We need range Survival Hunters back

Nice diarrhea analogy.

Yura has a strong point, they can not play a spec that no long exsist. They are forced to play the only other two Hunter specs, reroll, or quit all together. This leaves them fustrated, especially when they see others playing a spec they once loved.
It healthy to talk about these issues as long as they do not become personal attacks against another player.
What others have done is taken to singling out and attacking in-game players who are melee SV. That is just spreading hate.
The forums have freedom to express ideas with out concequenced since we hide behind an avatar, but that does not mean anyone should go around spouting a bunch of hate. Express your self while accepting others aswell.


And I got called the headshrinkerā€¦ :clown_face:

And itā€™s justification to treat the MSV players like traitors at best? They opened the door for people to come in and troll by doing so themselves. If you want less trolling, work on the hostility towards the actual Melee Crowd. Running off the trolls is fine, but keep the real SV Hunters around to help out the newcomers, just like with BM and MM. Calling SV Hunters stupid, liars, and trolls because of hurt feelings is just a poor reflection on the posters.

I more or less am one of the few who PvE SV and that is getting less play as of late. Some good info can be had by those who donā€™t play, but that is limited to some and it shows to those of us who do play it. We need more than Dillon to pop in to hand out advice. In a couple of months I might be able to get some raid time, heck time on my computer (my phone sees more posts lately) and I can improve. Too bad Iā€™m one of the very few willing to put up with the trolling to do that.

Og, guys like me donā€™t just attack. I did not attack Yura and really the only hurtful thing I said was after getting called a liar without proof, and that was much more tame than his posts. I also donā€™t just flag (not like it does anything) every anti-melee post. It actually takes a lot to get me to even think to do that.

Just beware, counter-trolling is on the edge of getting a banhammer more times than not. Now that I think about it, this is a better route, but itā€™s about 3 years too late. Like I said before, a Forum Moderator coming in and actually Moderating this Forum and some time to reset regulars will do a lot more to fix this community than this thread. I donā€™t mind falling on that sword if it helps others but itā€™s very clear, even in this thread that I ainā€™t the only one either.

Ranged SV supporters are the worse. Look at all their whining and trolling. Sad.

/raises hand

Ummm, guys? Iā€™m still around. I just really, REALLY hate the new forum design so Iā€™ve basically stopped posting. Iā€™m still around, just a LOT quieter than before.

And I was one of the ā€œloud voicesā€ railing against the Legion Hunter designā€¦ man, it was BAD. In fact, I recall getting into a big argument with Yura (either the same one or a different Yura. I never quite figured it out) ā€” the Yura I argued with, right after the BlizzCon that announced Legion AND the proposed Hunter changes ā€” was all gung-ho for melee SV and forced petless MM.

In that long thread railing against proposed Legion design, I got bullied rather something fierce for saying melee SV and petless MM was a huge mistake. Looking back, I was one of the earliest voices, but happily the others have since taken up that burden.

I was SO relieved when they backed off forcing Lone Wolf onto MM. But yeah, I continued to support Bepples throughout Legion ā€” most often I was THAT person giving him the single ā€œlikeā€ on his posts.

Now? I must admit, itā€™s been rather surreal to see more Hunters supporting ranged SV over melee SV, and admitting that it was indeed a mistake. The forum during Legion was pretty pro-melee SV and rather nasty.

Iā€™m still of the mind that the best possible solution for Blizzard is to return ranged SV via a fourth spec.


Hey, Iā€™ve been missing you. Glad to read your post before bed. You should popup more often to say hi.

A lot of them either quit the game or this forum. Iā€™m pretty much the only one left.

I was, not anymore.

Oh this is interesting, i havenā€™t thought about pre-legion in awhile. i think at that time i was still optimistic and thought blizzard were competent. little did we know that the guy in charge of revamping had no idea what he was doing and clearly didnā€™t play a hunter.

Also that was the end of WoD. i remember that during that time i thought MM was perfected in HFC and legion wouldnā€™t alter it much, plus the idea that they were merging old SV into it and it sounded like the best hunter spec ever. obviously that didnā€™t happen cause some complete moron decided to make it a caster that has no traps and no pet and the old SV abilities were complete garbage.

