretty much the objective of every Tichondrius player in every area of content TBH). You came with some whiny tone-policing, I told you it never achieves anything, you stalled and pretended I was talking about Survival. That’s that.

When Blizzard announced that Draenor would not have flying until later on, people were open to that and initially accommodating. People gradually lost patience as they stalled and strung us along. When they then admitted that they were planning to not have flying at all, the forums revolted. People were NOT kind at all, and the forums were maximally toxic. The decision was reversed within days.

Tone policing never works.


Soooo then don’t?

No one (but that anger inside you) is forcing you to reply.

You being mad that I won’t derail the topic to talk about policing doesn’t change the fact of nor the name of the thread.

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Everyone reading knows what I was talking about except for you. What exactly are you hoping to achieve by pretending I was saying something that I wasn’t?

How… how is this not detailing the thread…

This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.


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What exactly do you think your original post contributed to the topic? You literally just dropped in to be patronising and derailing.

So it’s bad to think that everyone in a thread is talking about the topic at hand?

It is always best to just report comments such as these. It will only throw the topic into unintentional direction.

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So, this is what I woke up to…

Nothing in the OP warrants being flagged/reported.

If you feel that a specific reply in this thread violates the CoC, then by all means, flag that reply. But that has little to do with the topic as a whole.

Anyway, it’s probably best to leave this type of discussion behind. Technically it’s about a part of this topic, but it isn’t in line with the subject that is ‘‘how to get ranged SV back, or what people would want to see from it, in case of a return.’’

Btw Bepples, I posted a reply the other day to what you mentioned in your feedback. Dno if it was what you’re after but hopefully it provided some clarity😊

I’ve been telling bepples this all along.

I agree this has only derailed the topic with endless arguments.


Ok to try to bring this back to what the post was about. Survial is a spec I have not touched since BC. My two cents which isn’t much since I don’t play survival is that you have a big spear or melee weapon. So your spec is supposed to be melee, unless you throw the spear. I mean what since dose it make that you have a spear and it has a 40 yd range. Maybe I am wrong and believe me I am trying to get enhancement shamans back to what they used to be so I know how you can feel about a spec.

This is off topic but atm Enhancement Shamans are hot garbage atm. The rotation feels clunky, windfury is a joke of what it was. That being said I can understand what you want to do with survival. You want it to be fun again and to have a unique touch to it. But and this speaking from a Shaman we lost a lot of our uniqueness when blood lust was given to hunters pets and mages.

Hopefully blizzard changes somethings in the next expansion, and hopefully I have explained where I am coming from not seeing how you want Survival hunters to have more ranged in it.

This makes better since knowing were you are experience is with MSV. It is labeled as a melee spec, but it has had those melee abilities scaled back so much from Legion that it is close to being a hybrid.

Its main power house is Raptor Strike but other than that one melee attack MSV has more range abilities. You need to be up close, but unlike some melee specs, you have way more mobility for when you need to get out of the fire fast.

I actually would like if MSV was given back some of it melee abilities. I feel that Blizzard borrowed to heavly from BM, and lost some of MSV original distinction.

Ohh and I do not use alts to comment on the same thread. I believe in posting on class forums with that class. I have one of each class but will not use a mage to post here on hunter forums.

Depends on who you ask I guess.

Me personally, I don’t want to do anything with the current Survival spec. Keep it’s general theme as it is. As have been stated many times before. We have quite a few players out there that likes the melee-option within the class.

I would suggest switching out Kill Command for Flanking Strike(a slightly altered version).
I would switch Raptor Strike for Mongoose Bite.

And, I would give the spec a talent option that allows for dual-wielding. Call it “Way of the Mok’Nathal” in reference to Rexxar and his origins.

I would probably switch out Serpent Sting for some mid-range CD that applies a temporary poison/venom to your melee weapon(s). Just because it to me fits the theme of the spec more.
I know some have suggested that Serpent Sting for MSV should be replaced with Lacerate. That is one option as well though I would prefer to keep the theme of using poisons or animal venoms as part of the class in general, not just one spec. It would still be different compared to what either MM uses it for, or a potential ranged SV spec for that matter.

But well, I don’t play MSV so there are probably others out there who have other opinions, who know of better ways to improve on the current iteration.

My point with suggesting for the return of the old ranged SV from between WotLK and WoD, in the form of a 4th spec option, is for the very reason to keep the current three specs intact(keep their focus on each respective theme). Because a lot of players like those themes.