We need range Survival Hunters back

Interesting analogy. Is this suggesting that ranged SV was a functional toilet? Are you perhaps a plumber by trade?

Lol this thread.

It speaks volumes to how all view the hunter community.

Huntard is spending the last couple years crying over a spec that was marginally used at best and is not coming back.

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more like 3 years of trolls defending a dead spec nobody wanted


And trolls bashing a Spec because of their feeling were hurt and they cannot accept that the old way is not coming back.

The truth is that those who bash Melee SV as not being fun tend to have an agenda that is never going to work. Those that bash Ranged SV are trolling Bepples because they know that he cannot let it go and itā€™s too easy for them not to.


The honest underlying tones to majority of the argument seems to be people who are ok with getting their content streamlined against people who do not. Had the option to be a survival melee hunter have been given instead of taking away a spec no one would have complained and a lot of this is due to blizzards laziness in design.

Apparently the lead class designer based things off of a more visual aspect rather than coming to actually understanding a core mechanic to the class and spec, and did wrong by many who have invested more into the class than others over years.

Itā€™s in the wrong spot and needs to be fixed to bring it back to unity under ranged. They need to get rid of lone wolf and axe the melee hunter entirely or add in option to be a melee hunter by talents in the survival tree which is something they can easily do.

on another note the whole entire game is in the wrong spot imo.


Lone wolf is amazing. Melee he nter is the best SV has ever been.
The whole entire game is great, super easy to gear and play.

This in-fighting has created a cycle of hatred, were one side attacks the other then that side comes back and attacks that side. Lets say a man bumped into you and says ā€œ watch where youā€™re going, idiot.ā€

This reaction is obviously not going to elicit a kind response, and this hurts. Plain and simple, someone said something that hurt you; because of this, thereā€™s now a unbalanced situation where you have negativity in you and you want to get it out, express it.

The most productive response would be to think ā€œ"this isnā€™t about me, the man is probably having a bad dayā€ or ā€œIā€™m sorry sir, i didnā€™t see you.ā€ But instead whatā€™s the most common thing for someone to say?

ā€œF#^! you, a&@#!Ā£ā€* or something of the sort.

This will, in turn, evoke a similar response in the other person, which will provoke a similar response from you and so on so forth.

THAT is the cycle of hate.

It can all be ended by understanding, compassion and a simple ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ and moving on with your day.

Very simply range Hunters were here originally and they have the right to express that frustration with loosing their place in Hunters; however, now we have a new form of SV Hunters and they have just as much right to express their enjoyment of the spec.

Both sides need to come to a understanding that Blizzard makes the choices, berating melee hunters for playing will not bring rang SV back; vis versa, gloating that rang SV is never coming back is just adding to the cycle.
We as Hunters need to stand together on these issues than staying on this same cycle of anger and retaliation.

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proof melee hunter is made for idiots


That was never an option and we have post histories on two forum sites to prove it

This has always been the response. There really hasnā€™t been a choice since this is always going to be an anonymous forum and people are more free to say what they will never do in person. You can talk about the cycle of hate, and you are partially right, but itā€™s not my side that started this, again, we have forums that provide a history of it to prove it.

What am I then?

However, if not already learned from Bepples long-winded responces, sometimes it just better not to say anything. So they hate on melee, you enjoy it and that is something they can not stop, no matter how big of a wall of text they throw.
Words have no power, unless you give them it.

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He does use a lot of words to say nothing at all. Too bad heā€™s not alone and itā€™s also too bad that there has been too many run off. Itā€™s a bit too little, too late to get that immunity back. Look at the HCT thread, look at the pace of the threads here. Weā€™re not the community we used to be and I can point to people in this thread that made it that way. Hell, I can point to myself as much as several.

A single word can have more power than a entire paragraph.

Some posters like to give long explanations why there arguments are better, but they still ca not change what has already been done. Adam gave us melee hunters, and Bepples or the rest would need to convince him that range needs to come back. These arguments have not shown any changes, only caused more anger between hunters.

Itā€™s too late for that. Itā€™s a good cause but the damage is done. You want the community to get itā€™s unity back, donā€™t just single out Bepples, heā€™s not the only openly Anti-Melee poster here. Ranged SV will not fix the problem. A forum moderator doing their job and some time to reset the regulars will.

Whereā€™d the spear Hunter stab you? Poor thing!

get out of here with that bs, lone wolf is a holder for them to excuse from having to fully adjust the pet a.i, and no easy to gear and easy to play is what makes the game lose subs to the point where they literally have to pair an active sub account in order to play classic a 15 year old game that got the formula right. The easy accessibility also ruins immersion and class loyalty to the point where we get people with no actual investment into the class throwing around idiotic opinions that diverge completely from what the class should be and ruin the overall experience of the game.

Thatā€™s just stupid. completely stupid.


How so? Go into detail by all means.

Lonewolf is amazing though. Really gives the ranger feel to the spec.

Easy to play is what casuals, the large majority of the player base, like.

Classic isnā€™t the Holy Grail of gaming champ.

Please try to use more punctuation, so you donā€™t come off as a clown.

Only mentioning Bepples cause he has been the most prolific and around the longest. There has been who have agreed with him and supported his cause, but you have to acknowlege that they are gone while he has stayed.
Same with melee hunter supporters, they show up fight for thier side, but by next expansion they disappear.