When Legion actually launched and I saw how horrible the class had become I actually stopped playing until right before antorus when I came back and played DH.

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I really gotta say. Since we are bringing up mop discussions here. I hoped on every discussion for about a month, saying that the swap would be ugly and it would do more harm than good. I pleaded for them to revert the nerfs and work on our dots haste/crit scaling.

Here we are now lol. I remember a few of you guys fighting it or supporting it then as well.

If they were gonna melee us. It needed to be done right. And if they wanted to stick to class fantasy, since itā€™s all loosely based on the forgotten realms and all that. We needed to have a dual wield option for up close and a bow for distance. Smooth transition between the two. As we did in early cata, lichking

All those abilities (melee) were made to get us back outta melee range though.

Show some compassion even if some range surv people do not.

You are passionate about melee surv and thatā€™s wonderful. Itā€™s your opinion vs theirs. No one needs to keep rubbing salt onto their wound. Range surv did have its glory days.

Imagine how you would feel if all of a sudden melee surv is replaced by range again.


Iā€™d get over it and stop whining about something thatā€™s not going to happen.

Itā€™s super unproductive and unhealthy. I donā€™t have compassion for people who donā€™t help themselves.

Itā€™s dead, gone, and burried, move on Already.

I like using MSV for melee, can we make that a thing? MSV or RSV makes it simple.

Just remember one thing Whim you can do one thing that Yura or Bepples can not, you can still enjoy Survival and they do not have the ability to change that.
As long as people remember RSV thete will always be some character to spread their hate of MSV.
The best solution is to just not give in and help others who do like MSV.

By all means.

They can, they just donā€™t want to, which is very much fine. You donā€™t have to like it. Itā€™s how they treat those of use who do enjoy it like they do. Itā€™s actually against the CoC, but since even Mods ignore this forum, they get more of a free pass.

Melee :poop: :poop: :poop: :dash: :toilet: < ranged :soap::soap::toilet::sparkles:


you say this all the time and it makes no sense to me. the last time i played i did WQ and some BGs as surv and logged out in my whole SV set. i even did the mage tower for the SV skin in legion when I liked the spec even less.

so despite ur claims, iā€™ve played SV in all types of content since it went melee. and yes i still would rather it be ranged again.


What donā€™t you like about it? I donā€™t mind admitting that I am wrong but when all you give is insults and posts with barely more words than Dank does, itā€™s hard to say that you have when I donā€™t look at profiles and I have openly not done so since before I started posting on my goblin. I have yet to see you say anything but Melee SV sucks and Melee SV Hunters are Stpuid Liars.

i think youā€™re just playing dumb or something. you can probably scroll through this thread and find the common lies that get posted here. like SV being melee in vanilla, not even gonna bother cause classic will finally prove all those wrong. or the common trollwolf post ā€œrange was never goodā€, bepples and others post stats or logs that show range SV was popular and even top in pve and pvp multiple times, and they never have anything to respond with.

i just want to add now that this thread originally was discussing how hunter as a ranged dps has been critically lacking something in raid encounters, and i would add pvp aswell, since we lost one of our ranged specs. OP even reiterated that a 4th option would be ideal. so all the melee players donā€™t even really have a reason to be involved in this thread at all. they likely donā€™t even play the ranged specs.



Because these are just in this thread alone. I can go outside of it if you want. This is why, not me playing dumb. Your own post history tells me that common ground has long left.

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I was more than open for it. Honestly I can be again, but this thread has turned into a peace accords at this point. Also we have as much reason to be here as you do. The problem is telling us from the trolls apart.

ETA I donā€™t mind playing MM or BM, itā€™s just that my Polearm is 395 and my bow is 375 and that is not for trying for a higher weapon on either. I have bad luck with gear and RNG.

not sure why you made a greatest hits compilation of my posts that have nothing to do with what I said but thanks.

go find all the melee goons in the thread that ignored the OP and proclaimed melee is superior and ranged is not needed. even though they likely donā€™t touch the ranged specs so this thread is not even meant for their input.

i also find it funny you talk about my post history which i have no problem with, i wouldnā€™t post if i cared, but you yourself have always hid on an alt and your profile is private.


This game is supposed to be fun right?

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