We need range Survival Hunters back

It wasn’t someone in this thread. It was quoted from a stream for the WFR where they were talking about the Hunter class and it’s viability in raids so far.

They said more than what I’m writing now ofc.
But in response to your reply above:

Quote(from the discussion on stream): “Hunter’s don’t have DoTs”

I’m very well aware that all of our current specs have some kind of abilities that deal periodic damage.
I’m sure those on the stream are as well.

To put in context, they were talking about raid encounters and how so many of them have situations where you would want to focus on multi-dotting or focus on dealing with spread out targets.

Yes, if you look at the statement alone. It’s false. Hunter’s do have DoTs.

But if you put it in context with the overall discussion on raid encounters and how the class isn’t very good at dealing with multiple spread targets. It becomes more true.

Now, I did in my first post on this subject, bring up the topic of multi-dotting as well as using multiple targets to funnel damage into ST.
I did this in order to expand on that specific statement. And why I chose to include it/talk about it.

MSV essentially only has Serpent Sting which you can reliably apply to multiple targets at once.
That one ability on it’s own, will not make you very attractive for fights where this way of dealing damage is required.
Keep in mind that I’m mostly talking about fights where enemies tend to be spread out. And not being stacked together for very long.

As for fights where stacked AoE is favorable, all hunter specs have ways to deal with this. Some better than others ofc. This is always the case, with every spec in the game.

It’s a DoT, though not one that you can apply to multiple targets at once.

I’m sorry, I can’t figure out what this means :confused:
Did your phone decide words on it’s own again? ^^

MSV is afaik, the only hunter spec who has a way to “funnel” damage dealt to several targets, and make you deal more damage against a single main target.
(thanks to the Bloodseeker talent).

Now, I haven’t played MSV since the alpha/beta of BfA, but I dno how much that talents would actually give you in terms of ST dmg.
But as it applies to all bleeds on all targets within 12 yards, and not just bleeds you’ve applied yourself, it has the potential to be really good.

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