We need range Survival Hunters back

I was survival in mop and wod but then came legion and I went bm and mm I hate mm cuz i feel like a mage that does less dmg so I just go play my mage instead. Bm people cried about pet dmg and pets dont do enough dmg and the ai is crap and unreliable. Would love to have my old WOD survival spec back


Felt like pet AI was more responsive before WoD. Think Blizzard dumbed them down due to players crying about BM pillar humping while our pets were treaing them apart. Most of our damage would increase if we have better pet ai.

Majority of Hunters say MoP was the best version of SV, but my memory fuzzy so I do not know myself.

Lots of walls of text here I’m not reading.
Melee SV is the best the spec has ever been.

Ranged SV was always the Pitts. All these melee haters are blindly ignorant.


Fixed for you.


You sound like someone stuck in a failing relationship, but to stubborn to see all the signs. Bepples has explain many of the faults that melee SV has, yet you have given nothing to the discussion as to why melee SV is better than range. In what way was range Survival weaker than melee, and ignorant to what? The fact that you have nothing to back up your claims? This all or nothing idea of bring back one spec means the other has to be killed off is what got Hunters in this fight between wanting range over melee Survival. There has been some good suggestion how to keep them both that should be the focus.


I loved ranged survival. It was Hunter’s best spec from the end of ICC until somewhere after SOO. Was still competitive when we killed garrosh for the first time(but then got nerfed shortly after the first round of updates on the raid). Which made it’s damage abysmal.

It got nerfed(serpent sting was nerfed hard). It used to deal nature and physical dmg up front, and then additional dmg over 12 seconds or 20 seconds. After the Nerf it lost it’s intial tick of nature dmg( and like 10 percent) was a devastating Nerf to the spec since serpent sting was survivals bread and butter.

In stead of reverting the Nerf or buffing black arrow/explosive shot, or even giving out dots haste scaling, blizzard ignored the spec until it was under represented. Then changed it. I still to this day feel it was a grevious wrong to the hunter community.

I was there through all this. Raiding happily until the Nerf. Now this guy sits on a self. Hate to play him since the spec(and the current form of hunters in general) is so cut down


Bring back the survival that everyone knows and loves: trap masters, good aoe, and a lot of damage classified as “magic” (i.e.-fire/nature/etc.).
Give hunters 4thspec.
There ARE no mail tanks so, making them a tank IS an option.
Change melee to “Skirmisher” or something like that. Give them the ability to fight with no pet, use a pet, OR MERGE with the pet (obviously 2 of those would come with some sort of utility or survivability boost.


Survival is all about fight or flight and overcoming adversity through resourcefulness and ingenuity. While enough creativity ~could make a tank spec out of if, the core concept of tanking, which is to encourage enemies to attack you and then endure the beatings, is very strongly opposed to the themes of Survival.


I see that as a thematic issue. However, if you look at table top concepts, and even some now-defunct abilities in WoW’s history, quite a few ‘tank’ concepts out there are more about being a ‘controller’, than ‘face vs. brick wall’ strategies.

I Dont remember MOP Suv as much tbh I want MOP ELE shammy back but thats for a diff thread. I say WOD cuz I was a killer is tannan on my original Kattrika. My Space goat counter part killed so many reds in WOD it wasnt even funny. Hell I even loved trashran I dont understand why other didnt .

If you played SV in WoD, than you have a great understanding of how it played in MoP, as well as Cataclysm and Wrath for that matter. It was simple, it had a real great flow to it. But I still want MoP Elemental back as well even though I spent more time as Restro on my Shaman.

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What they truly need to do is rebalance how the fight designs are so you’re more inclined to bring other classes rather than stack them. With doing that and redesigning how the niche of all the classes are.

You have BM with a mobility niche that does literally nothing in terms of raw dps advantage over other classes, then you have a niche with say spriests that when the fight fits there niche they just dominate on meters.

If they were to design raid tiers in such a way that made you want to bring others I stead of stacking certain specs and not make other specs feel useless because their niche is trash, then actually make each spec have it’s niche actually show up in meters alot more people would be happy.

Also everyone needs to stop looking at the world first races as how every raid composition should be. They are RACING, they are not there to have fun, they are literally just trying to get world first. It doesn’t mean your class is bad if it wasn’t brought.


I miss og survival so much :frowning: have been stuck in alt limbo ever since they axed it.


I may interpret your boss design balance wrongly but that’s fine. Personally, I prefer Blizzard design awesome boss fights without any restrictions.

Class stacking has been and will always happen in world first race regardless. After world first, as long as any class/spec is viable in killing bosses (even if doing lesser dps), I am perfectly fine with it.

However, when other players see these world first races and they have made a raid up of only one spec they will in turn pick that spec over any other believing they will have a defiant win, PUG groups especially will use this mentality.

Completely disagree. They can make an alternate rotations through the MM talent tree that largely accomplishes what everyone wants here other than the “survival” label. SV is a really fun spec and I hope it is here to stay.

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No, you couldn’t. Ranged Survival’s most important elements were Explosive Shot, Serpent Sting, and Black Arrow as well as additional passive interactions like Lock and Load and Serpent Spread. Also, very importantly, SV was not based around long cast times/channels like Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire. How would you even begin to achieve this through MM talents? Remember, talents are meant to be standalone (i.e. not dependent on other talents), competitive options in a tier of 3 choices, and additions to a baseline spec. If they tried to do this they would end up with MM being some vague nonsense spec which had almost nothing baseline and would be entirely defined by talents. On top of that, you would have 0 talent choice because all your talents were spent on deciding whether you were traditional MM or ranged SV.

Representing ranged SV via MM talents is a complete non-starter; it’s merely a product of people incorrectly believing ranged SV was close enough to MM to be interchangeable when that was not the case. Try it out with other classes: go to Warlocks, remove Affliction (turn it into a healer spec or something similarly contradictory to the class’s core identity as melee is to Hunters), and try to cram everything Affliction was into Destruction. It doesn’t work because they are two incompatible approaches to Warlock gameplay, and at some point you have to ask yourself whether something like this is justified when it’s for the sake of preserving a spec that hardly anyone plays.

I don’t care about you finding SV fun and wanting it to stay. There were plenty of people who found ranged SV fun and wanted it to stay but it didn’t. No extra privilege for melee.


melee players -> :door:


Yeah, a spec built around hard casting aimed shot is never going to accommodate what people who want ranged survival back are looking for.


This is what Blizzard said to you before Legion was released. You’ve become what you swore to protect us against. A fallen angel if you will.

Before you respond
 Take some time to reflect on what I can only assume is a shocking revelation that has shaken you to your core.